
"Gilman's Conjecture". Joint with Adam Piggott. We resolve a conjecture made by Robert Gilman in 1984, showing that any group presented by a finite, monadic, confluent rewriting system must be a plain group. J. Algebra 517 (2019), 167--185.

"CAT(0) Extensions of Right-Angled Coxeter Groups". Joint with Charlie Cunningham, Adam Piggott, and Kim Ruane. We show that any split extension of a right-angled Coxeter group by a generating automorphism of finite order acts faithfully and geometrically on a CAT(0) metric space. Topol. Proc., 48 (2016), 277-287.

"Recognizing Right-Angled Coxeter Groups Using Involutions". Joint with Charlie Cunningham, Adam Piggott, and Kim Ruane. We discuss a new method for constructing candidate right-angled Coxeter presentations for a given group, and we apply this method to some first examples. Pacific J. Math. 248 (2016), no. 1, 41-77.