Andrew Fenelon

I'm an Associate Professor in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. I am also an active member of the Minnesota Population Center and Life Course Center.

I'm a sociologist and demographer studying social and geographic context and population health in the United States. My current research examines the impact of housing on health, well-being, and neighborhood social and economic context.

I received my PhD in sociology and demography from the University of Pennsylvania. My dissertation examined the role of health behaviors in the Hispanic and immigrant longevity advantages in the United States. I did a postdoc in the Population Studies & Training Center at Brown University.

My CV can be seen here.

My research on the Hispanic Paradox was mentioned in Time, Scientific American, and the New York Times! My work on US life expectancy was covered by the Washington Post, CNN, and Newsweek. Check it out.

Contact info:374 West Bank Office Building1300 S. 2nd St.Minneapolis, MN 55454
