Andrew Sluyter
I am an author and Andrew Carnegie Fellow currently living in Louisiana. A first-generation high school and college graduate, I earned my PhD from The University of Texas at Austin as well as two degrees from The University of British Columbia and am currently the Doris Zemurray Stone Latin American Studies Distinguished Professor at Louisiana State University.
You can find out more about me, my research, service, teaching, and graduate student opportunities through the various pages of this website, including my current curriculum vitae, as well as by consulting Google Scholar,, Orchid, and ResearchGate.
As a summary, my research concerns understanding racialized places and landscapes in order to contribute to decolonization, a more equitable and inclusive society, and more sustainable and just relationships with nature. Two decades ago, I authored Colonialism and Landscape, the seminal book on settler colonialism in my field. Black Ranching Frontiers: African Cattle Herders of the Atlantic World, 1500–1900 followed a decade later to reveal the long-silenced voices of people of African origin in the establishment of cattle ranching throughout the Americas. My most recent book, the prize-winning Hispanic and Latino New Orleans: Immigration and Identity since the Eighteenth Century, addresses how Hispanics have long played central roles in creating New Orleans and its remarkable sense of place.
Honors include the J.B. Jackson Book Prize from the American Association of Geographers, the Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, the Presidential Laurel Medal from LSU, and fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and Carnegie Foundation.
I have served as the Executive Director of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, several committees of the American Association of Geographers, Editor in Chief for the Americas of the Journal of Historical Geography, and the editor of two book series on Latin America with Springer-Nature.
© 2013-24 Andrew Sluyter