
Access to the Animation/Games Art studios

Your name has already been submitted to security to have access to JL2011 (Animation studios) added to your cards for this semester. however you are still required to take a few more steps to ensure access. these are as follows:

  • Activate your student card by touching against a main electronic key pad. there is one at the entrance of the Jenny Lind building
  • take your card to security (at the reception of St. Johns campus) to ensure that your details have been correctly added.

If you experience any further difficulty please let me know as soon as you can.

Template for your Blogs can be found here. you will need a Gmail account. this will then allow you to have your own Google sites. this will then allow you to make copy of it and rename it i.e. "ANIM1004 your name portfolio "

Session Two 2nd of October 2017 and 6th of October 2017

Drawing paper and pen or pencil is required for this session.

University of Worcester Harvard referencing guidelines found here

Lynda .comAccess is available for students by clicking here and on the subject pages for each IHCA division: