About me

(Dresden, June 2016, at the Technology Collections; as a part of AATG's STEM/MINT seminar)

Andrew Graff - Germanophile, Francophile, Linguist, Educator

(Currently quite happy at my teaching job, but feel free to send German-related inquiries my way-- herrgraff AT gmail)

Teaching Resume here Linked In Page

For over a decade, I have taught German in a variety of contexts: University, Community College, Saturday School, High School and Middle School, and French in High School and Middle School. I enjoyed all of these milieus. I am at home in the hustle-and-bustle of a HS language teacher's several preps and language activity responsibilities (German/French Club, Honor Society, Stammtisch, etc), and I found teaching Middle School to be a steadily rewarding experience due to the excitement and enthusiasm of the students. The most successful and driven high school students I ever had also started their language learning with me in Middle School. With all of my heart, I firmly believe that you take all students where they are at that given time when they are in your class. And I have also taught from that core tenet. You can have an engaging, exciting language class with the right planning and preparation, if you know your students.

I must admit that I find it particularly rewarding to be there at the beginning when students first acquire the German/French language. If the teacher sets the right tone, then language class can be a joy to students for many years to come.

I have enjoyed a close relationship with the German language and German-speaking countries since my teenage years, when I had the opportunity to spend two summers with a family in Nuremberg and do considerable traveling in Germany and neighboring countries.

As an undergraduate student, I was able to study a year at the Universität Heidelberg on a scholarship from the Federation of German-American Women's Clubs. I took classes with other German students studying Germanistik, and I also attended lectures in Philosophy and German and additional courses in French, German as a Foreign Language, and Romanian.

While my experience with French is not as extensive, I did have the opportunity to spend a month as a teenager immersed in French with a family near Bordeaux, and have made three separate trips to Paris while in Europe. As a student in Heidelberg, I also sat in on classes in their Romance Languages department, as well as at the Institut Français (which was still open there in 1998-99.) My French coursework also includes French Literature and -Culture classes at the 300- and 400-level at the University of Delaware, and an upper level writing course at Indiana University Bloomington.

I maintain my fluency in German by regularly conversing with native speakers, reading substantially online and for my own enjoyment. I am keen on current events, and thanks to Facebook and Twitter and other social media, I can easily keep my fingers on the pulse of German-speaking Europe. I frequently watch German news-segments and TV shows, as well.

Elsewhere on the Web

The German band Artig, Kerstin Hopkins from the German Language School (tour director) in Washington D.C., and myself at the concert at the Vereinigung Erzgebirge in October 2014. I arranged for and organized the concert in Bucks County. Locals schools, as well as some from between 1 and 2 hours away, brought students to the concert. (Photo Credit: Susanne Weers, Photographer)