Lab Expectations

Interested in joining my lab group? Please read the following expectations of both my lab members and me.

For potential undergraduate researchers: Students should contact me about research opportunities. Often students begin participating as volunteers to see if they enjoy the research and are a good fit with the lab group. Other options include registering for research credit or applying for a paid research internship in my lab through SRAP or other sources.

For potential master's researchers: Graduate students are primarily supported via teaching assistantships, which require you to teach biology labs in exchange for a tuition waiver and a modest stipend. We have a limited number of TA positions in our small program and students must apply for them when submitting their graduate applications. In addition, I sometimes have separate funding for research assistantships to work on specific projects. I expect my graduate students to have previous research experience prior to applying to the program. Prospective students should contact me several months before they apply. You can do this by sending me a short inquiry email explaining your research interests and why you are a good fit for my research lab. Please also email me your CV and unofficial transcripts. Your undergraduate professors and other students who have recently started graduate programs are great sources of information on how to apply to graduate school. Useful graduate application advice can also be found online but is very discipline-specific. Here are a few beginning resources that may be useful: So you want to go to grad school and How to get into an organismal biology graduate program.

What I expect from lab members

Additional expectations for graduate students

What you can expect from me