Curriculum Vitae

Andriy Zakutayev

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Address: 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO 80401, USA

Email:, Twitter: @AndriyZakutayev, Phone: 1-303-384-6467

Research group: ; Personal website:

High Throughput Experimental Materials Database (HTEM DB):


05/2012 - present Scientist IV, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Focus: Discovery of new materials for advanced energy technologies

05/2010 - 05/2012 Postdoctoral Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Project: Combinatorial experiments for material design and discovery

01/2008 - 04/2010 Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Oregon State University

Thesis: BaCuChF (Ch = S, Se, Te) p-type Transparent Conductors

09/2006 - 12/2007 Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, Oregon State University

Courses: Recitations and Labs for General Physics (PH 201/2/3, PH 211/2/3)


2006 - 2010 Ph.D. Physics, Oregon State University (USA); Advisor – Prof. Janet Tate

2006 - 2007 M.S. Physical and Biomedical Electronics, Lviv Polytechnic National University

2002 - 2006 B.S. Electrical Engineering (Honors), Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)


Publications: 120 papers (100 since postdoc), 4,000 citations, h-index of 37

Presentations: 48 invited talks, including 20 international, and 15 seminars

Honors and Awards

05/2017 Technology Transfer Award (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

04/2017 Chemistry of Materials Reviewer Award (ACS Publications)

09/2016 Outstanding Postdoc Mentor Award (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

09/2015 President’s Award (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

08/2015 Emerging Investigator in Materials Chemistry for Energy (RSC Publications)

06/2012 Outstanding Intern Mentor Award (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

06/2010 Outstanding Young Scientist Award (European Materials research Society)

06/2009 Graduate Research Award (Department of Physics, Oregon State University)

Research Interests

Development of new inorganic materials for advanced technologies, using high-throughput experimental methods, coupled to first principles calculations and advanced data analytics, synthesis science of metastable inorganic solid state materials

External Research Funding ($12M total)

10/2019 - present "Kinetic Synthesis of Metastable Nitrides", BES DOE Early Career Award, $2.5M (PI)

10/2017 - present “HTE for advanced water splitting materials”, HydroGen EMN, FCTO EERE, $600K (PI)

10/2016 - present “Physical properties of Li-Si films”, SEISta project, VTO EERE DOE, $800K* (task lead)

09/2014 - present “Center for Next Generation of Materials by Design”, BES DOE, $1.6M* (project lead)

04/2016 - 12/2018 “Patina: Copper Nitride Project”, FedImpact CRADA, $200K (PI)

10/2013 - 09/2018 “Rapid Development of Disruptive PV Technologies”, SETO EERE DOE, $3.5M (PI)

10/2016 - 01/2018 “Thin film model systems for non-PGM ORR catalysts”, FCTO EERE, $200K (task lead)

02/2013 - 02/2014 “Solar Thermoelectric Generators”, ARPA-E, $890K (co-PI)

10/2011 - 09/2013 “Ternary Copper Nitride Absorbers”, EERE DOE FOA, $750K (PI)

10/2011 - 09/2013 “(Zn,Mg)Cu Oxysulfide Absorbers”, EERE DOE FOA, $750K (co-PI)

*for large collaborative projects where I am not a PI or co-PI, only my part of funding is listed

Internal Research Funding ($5M total)

10/2019 - present "Wide-bandgap oxide materials for high-temperature electronic devices", NREL LDRD, $750K* (co-PI)

10/2018 - present “Quantum materials for neuromorphic computing”, LDRD NREL, $600K (co-PI)

01/2018 - 09/2019 “New materials for wide bandgap power electronics”, LDRD NREL, $300K (PI)

10/2016 - 10/2018 “Combinatorial Phosphide Deposition System”, GPE NREL, $500K (PI)

01/2017 - 09/2018 “High-Throughput Experimental Materials Collaboratory”, LDRD NREL, $350K (PI)

10/2016 - 09/2018 “Development of a Scanning Droplet Cell”, FCTO EERE, $120K (PI)

10/2013 - 10/2015 “Next-Generation Thermoelectric Materials”, LDRD NREL, $750K (co-PI)

09/2014 - 09/2015 “Cryogenic Hall effect measurement probe station”, NREL, $300K (PI)

10/2013 - 09/2014 “Basic Energy Science of Heterointerfaces”, LDRD NREL, $100K (PI)

02/2013 - 01/2014 “Combinatorial Chalcogenide Deposition System”, NREL, $500K (PI)

Students Supervised

Postdocs (11 total): Kevin Talley, Zhifei Li, Su Heo, Imran Khan, Karen Heinselman (present); Sage Bauers, Yun Xu, Conor Riley, Elisabetta Arca, Sebastian Siol, Andre Bikowski (alumni)

Graduate (12 total): Daniel Drury, Rachel Sherbondy, Valerie Jacobson, Dennice Roberts, Meagan Papac (present); Kevin Talley, Angela Fioretti, Adam Welch, Lauryn Baranowski, Archana Subramaniyan, Christopher Caskey, Josh Ford (alumni)

Visitors (12 total): Rachel Woods-Robinson (present); Jed LaCost, Jekyung Kim, Vinnetha Vinayakuma, Yanbing Han, Bethany Matthews, Kasper Borup, Hong Zhang, Yuki Iguchi, Willian Lucas, Pravakar Rajbhandari, Krishnaiah Mokurala (alumni)

Undergrads (10 total): Frank Luciano, Angela Fioretti, Olivia Schneble, Joseph Theis, Keith White, Dylan Hamilton, Marcus Schwarting, Casey Haack, Ashlea Patterson, Ryan Albosta


Academic Courses: ENGY 501 Energy Resources and Electric Power Systems , CSM, Fall 2019

CHEN 5838 Materials Synthesis and Design (sub), CU Boulder, Spring 2019

MTGN 498A/598A Materials Science of Semiconductors (sub), CSM, Spring 2017

PHYS 20X/21X laboratory/recitation sessions, OSU, Fall/Winter/Spring 2010-2011

Conference Tutorials: High-Throughput Experimental Approaches to Materials Discovery MRS S2018

High-throughput experiments, MRS Spring 2016

Invited Lectures: Introduction to Solar Power, ENST 5000 class, University of Colorado Boulder

Semiconductor Materials for Renewable Energy, University of Yamanashi

Conference Organization

Conference organizer "11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology" COMBI 2020

“Emerging Inorganic Materials for Solar Energy Conversion”, MRS Spring 2020

21st International Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds”, ICTMC 2018

Earth-Abundant Inorganic Solar-Energy Conversion” symposium, MRS S-2014

Program committee 8th International Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science, Fall 2014

“Emerging Materials and Phenomena for Solar Energy Conversion”, MRS S2016

“Photonics for Energy”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2016

“Thin-Film Chalcogenide Semiconductor Photovoltaics”, MRS Spring 2017

Proposal Reviews >20 proposals reviewed, including reviewer panels

Domestic: Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy, ARPA-e

International: German Research Foundations, Israel Science Foundation

Paper Reviews >120 papers reviewed, for >60 journals

Nature Energy, Journal of American Chemical Society, Advanced Energy Materials, Nature Communications, Nanoletters, Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, Applied Physics Letters, Scientific Data, Journal of materials chemistry A, Chemistry of Materials, Chemical Communications, Journal of physical chemistry letters, ACS Applied materials and interfaces, Physica status solidi – solar rapid research letters, Thin Solid Films, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, ChemElectroChem, Advanced Materials Interfaces, Physica status solidi C, Inorganic Chemistry, Computational Materials Science, Coatings, Journal of applied physics, Materials Science and Engineering B, RSC Advances, Surface and Coatings Technolog, ACS Energy Letters, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Scientific Reports, Applied physics express, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials and Design, Superlattices and microstructures, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Materials, Review of scientific instruments, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Nano Energy, Journal of materials research, Journal of photovoltaics, APL Materials, Materials research bulletin, Applied surface science, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, Journal of materials chemistry C, Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, MRS Communications, Journal of Energy Chemistry, ChemCatChem, Chemistry – A European Journal, ACS Applied nanomaterials, Progress in Photovoltaics, ACS Combinatorial science, Advanced Electronic Materials

Selected Community Service

Seminar Organization: “Distinguished Lecture” NREL /CSM seminar series, organizer, 2015-2016

Editorial Board: “Frontiers of Energy Research” Editorial board, 2012 - 2012

Panel Member: “Industry Panel Session”, APS Undergraduate Women in Physics Conf. 2014

Student Activity: Student Body President, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine), 2005

Professional Affiliations

Materials Research Society (MRS), American Physical Society (APS), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Vacuum Society (AVS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)