
Published and Accepted Papers

Wildfire Smoke and Private Provision of Public Air-Quality Monitoring

with Mike Coury and Liam Falconer

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 127, 2024. 

Air Pollution and Adult Cognition: Evidence from Brain Training

with Edson Severnini

NBER Working Paper 28785, Accepted, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource  Economists.  

Freakonomics Radio: This is Your Brain on Pollution;  Brisbane Times: Brain Fog

Motivation Crowding in Peer Effects: The Effect of Solar Subsidies on Green Power Purchases 

Review of Economics and Statistics, 105 (6): 1465–1480, 2023.

The Conversation: Not keeping up with the Joneses 

US Embassy Air Quality Tweets Led to Global Health Benefits 

with Akshaya Jha

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(4), 2022.

Kudos, New Scientist

Is there an Energy Efficiency Gap in China? Evidence from an Information Experiment

 with Graham Beattie and Iza Ding

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 115, 2022. 

Supplementary Appendix; 5 minute conference video: AFE 2020

An Experimental Study of Monthly Electricity Demand (In)elasticity

 with David P. Byrne and Leslie A. Martin 

The Energy Journal, 42(2), 2021.

Conservation Spillovers: the Effect of Rooftop Solar on Climate Change Beliefs

with Graham Beattie and Yi Han  

Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(3), 2019.

Power From the People: Rooftop Solar and a Downward-Sloping Supply of Electricity

Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource  Economists, 6(6), 2019.

10 minute video: Faculti

Dynamic Incentive Regulation of Diffuse Pollution

with Claudio Mezzetti

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 93, 2019.

Tell Me Something I Don't Already Know: Informedness and the Impact of Information Programs

 with David P. Byrne and Leslie A. Martin 

Review of Economics and Statistics, 100(3), 2018.

The Age: Portals to a different power dimension


Working Papers

Do Consumers Acquire Information Optimally? Experimental Evidence from Energy Efficiency

with Erica Myers

CESifo Working Paper No. 10335, NBER Working Paper No. 31742, Resubmitted, Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics

The Age: Here's an idea to save you money: buy better lightbulbs

Selected Work in Progress

Real-Time Information & Public Transit Ridership 

with Rhiannon Jerch

Temperature and Preferences: Global Evidence

with David Huffman & Leonie Wenz

Power Outages, Subsidies, and the Adoption of Household Batteries in California

with Robert Coulter & Alastair Fraser

Incentives to Shift EV Charging in a Sun-Soaked Grid 

with Lana Friesen, Kai Li Lim, Flavio Menezes, Lionel Page and Thara Philip 

Other Publications

Charlson, F., Ali, S., Augustinavicius, J., Benmarhnia, T., Birch, S., Clayton, S., Fielding, K., Jones, L., Juma, D., Snider, L., Ugo, V., Zeitz, L., Jayawardana, D., La Nauze, A. & Massazza, A., (2021) "Global priorities for climate change and mental health research", Environment International, 158.

Nemes, V., La Nauze, A., Walsh, C., Fletcher, T., Bos, D., Rossrakesh, S. & Stoneham, G., (2016) "Saving a creek one bid at a time: A uniform price auction for urban stormwater retention",  Urban Water Journal, 13(3).

La Nauze, A., (2015), "Sexual orientation-based wage gaps in Australia: The potential role of discrimination and personality",  Economic and Labour Relations Review, 26(1).

Sydney Morning Herald: The gay pay gap

Liu, W., & La Nauze, A., (2014) "Financing for sustainability", in Rowe, D., (Ed.) Achieving Sustainability: Visions, Principles and Practices, Detroit: Macmillan.