Data Pages

Satellite/Large Scale Observations Data:

  • NCAR CISL : Link

    • Atmospheric Reanalysis, Station data, Satellite observations

  • World Data Center for Climate: Link

    • The WDC for Climate is aimed at collecting, scrutinizing, and disseminating data related to climate change on all time scales. Emphasis is on data products from climate modelling and related observational data. The WDC focuses on geo-referenced data using the operational CERA data and information system. Input is accepted in electronic form, specifics have to be discussed with the WDC staff.

  • ifremer Gridded and Merged products : Link

    • experimental-cms , flux-merged, kco2-ers1, kco2-ers2, kco2-quikscat, mwf-blended (Mean Wind Fields), mwf-ers1, mwf-ers2, mwf-merged, mwf-nscat, mwf-quikscat, ocean-color, psi-backscatter, psi-concentration, psi-drift, rain-alt, sss-amsre, sst-anomaly, sst-climato-pathfinder, sst-l4hr-AVHRR-fnd, sst-pathfinder, sst-reynolds, wavewatch3

  • AVHRR Pathfinder Multichannel sea surface temperature (SST) products : Link

  • (PO.DAAC) The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center : Link

      • Oceanographic Parameters:

      • Topography & Gravity, Ocean Currents, Ocean Winds, Sigma-0, Sea Surface Temperature, Brightness Temperature, Atmospheric Moisture, Heat Flux, In-Situ, Multi-Parameter

      • Satellites:

      • ATSR, AVHRR, Buoy or Ship Data, CCMP, ERS, GDAC/GHRSST, GEOS-3, GEOSAT & GEOSAT Follow-On (GFO), GOES, GRACE, Jason-1, MODIS, NIMBUS-7 SMMR, NSCAT, OSCAR, SeaWinds on QuikSCAT, SeaSat, SeaWinds on ADEOS-II, SSM/I, TOPEX/Poseidon

  • EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites): Link

    • Satellites : Meteosat Second Generation, Meteosat First Generation

    • Jason - Jason-1, Jason-2


    • Other Satellites - NOAA-19, NOAA-18, NOAA-17, Feng Yun, DMSP, ERS-2, GOES, MTSAT-1R, QuickSCAT, aqua, terra

    • Parameters : Aerosol, Cloud, Fire, Forecasts, Humidity, Model, Observation, Precipitation, Pressure, Radiation, Satellite Data, Snow and Ice, Software, Temperature, Vegetation, Wave, Wind

  • Multi-sensor Improved SST for GODAE : Link

    • Data from TMI, AMSR-E, AVHRR, MODIS, GOES and POES objectively analyzed in different combinations.

    • VOCALS Satellite Support Website : Link

    • Created in support of the VOCALS Regional Experiment that took place during October and November, 2008.

  • GHRSST (Global High Resolution SST Pilot Project) : Link

  • Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division (ESRL PSD) : Link

    • Type: Climate Gridded climate datasets, Atmospheric/Ocean Timeseries

    • Type: Satellite

      • Blended Sea Surface Temperature Products

      • Satellite-Derived Heat Fluxes and Near-Surface Specific Humidity and Air Temperature

    • Type:Wind Profiling Radars

      • Wind Profiler Database (half-hourly or hourly post-processed (i.e. research quality) data from 915 and 50 MHz wind profilers.)

      • Boundary Layer Profiler Network, Near Realtime Boundary Layer Profiler Network

    • Type:Cloud Profiling Radars

    • EPIC Data, FIRE-ACE, North Slope of Alaska Project, SHEBA Cloud Microphysics Remote Sensing Archive, NOAA SEARCH Atmospheric Observatory Program in Eureka, Canada

    • Type:Air-Sea Fluxes

      • Cruise Data Archive (FTP link) : EPIC 2001, Flux Database, JASMINE, Nauru '99, PACS, Stratus 2003, SHEBA Fluxes

    • Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (UW and NOAA): Link

    • Data: Realtime climate data, Historical climate data archive, Climatological Rainfall and Surface Temperature, Atlases, Animations, NOAA/PMEL Data, Ecosystems and Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations Data (FOCI Drifter data, FOCI Model Output Data, Conductivity, Temperature, Density Profile and Mooring Data)

      • Software: Computer Helps Page, PMEL Software

  • Global River Discharge data : Link

    • monthly mean river discharge data for over 3500 sites worldwide.

      • The data sources are RivDis2.0, the United States Geological Survey, Brazilian National Department of Water and Electrical Energy, and HYDAT-Environment Canada. The period of record for each station is variable, from 3 years to greater than 100. All data is in m3/s.

  • Remote Sensing Systems : Link

    • Remote Sensing Systems specializes in processing and analyzing microwave data collected by satellite microwave sensors. In addition to providing top quality SSM/I microwave radiometer data, they also direct you to several exciting microwave satellite programs that they are involved with: QuikScat, the NASA SeaWinds Scatterometer launched on July 19, 1999 to replace NSCAT, TMI (TRMM Microwave Imager) placed on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite launched November 27, 1997, and AMSR (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer) flying aboard AQUA (launched May, 2002) and ADEOS-II (launched December, 2002).

    • SSM/I Data, TMI Data, AMSR Data, Quikscat Data, MSU Data, Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Water Vapor Cycle.

    • NASA Earth Science REASoN DISCOVER Project

      • (SSM/I, TMI, AMSR-E, QuikScat, SeaWinds, NSCAT, SST)

      • NASA AMSR-E Science Team (AMSR-E)

      • NASA Ocean Vector Winds Science Team

      • (QuikScat, SeaWinds, NSCAT)

      • NASA Earth Science Physical Oceanography Program (SST)

      • NOAA Climate and Global Change Program (MSU)

  • Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time (OSCAR) : Link

  • AVISO (Sea Level) : Link

  • Dundee Satellite Receiving Station : Link

    • Images from NOAA, SeaStar, Terra and Aqua polar orbiting satellites.

    • Images from geostationary satellites covering the whole earth are also available.

  • YOTC Dataset : Link

    • High Resolution Analysis and Forecasts

    • Satellite Data

      • AIRS temperature, water vapor, and related products : Link

      • CERES cloud properties and radiative fluxes : Link

      • CloudSat cloud and precipitation products : Link

      • GPS temperature and water vapor profiles : Link

      • MLS water vapor, cloud ice, composition and temperature profiles : Link

      • MODIS Cloud Products : Link

      • Program to Evaluate High Resolution Precipitation Products (PEHRPP) : Link

      • QuikScat Air/Sea : Link

      • QuikScat Winds : Link

    • Prototype Data Resources

      • Tropical Cyclone Satellite Information System : Link

  • Gridded SST from NOAA (AMSR+AVHRR) : Link

  • CISL Research Data Archive : Link

Model/Objectively Analyzed Data:

  • A site about all available reanalysis data is at: Link

  • HYCOM + NCODA Global Hindcast Analysis : Link

  • NCEP/NCAR ReAnalysis 1 : Link

  • ERA Interim, Daily Fields : Link

  • ECMWF Datasets : Link

  • NCEP/DOE ReAnalysis 2 : Link

  • ICOADS (Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set) : Link

  • (OAFlux project) from WHOI, Ocean-Atmosphere Flux : Link

  • ECCO Group : Link

  • ECCO JPL Data Assimilation Project : Link

  • ECCO Phase II : Link

    • Simple Ocean Data Assimilation Project (SODA) : Link

      • SODA_1.2 is UMD reanalysis product using an eddy-permitting global model based initially on POP_1.3 numerics and SODA procedure.

      • The horizontal resolution of POP on the equator is 28km x 44km reducing to an approximately uniform 25km x 25 km in the weatern North Atlantic. Vertically, it contains 40 levels, from ocean surface to about 5500m. The OI analysis was done with our SODA procedure every 10 day on 1 by 1 degree resulotion. The observation data of sst, temperature and salinity were used in the analysis. Altimetry data were not used in this product.

      • The datasets we provided are on a 0.5 x 0.5 degree horizontal resolution with 23 levels, from 5m to 1139m. The variables in the datasets are: temperature, salinity, zonal & meridional velocities, windstresses, sea surface height, heat & fresh water fluxes. The time coverage is monthly, from 1958 to 2001.

  • National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) : Link

    • The National Oceanographic Data Center holds global physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic data sets that are being used by researchers world-wide. Specifically NODC's Ocean Climate Laboratory is investigating interannual-to-decadal ocean climate variability using historical oceanographic data, and building scientifically, quality-controlled global oceanographic databases in their products known as the World Ocean Atlas and World Ocean Database.

    • For a complete details of NODC data and products see About NODC page

    • Acces data from data page

    • Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center: Link

    • Air-sea flux, Ocean,Atmospheric and Terrestrial

  • Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data: Link

      • A satellite-derived climatology of the global ocean freshwater flux

In-Situ Observations

  • ARGO data from CORIOLIS (ifremer, GDAC) : Link

  • VOCALS Datasets : Link