Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Julia Kuznetsova, Olga Lyashevskaya, Anastasia Makarova, Tore Nesset, and Svetlana Sokolova. 2013. Why Russian aspectual prefixes aren't empty: prefixes as verb classifiers. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 211 pp. Summary of the book is here, the data is on the website.
Co-edited volumes:
Sokolova, S. & A. Endresen (Eds.). 2022. Special Issue “Collaboration Beyond the Classroom: Undergraduate Research in Russian Language Studies”, Vol. 72 of the Russian Language Journal. 10 articles. 214 pp.
Forthcoming articles:
Endresen, Anna, Laura A. Janda, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina. Frthc. 2025. From a list to a network: Growing the Russian Constructicon via research on families of constructions (In print) In Ziem, A., Willich A., Michel S. (Eds.) Constructing constructicons: Issues, approaches and cross-linguistic perspectives. "Constructional Approaches to Language" (CAL) series of John Benjamins.
Endresen, Anna and Valentina Zhukova. Frthc. 2024. Constructionist approach to assessment of language proficiency skills in Russian as a foreign language. To appear in the volume "Assessment of Russian as a Foreign Language: Unlocking Proficiency" in Routledge Series on Russian Language Pedagogy and Research.
Articles under development:
(with Radovan Bast and Laura Janda) The Russian Constructicon: an interface design for learners, linguists, and NLP engineers.
(with several co-authors) Системные отношения конструкций и их представление в ресурсе Русский конструктикон [Systemic relationships of constructions and their representation in the Russian Constructicon].
(with Daria Mordashova and Valentina Zhukova) Families and clusters of comparative constructions in Russian.
Published articles (selected from a total of 34 published works):
Endresen, Anna and Olaf Mikkelsen. 2024. Ten good reasons to build the Norwegian ConstructiCon, a dictionary of grammar. Lexicographica - International Annual for Lexicography / Internationales Jahrbuch für Lexikographie, 40(1), 121-145.
Janda, Laura A., Valentina Zhukova, Anna Endresen. 2024. Typology of reduplication in Russian: constructions within and beyond a single clause. In: Kopotev, M., Kwon, K. (Eds.) Constructions with Lexical Repetitions in East-Slavic. Trends in Linguistics series, Vol. 384, De Gruyter Mouton. 73-98.
Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina. 2023. From data to theory: an emergent semantic classification based on the large-scale Russian constructicon. In Constructions and Frames 15(1), 1-58.
Endresen, Anna, Valentina Zhukova, Elena Bjørgve, Daria Demidova, Natalia Kalanova, Zoia Butenko, George Lonshakov, David Henrik Lavén. 2022. “Construxercise!: Implementation of a construction-based approach to language pedagogy”. In Sokolova, S. & A. Endresen (Eds.) “Collaboration Beyond the Classroom: Undergraduate Research in Russian Language Studies”. Special Issue of the Russian Language Journal 72. pp. 47-71. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12476.92807/1
Janda, L.A., A. Endresen, S. Sokolova. 2022. “Introduction. Student co-creation of teaching resources, methods, and social integration”. In Russian Language Journal 72. pp. 1-5.
Endresen, Anna and Laura A. Janda. 2020. “Taking Construction Grammar One Step Further: Families, Clusters, and Networks of Evaluative Constructions in Russian”. In Mike Putnam, Matthew Carlson, Antonio Fábregas, Eva Wittenberg (eds.) Defining Construction: Insights into the Emergence and Generation of Linguistic Representations (special issue of Frontiers in Psychology 11). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1664-1078.
Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina. 2020. “How to build a constructicon in five years: The Russian Example”. In Frank Brisard, Timothy Colleman, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans, and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.) “The Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research” [a thematic issue of Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34], pp. 162-175.
Endresen, Anna, Valentina Zhukova, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina, Olga Lyashevskaya. 2020. “Russkij konstruktikon: Novyj lingvističeskij resurs, ego ustrojstvo i specifika” [= The Russian Constructicon: A new linguistic resource, its design and key characteristics]. In: Computational linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue 2020“. Issue 19. pp. 226-241. ISSN 2075-7182. DOI: 10.28995/2075-7182-2020-19-241-255
Endresen, Anna. 2019. "Two origins of the prefix iz- and how they affect the vy- vs. iz- correlation in Modern Russian". Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of Russian and other Slavic Languages 43, 205–229 (2019).
Janda, Laura A., Anna Endresen, Robert Reynolds. 2019. "Aspectual opposition and rivalry in Russian are not discrete: New evidence from experimental data". Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study of Russian and other Slavic Languages Vol. 43, 249-271.
Endresen, Anna, Laura A. Janda. 2018. "Eksperimental'noe issledovanie russkix potencial'nyx glagolov s pristavkami o- i u-" [= An experimental study of possible Russian verbs prefixed in o- and u-]. Voprosy jazykoznanija [= Topics in the study of language]. Vol 1. 45-63.
Sokolova, Svetlana and Anna Endresen. 2017. "The Return of the Prefix ZA-, or What Determines the Prototype?" In: Makarova, A., S. M. Dickey and D. S. Divjak (eds.) Each Venture a New Beginning: Studies in Honor of Laura A. Janda. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. Pp. 241-258.
Endresen, Anna, Laura A. Janda. 2016. "Five statistical models for Likert-type experimental data on acceptability judgments". Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science. Vol. 3(2). 217-250. The data and supplementary materials are at
Endresen, Anna, Laura A. Janda, Robert Reynolds, Francis M. Tyers. 2016. "Who needs particles? A challenge to the classification of particles as a part of speech in Russian". Russian Linguistics 40(2), 1-30. Available at . See also conference ppt of this study here.
Endresen, Anna. 2016. Review of the book by Nikolas Gisborne and Willem B. Hollmann (eds.) Theory and data in Cognitive Linguistics (Benjamins Current Topics 67) Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2014, pp.262. Functions of Language 23(3). 391-399.
Baayen, Harald R., Laura A. Janda, Tore Nesset, Anna Endresen, Anastasia Makarova. 2013. "Making choices in Russian: Pros and cons of statistical methods for rival forms". In special issue of Russian Linguistics 37:3, “Space and Time in Russian Temporal Expressions”. 253-291. Available here. See the data at
Nesset, Tore, Anna Endresen, Laura A. Janda, Anastasia Makarova, Mark Turner, Francis Steen. 2013. "How here and now in Russian and English establish joint attention in TV news broadcasts". Russian Linguistics 37:3, special issue “Space and Time in Russian Temporal Expressions”. 229-251. See the data at
Endresen, Anna. 2013. "Samostojatel’nye morfemy ili pozicionnye varianty? Morfologičeskij status russkix pristavok o- i ob- v svete novyx dannyx: korpus I èksperiment" [= Distinct morphemes or positional variants? Morphological status of the Russian prefixes o- and ob- in the light of new evidence: corpus and experiment]. Voprosy jazykoznanija 6: 33-69. Available at Find the data and R code here.
Endresen, Anna, Laura A. Janda, Julia Kuznetsova, Olga Lyashevskaya, Anastasia Makarova, Tore Nesset, and Svetlana Sokolova. 2012. "Russian ‘purely aspectual’ prefixes: Not so ‘empty’ after all?" Scando-Slavica 58:2. 231-291. Available here. See the data at
Nesset, Tore, Anna Endresen, Laura A. Janda. 2011. "Two ways to get out: Radial Category Profiling and the Russian Prefixes vy- and iz-". Zeitschrift für Slawistik 4. 377–402. Available here.
Endresen, Anna and Vladimir Plungian. 2011. "Russian morphophonemics in a nutshell: The verb vstat’ ‘stand up’". Poljarnyj Vestnik. Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies. Vol. 14. 22-44.
Endresen, Anna. 2011. “Russkije pristavki O-, OB- i OBO-: Raznye allomorphy ili morfemy? Eksperimental’noe issledovanie.” [= The Russian Prefixes O-, OB- and OBO-: Different allomorphs or morphemes? An Experimental Study]. In Černigovskaya, T. (ed.) Proceedings of the 40th International Philological Conference at St. Petersburg State University. March 14–19, 2011. Psycholinguistics. St. Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University Press. 46-55. ISBN 978-5-8465-1132-3.
Nesset, Tore, Anna Endresen, Laura A. Janda. 2009. "Getting out: A preliminary analysis of vy- and iz-". Poljarnyj Vestnik. Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies. Vol. 12. 72–85. Available at
Dictionary articles:
Endresen, Anna. “Zvatel’naja forma” [= The Vocative] (p. 98); “Epifanij Premudryj” [= Epiphanios the Wise, Russian late-medieval hagiographer] (p. 86); “Poučenie Vladimira Monomaxa” [= The testament of Vladimir II Monomakh]. (p. 310-311) In Russkij jazyk: Škol’nyj ènciklopedičeskij slovar’ [= The Russian Language: A school dictionary]. 2013. Drugovejko-Dolžanskaja, S.V. and D.N. Čerdakov (Eds.) St. Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University Press. ISBN 978-5-904131-18-0. 584 pp. Reprinted in 2nd edition in 2014. ISBN 978-5-8465-1442-3.