
This project started in 2002. It was among the first in the database research community to study crowdsourcing for data management (focusing on building data integration systems). And it was about 9 years early. Research on crowdsourcing in the database community didn't take off in earnest until around 2011.

Early Work (2002 - 2004)

I focused on crowdsourcing for schema matching. At the time, the term "crowdsourcing" didn't exist, so it was called "mass collaboration". The basic idea however was the same: pose a question, solicit multiple answers, aggregate the answers (e.g., via majority voting).

Work on Crowdsourcing Knowledge Bases (2005 - 2009)

Subsequently I focused on crowdsourcing to build community-centric knowledge bases, and deployed such a knowledge base called DBLife.

Surveys and Miscellaneous Work

Crowdsourcing Work in Silicon Valley (2010 - date)

I did a fair amount of crowdsourcing work in industry, from 2010 to date. This work is still ongoing.