Project Description for CS 839 Spring 2019


The goal of this project is to get your hand "dirty" as a budding data scientist (and to practice certain materials taught in the class). After finishing the project, you will gain a much better appreciation for working with "data in the wild", a better understanding of what it means to work as a data scientist, a deeper understanding of the class materials, a deeper understanding of how to use and debug machine learning models, a chance to work with popular data science tools in Python, and a glimpse into some research efforts in data science.

Specifically, in this project, you will collect data, "wrangle" the data, by extracting/cleaning/matching/integrating the data into a single unified data set, then analyze that data set to infer insights.


All the dates below may still be changed. All deadlines are 11:59 pm on the dates mentioned.

    • Stage 0: Form team, due Sun Feb 17. You will enter team information into a page that we will provide.