Voluntary Projects


Just for fun. Well, on the background, it is for the satisfaction I get when I see my systems being used for more socially relevant reasons. Voluntary - yes, it is different from business and that makes it even more special from the bottom of the heart.

Academic Department Webpage - CSE Dept, IIT Madras

This was designed and developed for CSE dept IIT Madras. The aim was to disseminate information regarding the members and activities at department. The website is currently being used as the department webpage. (duration : May 2014 » Nov 2014 )

Drona - A Teaching Content Management System

This was designed to help teachers to make their lecture plan, contents etc publicly available easily. It will come with an appropriate content management system at the backend. Note that very powerful free softwares like moodle are already available. I have just redesigned the system from the teachers perspective stressing on features specific to teachers that moodle does not seem to cover easily. The current version is in use here. I plan to put it out soon in the public domain as an open source software. (duration : Nov 2011 » Jan 2012 )

Kerala Kala Samithi - Homepage

Kerala Kala Samithi is an organization inside IIT Madras Campus. I designed and developed my their current homepage hosted here. (duration : Oct 2011 » Nov 2011)

Theory Group, CSE Dept, IITM - Homepage

I designed and developed their current homepage hosted here. (duration : Aug 2011 » Sep 2011).

Ward Level Health Management System (WHMS)

This was done on request from one of the primary health centers in Kerala. I co-developed (along with Jayalal), a generic standalone system based on PHP and MySQL, to manage the complete health care information system of a ward. This is in use in many Primary Health Centers in Kerala now. We have released it privately for free. If you need a copy, please contact Harilal Sarma (Email : harilalsarma@gmail.com). (duration : Jan 2010 » May 2010)