
Working Papers and Selected Work in Progress

Financing the Adoption of Clean Technology, joint with Adriano Rampini

(pdf, March 2023)

Capital Replacement and Innovation Dynamics, joint with Fabio Bertolotti

(pdf, June 2024)

Investment-Goods Market Power and Capital Accumulation, joint with Fabio Bertolotti and Alessandro Villa

(pdf, May 2024)

Barriers to Trade in Capital Goods, joint with Michael Blanga-Gubbay,  Pamela Medina, and Eugene Tan

Publications and Accepted Papers

Capital and Labor Taxes with Costly State Contingency, joint with Alex Clymo and Alessandro Villa 

(link, pdf)

Review of Economic Dynamics, December 2023, 51, pp. 943-964

Dynamics of Expenditures on Durable Goods: the Role of New-Product Quality, joint with Fabio Bertolotti and Alessandro Gavazza, The Economic Journal, May 2023, 133(652), pp. 1641-1656.

(link, pdf)

Capital-Reallocation Frictions and Trade Shocks, joint with Pamela Medina and Eugene Tan, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2023, 15(2), pp. 190-228

(link, pdf, March 2022) - Project financed by a grant from CAF - Development Bank of Latin America 

Constrained-Efficient Capital Reallocation, joint with Adriano Rampini, American Economic Review, February 2023, 113(2), pp. 354-395

(link, pdf, also NBER WP 28384)

Credit Shocks and Equilibrium Dynamics in Consumer Durable Goods Markets, joint with Alessandro Gavazza, The Review of Economic Studies, November 2021, 88(6), pp. 2935-2969

(link, pdf) - Project financed by NSF grant SES - 1756992 (link

Optimal Policy with General Signal Extraction, joint with Esther Hauk and Albert Marcet, Journal of Monetary Economics, March 2021, 118, pp. 54-86.

(link, pdf)

Fiscal Policy with Limited-Time Commitment, joint with Alex Clymo, The Economic Journal, April 2020, 130 (627), pp. 623-652.

(link - manuscript pdf - appendix pdf)

The Market for Used Capital: Endogenous Irreversibility and Reallocation over the Business Cycle, American Economic Review, September 2018, 108(9), pp. 2383-2419 (lead article).

(link - manuscript pdf - appendix pdf )