
Research interests: development economics, political economy, ageing, commodity market analysis

Journal Articles

Bonfatti, A., Pesaresi, G., Weber, G., and Zambon, N. (2023). "The Economic Impact of the First Wave of the Pandemic on 50+ Europeans", Empirical Economics, Vol. 65. [Download]

Bonfatti, A., İmrohoroğlu, S., and Kitao, S. (2022). "Japan and the allocation puzzle in an aging world", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 145. [Download]

Bonfatti, A., and Forni, L. (2019). "Fiscal Rules to Tame the Political Budget Cycle: Evidence from Italian Municipalities", European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 60. [Download]

Book chapters

Bonfatti, A., and Forni, L. (2017).  "Fiscal Rules to Tame the Political Budget Cycle: Evidence from Italian Municipalities", in: Gaspar, V., Gupta, S., and Mulas-Granados, C. (eds.), Fiscal Politics. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund. [Download]

Attanasio, O.P., Bonfatti, A., Kitao, S., and Weber, G. (2016). "Global Demographic Trends: Consumption, Saving, and International Capital Flows", in: Piggott, J., Woodland, A. (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging: North-Holland. [Download]

Other refereed publications

Bonfatti A., Pesaresi G., Weber G., and Zambon N. (2023). "How the first wave of the pandemic affected household finances", in: Börsch-Supan, A., Abramowska-Kmon, A., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Brugiavini A., Chlon-Dominczak A., Jusot F., Laferrère A., Litwin H., Smolic S., and Weber G. (eds.), Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures: First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. [Download]

Bertoni, M., Bonfatti, A., Celidoni, M., Crema A., and Dal Bianco, C. (2019).  "Personality traits and financial behaviour", in: Boersch-Supan, A., Bristle, J., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Brugiavini, A., Jusot, F., Litwin, H., and Weber, G. (eds.), Health and socioeconomic status over the life course: First results from SHARE waves 6 and 7. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [Download]

Bertoni, M., Bonfatti, A., Celidoni, M., Crema A., and Dal Bianco, C. (2019).  "The end-of-working-life gender gap: the role of health shocks, parental education and personality traits", in: Boersch-Supan, A., Bristle, J., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Brugiavini, A., Jusot, F., Litwin, H., and Weber, G. (eds.), Health and socioeconomic status over the life course: First results from SHARE waves 6 and 7. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [Download]

Bertoni, M., Bonfatti, A., Celidoni, M., Crema A., and Dal Bianco, C. (2019).  "Life expectancy and health investments", in: Boersch Supan, A., Bristle, J., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Brugiavini, A., Jusot, F., Litwin, H., and Weber, G. (eds.), Health and socioeconomic status over the life course: First results from SHARE waves 6 and 7. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [Download]

Bonfatti, A., Celidoni, M., and Weber, G. (2015). "Coping with Risks during the Great Recession", in: Boersch-Supan, A., Kneip, T., Litwin, H., Myck, M., Weber, G. (eds.), Ageing in Europe - Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. [Download]

Najsztub, M., Bonfatti, A., and Duda, D. (2015). "Material and Social Deprivation in the Macroeconomic Context", in: Boersch-Supan, A., Kneip, T., Litwin, H., Myck, M., Weber, G. (eds.), Ageing in Europe - Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. [Download]

Working papers

"Energy price increases and mitigation policies: Redistributive effects on Italian households" (with E. Giarda), CEFIN WORKING PAPERS, Dipartimento di Economia Marco Biagi - Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 2023. [Download]

"The Economic Impact of the First Wave of the Pandemic on 50+ Europeans" (with G. Pesaresi, G. Weber and N. Zambon), SHARE Working Paper Series 74-2021.

"Aging, Factor Prices, and Capital Flows" (with S. Imrohroglu and S. Kitao), RIETI Discussion Paper Series 19-E-110, 2019, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry. 

"Fiscal Rules to Tame the Political Budget Cycle: Evidence from Italian Municipalities" (with L. Forni), IMF Working Paper 17/6, 2017, International Monetary Fund.

"Do fiscal rules reduce the political budget cycle? Evidence from Italian municipalities" (with L. Forni), 'Marco Fanno' Working Paper 208-2016.

"Harmonized net income measures in SHARE Wave 1" (with M. Bertoni, C. Dal Bianco, G. Weber and F. Zantomio), SHARE Working Paper Series 25-2016. [Download]

"Global Demographic Trends, Capital Mobility, Saving and Consumption in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)" (with O. Attanasio, A. Bonfatti, S. Kitao, and G. Weber), 2015, IDB Working Paper Series, IDB-WP-586, Inter-American Development Bank. [Download]

Other publications

Bonfatti, A., and Gabrieli, F. (2003). "Cointegrazione ed efficienza di mercato: un'applicazione al London Metal Exchange", in C. N. Spiller (ed.) Dalla Comunità Economica Europea verso l’Unione Europea: Problemi e Prospettive per il Futuro, Padova: CEDAM.

Bonfatti, A., Gabrieli, F., Perali, F., and Pieroni, L. (2003). "Analisi della gestione del rischio nelle imprese cerealicole venete", in Veneto Agricoltura (ed.) Mais, soia e frumento nel Veneto: dal campo al mercato, Padova: Veneto Agricoltura. 

Work in progress

"Crop Choices under Risk and Subsistence Constraints: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia" (with F. Perali).

"Commodity Market Analysis under Rational Expectations: the Case of the World Cocoa Market" (with F. Perali).