
投稿日: 2016/07/12 8:51:17

生態研センター門脇浩明さんのご紹介で,ニュージーランドLandcare ResearchのRichard Leschenさんにセミナーをしていただきます.




Natural History and Evolution of Alpine Beetles of New Zealand

Richard AB Leschen

New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Auckland, New Zealand


Insect diversity above the timberline has, in general, been poorly documented in New Zealand and limited to certain taxonomic groups. What is known about alpine beetles is confined to secondary observations in ecological studies and information contained in taxonomic works documenting species and genera. Examination of material held in museum collections, specimens derived from survey work, and insights from naturalists, indicates an unexpected and little appreciated richness in beetle species in alpine areas with low vegetation and exposed, rocky environments. Almost every survey of microcoleoptera above the tree-line produces species new to science and not seen in collections. To summarise on-going phylogenetic, ecological, and survey work: 1) some species have a wide altitudinal range, while some lineages contain species that are range- and/or alpine-specific; 2) high altitude specialists may have lowland counterparts and may be older in age than alpine plants or, rarely, may be of ancient origin with sister taxa outside New Zealand; 3) morphological adaptations include darker colouration and the absence of hind wings.

紹介:Richard Leschenさんは、世界を代表する甲虫学者で、主にニュージーランドにおける昆虫の多様性と系統進化、分類学をご専門とされています。世界の甲虫のモノグラフを編集されているため、甲虫の分類・進化と自然史について何でもご存じです。インターネットで名前を検索するとギタリスト・シンガーソングライターとしての活動にも力をいれておられるため、そちらが上位にヒットしてしまいますが、甲虫の研究もアクティブに展開されています。
