Образцы монологических высказываний

1. You are going to give a talk about museums and art galleries. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• whether you like going to museums and art galleries or not, and why

• how often you go to museums and art galleries

• what museum has impressed you most of all, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. Without any doubt, I think going to museums is a wonderful activity, especially on holiday.

2. Firstly, I really enjoy museums because I love sculptures.

3. I believe that the best sculptures were made by ancient Greece and Rome, and you can only see them in museums.

4. Secondly, there are many different kinds of museums, and each one has something interesting.

5. There can be dinosaurs, rocks and minerals, or even art.

6. However, to be honest, I am not too keen on art galleries because I think a lot of the paintings look too similar.

7. I go to a museum once every two or three months, and I am almost always impressed.

8. In my opinion, the best museum I’ve ever seen is the Louvre in Paris.

9. They have wonderful ancient sculptures there and they are the most beautiful ones I have ever seen.

10. Besides being of good quality, there are many different kinds.

11. Last but not least, I would like to say that museums are nice because students can usually get a discount.

12. Everyone should go to a museum from time to time.

2. You are going to give a talk about learning foreign languages. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what foreign language is the most popular in the modern world

• why it is important to know at least one foreign language

• what you do to improve your English

You have to talk continuously.

1. As far as I know, English is the most popular language in the world.

2. Firstly, English has become the language of business.

3. I believe that if someone wants to do business internationally, they must know English.

4. Secondly, if someone wants to travel, they must know English too.

5. Moreover, they need to be able to speak the language.

6. It is also important for everyone in general to know at least one foreign language.

7. I am sure that a person who knows a foreign language has more job opportunities.

8. Besides, knowing a foreign language helps someone be more cultured and intelligent.

9. Last but not least, 1 think that it is important that people improve their language skills.

10. To tell the truth, I spend a lot of time making my English better.

11. I read books, watch films, and have lessons with a tutor.

12. 1 think that learning a language is a kind of life-long commitment.

3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• if you live in a city or in the countryside

• what you like about the place where you live, and why

• whether you would prefer to live in another place or not, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. Well, I live in a city, Moscow.

2. I think that it is a very nice place to live.

3. Firstly, there are many parks for people to go to.

4. Moreover, they are very beautiful and people can walk or ride their bicycles there.

5. These are my two favourite activities!

6. Secondly, I love going to the theatre.

7. I believe that this city has the best ballet and watching a performance always puts me in a good mood.

8. Thirdly, the city I live in has a wonderful metro.

9. I like knowing that I can go anywhere I want and it always takes less than an hour.

10. To be honest, I wouldn’t like to live in another place.

11. Besides, my family is here, and 1 don’t want to be far away from them.

12. Last but not least, all my friends are here too, and I would be lonely living somewhere else.

4. You are going to give a talk about household chores. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what household chores you are responsible for

• which chores you prefer, and why

• what your least favourite household duty is, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. Actually, 1 am responsible for many household chores.

2. Each person in my family has their own that they have to do.

3. Let me see.

4. Firstly, I am supposed to do the dishes at the weekends.

5. Moreover, I have to clean the whole kitchen at the weekends.

6. Secondly, I need to help my mum cook dinner in the evenings, but I actually like helping prepare food.

7. It is my most preferable chore to do because I like it when my family says that something tastes good.

8. I believe that it means I did a good job.

9. Besides, I like the food myself!

10. Last but not least, I have to clean the bathroom on Sundays.

11. I think that it is my least favourite activity because I have to wear rubber gloves and use all kinds of chemicals.

12. I know that everyone has to do household chores in their lives, but in my opinion, children shouldn’t have to do so many.

5. You are going to give a talk about food. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• whether you prefer home-cooked food or restaurant food, and why

• what your favourite food is

• what kind of food you can cook yourself

You have to talk continuously.

1. You know, I really love eating tasty food.

2. To tell the truth, I prefer home-cooked food over restaurant food.

3. Firstly, in my opinion, restaurant food has too many poor quality ingredients.

4. Restaurants usually buy products that are the cheapest, so that they make more money.

5. Besides, fruits and vegetables in a restaurant are never as tasty as the ones that you can buy in the market to prepare at home.

6. Secondly, 1 really like homemade pelmeni.

7. Moreover, they are my favourite thing to eat.

8. It goes without saying that they are tasty when they are eaten with butter or sour cream.

9. To my mind, it does not matter.

10. Thirdly, I am sure that it is always cheaper to make your favourite dishes at home.

11. Last but not least, I like cooking and can make pasta, different soups, and burritos.

12. Without any doubt, cooking takes a long a time, but the things that I make always turn out great.

6. You are going to give a talk about computers. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what you use a computer for

• how computers can help students in their studies

• whether computers can be dangerous or not, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. To be honest, I use a computer for almost everything.

2. I think that there are so many things that you need to do that can only be done on a computer.

3. Firstly, as far as I know, every student needs to use a computer for schoolwork.

4. I use it to write essays, to look up information I need for class, and sometimes to email my homework directly to my teacher.

5. Moreover, computers are extremely helpful in helping students with their studies.

6. I am sure that if you have a question about something, you can find everything you want to know on the Internet.

7. To my mind, they make doing research so much easier.

8. Secondly, I use a computer to chat with my friends and send emails.

9. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who spends hours every day on social networks.

10. Last but not least, people must be careful when using a computer because there are terrible viruses.

11. Besides, a lot of people don’t install anti-virus software.

12. I believe that if people aren’t careful, hackers can steal your bank information, your credit card information, and any personal details you have on your computer.

7. You are going to give a talk about studying at university. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• which university you would like to enter, and why

• whether you would like to study abroad or not, and why

• why university education is important

You have to talk continuously.

1. И goes without saying that everyone in my class is thinking about where they would like to study.

2. I am sure that 1 would like to go to the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

3. Firstly, the university there has an amazing physics department and I am very keen on studying there because of it.

4. Besides, it has a great chemistry department too.

5. I want to be a scientist, and the university is perfect for me.

6. Secondly, as I said, it is in the UK.

7. 1 am sure that studying abroad would be wonderful because I could improve my English and live in a new country.

8. Moreover, it would be very interesting to experience living in a different culture.

9. Thirdly, as far as I know, if I get a diploma from a foreign university, it will be easier to get a job later.

10. Last but not least, although I want to study at the University of Birmingham, the most important thing is to get a university education.

11. I believe that your education determines your whole life.

12. To my mind, your job, your friends, and even your future marriage depends on who you meet and what you do at university.

8. You are going to give a talk about national holidays. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what national holidays are the most popular in your country

• what your favourite national holiday is, and why

• whether you prefer celebrating it at home or not, and why

You have to talk continuously.

I. I think that the most popular national holiday in Russia is New Year’s Day.

2. I am sure that people enjoy it more than Victory Day, but, to be honest, I like Victory Day more.

3. Firstly, to my mind, it is much more enjoyable to have a holiday in the spring than in the winter.

4. Moreover, you can have a picnic with your family, ride a bicycle in a park, or have shashlik.

5. Secondly, as far as I know, Victory Day is a very Russian holiday.

6. I believe that there are a few other countries that celebrate it, but Russians enjoy it the most.

7. I like the fact that it’s really our own special day.

8. Thirdly, the holiday is great because you can celebrate it at home too and watch a parade on TV.

9. However, to be honest, I prefer to celebrate it outdoors because the winters are so cold and it is usually warm on Victory Day.

10. Last but not least, Victory Day is great because everyone gets to rest from school and work.

II. I think that it’s a kind of special break after a long winter.

9. You are going to give a talk about zoos. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• why some people like going to the zoo

• what the good things and bad things about zoos are

• whether you feel sorry for the animals in zoos

You have to talk continuously.

1. Without any doubt, there are some people who like going to the zoo because it is the only way someone can see so many different animals in one area, but that means that there are few of each animal.

2. Personally, I hate zoos.

3. I think that they are bad for animals.

4. Firstly, animals like to have a lot of space to run around and play.

5. I think that when they are in a zoo their cages are too small.

6. Moreover, they are so small that they become bored and just sleep all the time.

7. Secondly, they become lonely.

8. Thirdly, the food that zoos feed animals isn’t of the best quality.

9. Last but not least, zoos seem good because many animals live longer in a zoo than they would in the wild.

10. Besides, they are given medicine to help them live longer.

11. However, I feel sorry for these animals because a long life without freedom doesn’t seem like a good life to me.

10. You are going to give a talk about communication. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• why communication is necessary

• what golden rules of good communication are

• whether you are a good communicator

You have to talk continuously.

1. I am sure that communication is necessary for everyone.

2. I think that there is no job or lifestyle that doesn’t require some kind of communication.

3. Firstly, if people didn’t communicate, they would be lonely.

4. Without any doubt, people need each other to be happy.

5. Secondly, it goes without saying that if people didn’t speak with one another, it would be impossible to survive.

6. Everyone needs to talk to others when they buy food, go shopping, or travel somewhere.

7. Moreover, life is easier when you have others to help you do things, and you can’t have help if you can’t communicate in some way.

8. Thirdly, when a person has good communication skills, he can get a better job and make friends more easily.

9. Besides, people actually enjoy each other’s company.

10. Last but not least, I think that I am a good communicator because I follow the golden rules of communication.

11. I think that the golden rules of being a good communicator are that people need to listen, make eye contact, and respond to what people are saying.

12. As far as I know, if they do these three things, people will want to talk to them more.

11. You are going to give a talk about shopping. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• whether you like shopping or not, and why

• whether you prefer to go shopping alone or not, and why

• which you prefer: shopping online or going to shops, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. Actually, I really like shopping.

2. I think that it makes me happy when I buy new things.

3. Firstly, I should say that when I buy something that looks nice, such as some new clothes, it makes me feel good too.

4. Moreover, other people notice me more, and are nicer to me.

5. Secondly, I like that I can go shopping with my friends.

6. The thing is that I don’t like shopping by myself.

7. In my opinion, when I shop with friends I like that they can give me advice about what to buy and what not to buy.

8. Besides, I like having people to talk with in general.

9. Thirdly, without any doubt, I like going to shops.

10. I don’t enjoy shopping online because I like to see the thing that I am buying in real life.

11. To my mind, things online often look better than they do in reality.

12. Last but not least, to tell the truth, I know that things are often cheaper online, but I like knowing that I can get what I want instantly.

12. You are going to give a talk about personal space. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• why teenagers need their own personal space

• how you organize your personal space

• whether your parents respect your personal space

You have to talk continuously.

1. 1 am sure that everyone needs their own personal space, but I think that teenagers need it most of all.

2. Firstly, I think that teenagers have more personal problems than adults, and I believe that they need more time to think about things.

3. Moreover, they are learning about things for the first time and need extra time to be alone with their thoughts.

4. Secondly, teenagers have more real friends than adults.

5. The thing is that they have many friends at school and it takes a lot of time to communicate with all of them.

6. To my mind, they need more time and a private space to send everyone messages.

7. Thirdly, I am sure that teenagers always have a lot of homework and they need their own place to do it all.

8. Last but not least, 1 organize my personal space very carefully.

9. 1 have a desk where I organize all my homework and I have decorated my room with posters.

10. Besides, my parents know that I need time for myself and they are actually very good at leaving me alone.

11. They knock every time they want to enter my room.

12. All in all, I think I am quite lucky.

13. You are going to give a talk about family traditions. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what your favourite family tradition is, and why

• how this tradition began

• what makes this tradition special

You have to talk continuously.

1. As far as I know, every family has its own traditions.

2. For example, my family plays a board game together every Saturday night.

3. Firstly, I should say that the tradition began when my parents gave me a board game as a New Year’s present a few years ago.

4. We all really liked it, and shortly after the first time we played, we began to play every Saturday.

5. Secondly, in my opinion, it’s always nice to look forward to something during the week.

6. Moreover, everyone in my family knows that we will play a board game at the weekend, and it’s nice that we know that we are guaranteed to spend time together.

7. Thirdly, I am not sure I know the right answer, but the thing is that I think this tradition is special because 1 don’t know anyone else who plays games together as a family.

8. It is something only my family does.

9. Last but not least, I am sure that playing the game makes my family happier.

10. By the way, we usually order a pizza.

11. That makes it a wonderful night too.

14. You are going to give a talk about ecological problems. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what the biggest ecological problems of the 21 st century are

• what the main reasons of these problems are

• how these ecological problems can be solved

You have to talk continuously.

1. Without any doubt, the 21st century has more ecological problems than any other century.

2. Firstly, global warming is a huge problem.

3. To my mind, there is nothing more important.

4. The whole planet is getting warmer and it is becoming more difficult to grow food.

5. Moreover, a lot of creatures in the sea are dying because it is too hot.

6. Secondly, the cause of air pollution and global warming is people.

7. Factories and cars produce so many toxic fumes.

8. Besides, factories also dump terrible chemicals into lakes and rivers.

9. Thirdly, people produce too much rubbish and throw everything away that they no longer need.

10. Last but not least, it goes without saying that if people don’t change their habits, our ecological problems will only get worse.

11. As far as I can see, all the problems are due to people themselves.

12. I think that governments around the world need to make new laws to limit pollution and waste and punish people who break the law.

15. You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what the weather and seasons are like in the place where you live

• what your favourite season is, and why

• if weather affects the way you feel, and how

You have to talk continuously.

1. Actually, the weather where I live is really bad.

2. Firstly, I should say that the winters here are the worst.

3. It gets really cold and because the sun rarely comes out, the snow never melts.

4. Moreover, this bad weather makes me depressed and I wait for every winter to end.

5. Secondly, in my opinion, the spring that we have here is also not so good.

6. It makes me sad to see it start to get warm in April, and then for it to become like winter again in May.

7. Thirdly, the autumn here is cold and wet.

8. Without any doubt, it makes everyone, including me, nervous about the coming winter.

9. By the end of autumn, everyone is already wearing their fur coats!

10. Last but not least, to be honest, I am only happy in summer.

11. As far as I know, there is more daylight in the summer than any other season and I feel wonderful when I am outside.

12. It goes without saying that I think that it is the best season of the year.

16. You are going to give a talk about different ways of keeping in touch with other people. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what ways of keeping in touch with people are

• what the advantages and disadvantages about each way are

• what your favourite way of keeping in touch with people is

You have to talk continuously.

1. In my opinion, it is always very important to keep in touch with your friends and family.

2. I know that 1 get upset if someone doesn’t send me a message or call me, and there are so many ways people can communicate with each other.

3. Firstly, I should say that everyone can keep in touch using their mobile phone.

4. You know, everyone always has their phone with them, so it’s the most convenient way to send people messages.

5. It can be annoying to have your phone ring while watching a movie, but that can be avoided by turning it off.

6. Secondly, I am sure that almost everyone has a computer.

7. To tell the truth, it’s super easy to write an email.

8. Moreover, while it’s true that computers can be very expensive, if you don’t have a computer, you can go to any library to send an email to someone.

9. Thirdly, if someone doesn’t have a computer or a mobile phone, they can always use the landline that is in everyone’s home.

10. In my opinion, it’s annoying that landline phones are so large, but they are cheap and always work.

11. Last but not least, to tell the truth, mobile phones are great because you can use them to send messages, emails, and call people.

12. So, it’s my favourite way of keeping in touch with people.

17. You are going to give a talk about school uniforms. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what you usually wear at school

• what the advantages of children wearing a school uniform are

• why children dislike wearing a school uniform

You have to talk continuously.

1. To tell the truth, I wear whatever I want to school.

2. I usually just wear jeans and a T-shirt.

3. However, I know there are some places where students wear school uniforms, and I am sure that there are some good things about them.

4. Firstly, school uniforms make a student’s life a bit easier.

5. As far as I can see, students don’t need to make any decisions in the morning when they get ready for school if they have a uniform because they just wear the same thing every day.

6. Secondly, I believe that wearing a school uniform makes students feel that they are all the same because you can’t tell if someone is poor or rich due to their clothes.

7. Besides, uniforms make students feel like they are on a team.

8. Thirdly, the thing is that school uniforms don’t cost a lot of money.

9. Last but not least, I am sure that most students don’t like school uniforms.

10. I believe that they are boring, and I think that they don’t allow students to express themselves.

18. You are going to give a talk about pocket money. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• at what age you received pocket money for the first time

• what your pocket money is for

• if the performance of household chores is rewarded with pocket money in your family

You have to talk continuously.

1. Well, I got pocket money for the first time when 1 was ten years old.

2. I remember my father gave me some money so that I could buy some candy from a shop.

3. Firstly, 1 should say that I never really got a lot of pocket money when I was younger.

4. The thing is that they only gave it to me on special holidays before I was fifteen.

5. Secondly, in order to receive the pocket money I get now, I have to do household chores.

6. Let me see.

7. For example, I have to do the washing-up every weekend and I have to clean my room every Sunday.

8. Besides, I have to help my mum cook as well.

9. Thirdly, I should admit that I get even more pocket money if I get good grades.

10. Moreover, every birthday the amount of pocket money I receive increases for the next year.

11. Last but not least, the thing is that I still feel I don’t have enough pocket money!

12. I spend it on clothes, going to the cinema with my friends, and buying a new mobile phone every year.

19. You are going to give a talk about endangered animals. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• which animals, fish and plants are most endangered in your opinion, and why

• why some species of animals are becoming endangered nowadays

• what can be done to protect endangered animals

You have to talk continuously.

1. As far as 1 know, the most endangered animal, fish, and plant in the world are rhinos, tuna fish, and trees.

2. In my opinion, it is because people are greedy.

3. Firstly, many animals like rhinos and elephants are endangered because people kill them so that they can sell their ivory tusks for a lot of money.

4. Moreover, there are others who kill them for fun.

5. Secondly, as far as I know, tuna fish are becoming endangered because many people don’t want to stop eating them.

6. They are very tasty, and they also sell for a lot of money.

7. Thirdly, I think that the most endangered plants are trees.

8. They are not exactly endangered yet, but they will be.

9. You know, people cut them down to make paper, cardboard, and furniture.

10. Besides, they are also chopped down to build houses.

11. Last but not least, I should say that there is a lot that can be done to save these things, especially animals.

12. I think that governments around the world need to send people who kill endangered animals or sell their products to prison for a long time.

20. You are going to give a talk about extreme sports. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what extreme sports you know

• why people like extreme sports

• if you would like to try any extreme sport or not, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. To tell the truth, I don’t know many extreme sports.

2. Let me think.

3. There is bungee jumping, skydiving, and rock climbing.

4. Firstly, I should say that 1 think that people do extreme sports because they like to feel adrenaline.

5. Moreover, I believe that they can only enjoy life if there is some kind of great thrill.

6. Secondly, as far as I know, people who do extreme sports usually do them all, as one sport is never enough for them.

7. Thirdly, I should admit that I am afraid to try any extreme sports.

8. To be honest, I am always worried that something could go wrong and that 1 could die.

9. Last but not least, without any doubt, 1 am sure that I won’t ever try any extreme sport.

10. Besides, I already play football and tennis and 1 don’t need to do anything dangerous to have fun.

11. I think that regular sports are just fine for me.

21. You are going to give a talk about libraries. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes ( 10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• why people go to the library

• how often you go to the library

• whether people need libraries in the digital age

You have to talk continuously.

1. As far as I know, most people go to the library to look at books that they can’t find on the Internet.

2. Actually, I go to the library at least once a week because I can’t find what 1 am looking for online.

3. It goes without saying that many people doubt whether libraries are still needed in the digital age.

4. Firstly, to tell the truth, 1 don’t understand those people.

5. When you want to find information online, you can only rely on yourself.

6. In a library there is always someone to help you.

7. Moreover, libraries also have the Internet if you need to use it.

8. Secondly, without any doubt, I study better in a library because there are no distractions.

9. Besides, there are even vending machines in libraries now for people to use.

10. Thirdly, libraries are free and there is no reason not to go there if you need help finding information.

11. Last but not least, in my opinion, books are more reliable than the Internet.

12. I am sure that the information in a book is much more accurate than any website on the Internet.

22. You are going to give a talk about volunteering. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• what volunteering is

• why people volunteer

• if you would like to try volunteering

You have to talk continuously.

1. Well, volunteering is basically working for free.

2. To be honest, I’m surprised that a lot of people do it.

3. Firstly, as far as 1 know, the main reason people volunteer is because they want to help people.

4. Moreover, they want to make a difference in the world and feel good about themselves.

5. Secondly, I am sure that a lot of students volunteer because it will help them get into a good university.

6. Actually, there are many universities in the USA that even require that all applicants have to have done volunteer work.

7. Thirdly, the thing is that there are some people who have to do volunteer work because they committed a crime.

8. It is their punishment.

9. You know, it certainly is better than going to prison.

10. Last but not least, 1 should say that I would like to do some volunteer work.

11. I would like to help people build a house or to feed homeless people.

12. Besides, I might actually enjoy it.

23. You are going to give a talk about presents. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• the best gift you have ever received

• whether you like to be surprised by a gift, or to get something you have asked for, and why

• whether you prefer giving or receiving presents, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. Well, the best gift I have ever received in my life is a plane ticket to Disneyland in France.

2. My parents surprised me on New Year’s with the present and told me that we were all going to Disneyland for our next holiday.

3. Firstly, I should say that I like being surprised by gifts.

4. In my opinion, if someone really cares about you, they will know what to buy you.

5. Secondly, I think that if someone gives you a present that you asked for, there is nothing to look forward to.

6. Besides, the whole point of a present is that it is a surprise.

7. Thirdly, 1 think that people often give you a present that they think that you need, but that you wouldn’t buy for yourself.

8. That is the best present.

9. Last but not least, I should say that 1 prefer giving presents rather than receiving them.

10. Moreover, I enjoy the whole experience of looking for a gift for someone.

11. To my mind, if I give them the perfect gift, they will know that I truly care about them.

24. You are going to give a talk about books. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

• whether reading books is still a popular pastime with teenagers or not, and why

• what kind of books you are fond of, and why

• which you prefer: e-books or paper books, and why

You have to talk continuously.

1. Let me see.

2. I think that reading books isn’t very popular with teenagers these days.

3. Firstly, the thing is that many of them prefer to spend their time on their mobile phones looking at social-networking websites.

4. Moreover, they think that reading is a waste of time, especially if they can watch a movie instead.

5. Secondly, to be honest, 1 don’t understand them because 1 love reading.

6. In my opinion, science fiction books are the best because I like reading and dreaming about other planets, space travel, or different realities.

7. Besides, they are usually the only books that can try to show you the future.

8. Thirdly, I should say that 1 prefer paper books to e-books.

9. I like feeling the paper of a book and I like that I can take them anywhere.

10. The thing is that when I read something on my mobile phone or tablet, I always have to worry about the battery running out.

11. Last but not least, to my mind, I think that everyone should read.

12. 1 really love reading because I feel like I’m always learning something when I do it.

Использованная литература:

Гаджиева, Мадина Наримановна и др. ОГЭ. Английский язык : Устная часть : Сборник тестов / Мадина Гаджиева, Елена Меджибовская, Николас

Вейн Кумбс. — Москва : ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО БИЛИНГВА, 2017. — 60 с .