Publications (Please contact me if you would like a copy of any of these articles.)

Rinehart, A.J., A.J. Luhmann, and B.M. Tutolo. Forthcoming. The geochemistry of CCS with implications for hydromechanical feedbacks and geophysical monitoring. In The Geochemistry of Geosequestration in Geophysical Monitoring as a Means to Carbon Capture and Storage and the Energy Transition. Ed. by Thomas Davis, Malcolm Wilson, and Martin Landro. Elsevier.

Gochenour, J.A., A.J. Rinehart, A.J. Luhmann, R. Grapenthin, and S.L. Bilek. 2024. Poroelastic response to karst conduit pressurization: A finite element modeling exercise toward the use of tiltmeters in karst aquifer monitoring applications. Water Resources Research. 60 (7), e2022WR034293, 

Gochenour, J.A., S.L. Bilek, H.B. Woo, A.J. Luhmann, R. Grapenthin, and J.B. Martin. 2024. Ambient seismic noise tomography within the Floridan Aquifer System, Santa Fe River-Sink Rise, Florida, U.S. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129 (5), e2023JB027644,

Wu, Z., J.D. Simmons, S. Otu, A. Rinehart, A. Luhmann, J. Heath, P. Mozley, and B.S. Majumdar. 2023. Control of cement timing, mineralogy, and texture on hydro-chemo-mechanical coupling from CO2 injection in sandstone: A synthesis. Energies 16 (24), 7949, 

Otu, S., A.J. Rinehart, A.J. Luhmann, J. Simmons, and P. Mozley. 2023 Effects of CO2 on creep deformation in sandstones at carbon sequestration reservoir conditions: An experimental study. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 129, 103970,

Simmons, J.D., S. Wang, A.J. Luhmann, A.J. Rinehart, J.E. Heath, and B.S. Majumdar. 2023. Paragenetic controls on CO2-fluid-rock interaction and weakening in a macroporous-dominated sandstone. Applied Geochemistry 156, 105744, 

Woo, H.B., S.L. Bilek, J.A. Gochenour, R. Grapenthin, A.J. Luhmann, and J.B. Martin. 2023. Processing ambient noise data using phase cross-correlation and application toward understanding spatiotemporal environmental effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 128 (7), e2023JF007091, 

Kavousi, A., T. Reimann, T. Wöhling, S. Birk, A.J. Luhmann, J. Kordilla, T. Noffz, M. Sauter, and R. Liedl. 2023. Joint-inversion of groundwater flow, heat, and solute state variables: A multipurpose approach for characterization and forecast of karst systems. Hydrogeology Journal, 

Bilek, S.L., A.J. Luhmann, R. Grapenthin, H.B. Woo, and J.A. Gochenour. 2023. Capturing seismic signals from karst aquifer injection experiments and a natural recharge event. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 128 (4), e2022JB025635,

Awolayo, A.N., C.T. Laureijs, J. Byng, A.J. Luhmann, R. Lauer, and B.M. Tutolo. 2022. Mineral surface area accessibility and sensitivity constraints on carbon mineralization in basaltic aquifers. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 334, 293-315,  

Simmons, J., A. Rinehart, A. Luhmann, P. Mozley, J. Heath, and B. Majumdar. 2022. Using petrographically observable microstructure to predict hydromechanical changes in a complex siliciclastic storage site during CO2 injection. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 119, 103724,

Isihara, P., L. Henneker, A. Luhmann, N. Bowden, D. Bremner, J. Higgins, S. McKay, and J. Reyes. 2022. A groundwater contaminant extraction model using complex potentials. Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics and its Applications (UMAP Journal) 43 (1), 39-76.

Tutolo, B.M., A.J. Luhmann, X.-Z. Kong, B.C. Bagley, D. Alba-Venero, N. Mitchell, M.O. Saar, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2020. Contributions of visible and invisible pores to reactive transport in dolomite. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 14, 42-46,

Tutolo, B.M., T. Kiesel, A.J. Luhmann, P. Solheid, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2020. Experimental evaluation of the role of redox during glauconite-CO2-brine interactions. Applied Geochemistry 115, 104558,  

Wu, Z., A.J. Luhmann, A.J. Rinehart, P.S. Mozley, T.A. Dewers, J.E. Heath, and B.S. Majumdar. 2020. Chemomechanical alterations induced from CO2 injection in carbonate-cemented sandstone: An experimental study at 71°C and 290 MPa. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 125, e2019JB019096, 

Rasmussen, L., T. Fan, A. Rinehart, A. Luhmann, W. Ampomah, T. Dewers, J. Heath, M. Cather, and R. Grigg. 2019. Carbon storage and enhanced oil recovery in Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation clastic reservoirs: Controls on oil/brine and oil/CO2 relative permeability from diagenetic heterogeneity and evolving wettability. Energies 12, 3663, doi:10.3390/en12193663.

Tutolo, B.M., A.J. Luhmann, N.J. Tosca, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2018. Serpentinization as a reactive transport process: The brucite silicification reaction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 484, 385-395, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.12.029.

Douglas, P.M.J., D.A. Stolper, J.M. Eiler, A.L. Sessions, M. Lawson, Y. Shuai, A. Bishop, O.G. Podlaha, A.A. Ferreira, E.V. Santos Neto, M. Niemann, A.S. Steen, L. Huang, E. Chimiak, D.L. Valentine, J. Fiebig, A.J. Luhmann, W.E. Seyfried, Jr., G. Etiope, M. Schoell, W.P. Inskeep, J.J. Moran, and N. Kitchen. 2017. Methane clumped isotopes: Progress and potential for a new isotopic tracer. Organic Geochemistry 113, 262-282, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.07.016.

Luhmann, A.J., B.M. Tutolo, B.C. Bagley, D.F.R. Mildner, P.P. Scheuermann, J.M. Feinberg, K. Ignatyev, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2017. Chemical and physical changes during seawater flow through intact dunite cores: An experimental study at 150-200°C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 214, 86-114, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2017.07.020.

Luhmann, A.J., B.M. Tutolo, B.C. Bagley, D.F.R. Mildner, W.E. Seyfried, Jr., and M.O. Saar. 2017. Permeability, porosity, and mineral surface area changes in basalt cores induced by reactive transport of CO2-rich brine. Water Resources Research 53 (3): 1908-1927, doi:10.1002/2016WR019216.

Luhmann, A.J., B.M. Tutolo, C. Tan, B.M. Moskowitz, M.O. Saar, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2017. Whole rock basalt alteration from CO2-rich brine during flow-through experiments at 150ºC and 150 bar. Chemical Geology 453: 92-110, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.02.002.

Syverson, D.D., A.J. Luhmann, C. Tan, D.M. Borrok, K. Ding, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2017. Fe isotope fractionation between chalcopyrite and dissolved Fe during hydrothermal recrystallization: An experimental study at 350ºC and 500 bars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 200, 87-109, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.002.

Tutolo, B.M., A.J. Luhmann, X.-Z. Kong, M.O. Saar, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2015. CO2 sequestration in feldspar-rich sandstone: Coupled evolution of fluid chemistry, mineral reaction rates, and hydrogeochemical properties. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 160, 132-154, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.002.

Luhmann, A.J., M.D. Covington, J.M. Myre, M. Perne, S.W. Jones, E.C. Alexander, Jr., and M.O. Saar. 2015. Thermal damping and retardation in karst conduits. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19, 137-157, doi:10.5194/hess-19-137-2015.

Luhmann, A.J., X.-Z. Kong, B.M. Tutolo, N. Garapati, B.C. Bagley, M.O. Saar, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2014. Experimental dissolution of dolomite by CO2-charged brine at 100ºC and 150 bar: Evolution of porosity, permeability, and reactive surface area. Chemical Geology 380: 145-160, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.05.001.

Tutolo, B.M., A.J. Luhmann, X.-Z. Kong, M.O. Saar, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2014. Experimental observation of permeability changes in dolomite at CO2 sequestration conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, no. 4: 2445-2452, doi:10.1021/es4036946.

Luhmann, A.J., X.-Z. Kong, B.M. Tutolo, K. Ding, M.O. Saar, and W.E. Seyfried, Jr. 2013. Permeability reduction produced by grain reorganization and accumulation of exsolved CO2 during geologic carbon sequestration: A new CO2 trapping mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology 47, no. 1: 242-251, doi:10.1021/es3031209.

Luhmann, A.J., M.D. Covington, S.C. Alexander, S.Y. Chai, B.F. Schwartz, J.T. Groten, and E.C. Alexander, Jr. 2012. Comparing conservative and nonconservative tracers in karst and using them to estimate flow path geometry. Journal of Hydrology 448-449: 201-211, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.04.044.

Covington, M.D., A.J. Luhmann, C.M. Wicks, and M.O. Saar. 2012. Process length scales and longitudinal damping in karst aquifers. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface 117, F01025, doi:10.1029/2011JF002212.

Covington, M.D., A.J. Luhmann, F. Gabrovšek, M.O. Saar, and C.M. Wicks. 2011. Mechanisms of heat exchange between water and rock in karst conduits. Water Resources Research 47, W10514, doi:10.1029/2011WR010683. 

Luhmann, A.J., M.D. Covington, A.J. Peters, S.C. Alexander, C.T. Anger, J.A. Green, A.C. Runkel, and E.C. Alexander, Jr. 2011. Classification of thermal patterns at karst springs and cave streams. Ground Water 49, no. 3: 324-335, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00737.x.