Asst. Prof. University of Cote d'Azur (MCU-HDR)

Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology 

Lecturer and Researcher in psychology (child and adolescent integrative psychopathology, developmental psychology, psychotherapy, psychotraumatology)

Child and adolescent clinical psychologist, and psychotherapist.

Key-words: early trauma, attachment and attachment trauma, internalized and externalized disorders, EMDR, attachment-based psychotherapy, CBT, cognitive remediation and neuropsychology.


CoBTeK lab (Clinical neurosciences; Child and Adolescent section). 10, rue Molière, 06100 Nice

Andrea Soubelet is a clinical psychologist and doctor in cognitive psychology (with a developmental approach). She currently teaches as a lecturer at the University of Côte d'Azur in psychology and psychopathology of children and adolescents and in perinatal care. 

As a psychologist, she treats children struggling with stress, psychotraumatic symptoms, anxiety disorders, attention disorders, hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and disorders of the regulation of emotions and behaviors. She also supports future mothers and new mothers in their parenthood to prevent attachment disorders, and early interpersonal trauma. 

Specialized in the field of prevention and treatment of the deleterious effects of psychotrauma in babies, children, and adolescents, she supervises doctoral theses in this field. She also coordinates the Master of Clinical Psychology, Vulnerabilities and Development of psychotrauma, for the EUR (Graduate School) Healthy. From 2017 to 2023, she worked as a psychologist and as a psychotherapist at the Lenval hospital in Nice (child psychiatry), where she treated children and young adolescents struggling with psychotraumatic symptoms.

Areas of expertise: psychotrauma, child neurodevelopment, attachment, perinatal and parenthood, memory and executive functions, neuropsychological assessments, cognitive remediations,  psychotherapy (EMDR, TCC, attachment-based), dissociation.

Titles & positions

2019 -...: Coordinator of the Master Degree "Clinical psychology, vulnerability, and development of psychotraumatism", Healthy EUR (Graduate School).

2017-.2023: Child and adolescent psychologist. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent, SUPEA), University Hospital Centre LENVAL; Dir: Pr Askenazy.

2018-... : French Institute of EMDR; Specialization : adults and children.

2018 - ... :  French Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (training). 

2017 - 2018 : Master of Clinical Psychology. University of Côte d'Azur, University Hospital Centre LENVAL (neuropsychology for children and adolescents : (1) Psychotraumatism in children and adolescents. (2) Neurodevelopmental disorders in very young children : 

* clinical experience of evaluation and diagnostic of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders in children; 

*treatment based on Denver's ESDM model of early interactions, and PASS autism.

2017:  Qualifiée aux fonctions de Professeur des Universités, CNU 16ème section (kind of French qualification for Professor grade). 

2017- (current) :  Assist. Prof. (Maître de Conférence), Department of Psychology, University of Côte d'Azur. CoBTeK lab, Claude Pompidou Institute, Nice, France.

2016:  Habilitation à diriger des recherches (kind of French authorization to supervise research).

2011-2016 :  Assist. Prof (Maître de Conférence), Department of Psychology. LAPCOS laboratory. University of Nice- Sophia Antipolis. Nice, France.

2010-11: Post-doctoral fellow. ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment. Centre for Mental Health Research. Canberra, Australia.

2009-10: Lecturer and Research associate. University of Aix-Marseille, Cognitive Psychology Lab. (UMR 6146). Aix-Marseille, France.

2009: Post-doctoral fellow. University of Virginia, Salthouse Cognitive Aging Lab. Charlottesville, USA.

2008: Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology.

2007: Visiting scholar, University of Virginia, Salthouse Cognitive Aging Lab. Charlottesville, USA.

2005-2008: Doctoral Research fellow. University of Toulouse. CLLE-LTC laboratory (UMR 5263). Toulouse, France.

Publications (peer-reviewed only; selected)

Boisselier, N. & Soubelet, A. (2021).  La sociabilité et l’attrait pour la solitude des adultes à haut potentiel intellectuel. Psychologie Française, 66(4), 377-392. 10.1016/j.psfr.2021.02.001

Ferrandez, S., Soubelet, A (2021). Correlates and associates of Posttraumatic Growth Among Adolescents and Children: A Systematic Review Protocol. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews

Ferrandez, S., Soubelet, A., & Vankenhove, L. (2022). Positive Interventions for Stress-Related Difficulties: A Systematic Review of Randomized and Non-Randomized Trials. Stress and Health. (selon SCImago 2020 : QI 2020 pour Clinical Psychology, IF: 3.519).

Moner, N., Soubelet, A., Barbieri, L., & Askenazy, F. (2022). Assessment of PTSD and post-traumatic symptomatology in very young children: A systematic review. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Nursing, ;35(1):7-23. DOI: 10.1111/jcap.12351

Binet, E., Faraüs, E., Lorent, T., Le Quillect Obin, S., Mazaira, S., Boucher, C., Roy, I., Simon, A., Soubelet, C., Tarquinio, C., & Wisler, D., (2022). Letter from the French-speaking Association of Trauma and Dissociation on the case of Shaïna, a victim of sexual and gender-based violence in her home housing project, and a lack of understanding within the justice system. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 6(2), 100273.

Ollivier, F., Soubelet, A., Duhem, S., & Thümmler, S. (2022). Shame and guilt in the suicidality related to traumatic events: A systematic literature review. Frontiers in Psychiatry.

Raison, A. & Soubelet, A (2023). Childhood trauma in patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder: A systematic Review of Data from 1990 to 2022. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.

Gounelle, J., & Soubelet, A. (2023). L’impact des diverses formes de déni de grossesse sur le devenir de l’enfant. Une revue de littérature. Devenir.

Boisselier, N., & Soubelet, A. (2023). Measuring early life adversity in adults: French translation and validation of the Maltreatment and Abuse Chronology of Exposure (MACE) scale. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.

Pozzi Maggi, S., & Soubelet. A. (2023). La régulation des émotions chez l’enfant : comment favoriser un développement optimal ? Revue de l’Association Montessori Internationale.

Soubelet, A. (2024).  What predicts COVID-specific symptoms of stress in children and adolescents,  

virus threats or social distancing? Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma Doi: 10.1007/s40653-024-00623-8)

Colamarino, L., Salvagno, C., & Soubelet, A. (2024). The impact on child development of traumatic exposure during pregnancy: a systematic review. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.

Amilhau, A., Ferrandez, S., & Soubelet, A., (en révisions mineures). Massage therapy for survivors of rape and sexual abuse: a systematic review. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.

Moal, M., & Soubelet, A. (2024). Impact des actes terroristes dans le développement du psychotraumatisme chez les enfants et adolescents. Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence.

Boisselier, N., & Soubelet, A. (in press). Intellectual giftedness and early adversity: Searching for the hidden factor. Current Psychology.

Current research interests

1. Socioaffective and neurocognitive development

Keywords: early education, parenting, attachment, adversity, resilience, emotion regulation, behavioral and emotional outcomes, personality, cognitive and executive functioning.

2. The effects of psychotraumatism in very young children on neurocognitive and neuroaffective functioning.

3. Examining which therapies are effective in very young children.

4. Internalized and externalized disorders in children and adolescents (anxiety, conduct disorders, oppositional defiant disorders, emotion dysregulation), and their relations with parenting behaviors.


Cognitive (neuro)psychology, integrative psychopathology, cognitive and affective development, psychotherapy.

Current projects

Teaching experience

Master level (graduate level): 

Neuropsychology, neurocognitive assessment and developmental Psychology, Attachment and early trauma, Cognitive and clinical psychopathology, Adversity and trauma in preschoolers, schoolers, and adolescents, Integrative post-traumatic psychopathology.  

Licence level (=undergraduate):

Child and adolescent development (cognitive and socio-affective development), Psychometrics and neurocognitive assessment, History of Psychological Sciences, Methods and research design, Statistics (basics and advanced)

Communications (selected)

Soubelet, A. (2019). Emotion regulation dysfunctions in children with oppositional behaviors and their relations with mothers’ emotional parenting. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, 7-9 mars.

Boisselier, N., & Soubelet, A. (2019). Sociability and need for solitude in gifted adults. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, 7-9 mars.

Soubelet, A. (2021). Children’s Stress Symptoms during the COVID-19 Crisis and Relationships with History of Trauma. Association for Psychological Science. May, 26-27.

Gendre, E., Soubelet, A., & Callahan, S. (2023, mars). « Je suis meilleur, j’ai le contrôle et mon futur ne pourra que s’améliorer » : Validation française d’une échelle de mesure des illusions positives. Poster présenté à la Journée Scientifique des Doctorant.e.s 2023 Ecole Doctorale CLESCO, Toulouse, France.

Beauvois, C., Soubelet. A. (2023). Mindfulness program for pregnant women: effect on baby mother and attachment. 18th International Conference for Young Researchers in Psychology. Lille.

Soubelet, A. (2019). La thérapie EMDR. Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent, CHU Lenval, Nice, le 14 novembre 2019.

Soubelet, A. (2020). Auditionnée par la Commission d’Enquête pour mesurer et prévenir les effets de la crise du COVID-19 sur les enfants et la jeunesse. Assemblée Nationale. Paris, 24 septembre 2020.
