Working Papers


"The End of Privilege" with Jonathan Heathcote and Fabrizio Perri. Video of talk

"Understanding 100 Years of the Evolution of Top Wealth Shares in the U.S.: What is the Role of Family Firms?" with Magnus Irie

"Are U.S. Banks Safer? Reading the Fed's New Dashboard" with Adrien D'Avernas

“The Risk of Becoming Risk Averse: a Model of Asset Pricing and Trade Volumes”, with Fernando Alvarez

Notes on a Portfolio Balance Model of Exchange Rates

for a discussion of "“Beyond Incomplete Spanning: Convenience Yields and Exchange Rate Disconnect” by Jiang, Krishnamurthy, Lustig, and Sun

at the NBER IFM Meeting March 11 2022

Discussion Slides


"On the Optimal Choice of a Monetary Policy Instrument" with V.V. Chari and Patrick Kehoe

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Staff Report 394 (2007)

"The Advantage of Transparency in Monetary Policy Instruments" with Patrick Kehoe

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Staff Report 297 (2006)

"A Dynamic Theory of Optimal Capital Structure and Executive Compensation" with Harold Cole

NBER Working Paper 11083 (2005)

"Paths of Development for Early and Late Bloomers in a Dynamic Hecksher-Ohlin Model" with Patrick Kehoe

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Staff Report 256 (2000)