Curriculum Vitae: Andra J. (Reed) Garner

Curriculum Vitae: Andra J. (Reed) Garner

Department of Environmental Science, Rowan University, 209 O Westby Hall, Glassboro, NJ, 08028, USA

Tel: (717)-658-9303 • E-mail: • Website:


2012 – 2016: Ph.D. in Meteorology (tropical cyclones and sea-level rise), The Pennsylvania State University, USA

2010 – 2012: M.S. in Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

2006 – 2010: B.S. in Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude), Minor in Communication Studies, Grove City College, USA

Graduate Advisors:

M.S. – Dr. Anne M. Thompson (Sciences and Exploration Directorate: National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

Ph.D. – Dr. Michael E. Mann (The Pennsylvania State University)


2019 – Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Rowan University

2018 – 2019: Assistant Research Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University

2016 – 2018: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Marine and Coastal Science, Rutgers University

Honors and Awards

· Top Downloaded Paper in Earth’s Future, 2018-2019

· NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship (2016-2018)

· Early Career Scientist Outstanding Poster Award, WCRP/IOC Conference on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts (2017)

· John C. Wyngaard Graduate Research Award, The Pennsylvania State University (2016)

· First Place Oral Presentation, 18th Annual Environmental Chemistry Student Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University (2015)

· Third Place Poster Presentation, 2013 Graduate Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University (2013)

Main Achievements

· Participant in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, North Atlantic Regional Workshop (January 2020)

· 2 publications in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

· Recipient of a National Science Foundation Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship

· Construction of a comprehensive database of 21st century sea-level rise projections (Garner et al., 2018)

Peer-Reviewed Publications


1. Garner, A. J., R. E. Kopp, B. P. Horton (2021), Evolving Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the North Atlantic in a Warming Climate. Earth’s Future. doi: 10.1029/2021EF002326.

2. Dura, T., A. J. Garner, R. Weiss, R. E. Kopp, S. Engelhart, R. Witter, R. Briggs, C. S. Mueller, A. Nelson, and B. P. Horton (2021), Changing impacts of Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone tsunamis in California under future sea-level rise. Nature Communications. 12:7119. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27445-8

3. Horton, B. P., N. Khan, N. Cahill, J. S. H. Lee, T. A. Shaw, A. J. Garner, A. C. Kemp, S. E. Engelhart, S. Rahmstorf (2020), Estimating global mean sea-level rise and its uncertainties by 2100 and 2300 from expert assessment. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 3:18. doi:10.1038/s41612-020-0121-5.

4. Garner, A. J., J. L. Weiss, R. M. Horton, A. Parris, R. E. Kopp, J. T. Overpeck, B. P. Horton (2018), Evolution of 21st Century Sea-level Rise Projections. Earth’s Future. doi: 10.1029/2018EF000991.

5. Horton, B. P., R. E. Kopp, A. J. Garner, C. C. Hay, N. S. Khan, K. Roy, and T. A. Shaw (2018), Mapping sea-level change in time, space, and probability. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 43:1. doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-102017-025826.

6. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. E. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2017), Impact of climate change on New York City’s coastal flood hazard: Increasing flood heights from the preindustrial to 2300 CE. PNAS. doi:10.1073/pnas.1703568114.

7. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, A. C. Kemp, and J. P. Donnelly (2015), Increased threat of tropical cyclones and coastal flooding to New York City during the anthropogenic era. PNAS. doi:10.1073/pnas.1513127112.

8. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, and D. W. Titley (2015), An analysis of long-term relationships among count statistics and metrics of synthetic tropical cyclones downscaled from CMIP5 models. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120, doi:10.1002/2015JD023357.

9. Reed, A. J., Thompson, A. M., Kollonige, D. E., Martins, D. K., Tzortziou, M. A., Herman, J. R., Berkoff, T. A., Abuhassan, N. K., Cede, A. (2013), Effects of local meteorology and aerosols on ozone and nitrogen dioxide retrievals from OMI and pandora spectrometers in Maryland, USA during DISCOVER-AQ 2011. J Atmos Chem. DOI: 10.1007/s10874-013-9254-9.

In Prep

*Student Author #Garner Advisee

1. Garner, A. J., S. E. Sosa*#, T. Fangyi*, C. T. W. Jie*, G. G. Garner, B. P. Horton, (In prep for submission to Nature Sustainability by February 2022), Evaluating Knowledge Gaps in Sea-level Rise Assessments from the United States.

2. Weaver, M. M.*#, A. J. Garner, (In prep submission to Geophysical Research Letters by Summer 2022), Long-term Variations in Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology in the North Atlantic.

3. Sosa, S. E.*#, A. J. Garner, (In prep for submission to Climatic Change by Fall 2022), The Politics of Regional Sea-level Rise Assessments in the United States.

Other Publications

1. Kopp, R.E., C. Andrews, A. Broccoli, A. Garner, D. Kreeger, R. Leichenko, N. Lin, C. Little, J.A. Miller, J.K. Miller, K.G. Miller, R. Moss, P. Orton, A. Parris, D. Robinson, W. Sweet, J. Walker, C.P. Weaver, K. White, M. Campo, M. Kaplan, J. Herb, and L. Auermuller. (2019). New Jersey’s Rising Seas and Changing Coastal Storms: Report of the 2019 Science and Technical Advisory Panel. Prepared for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Trenton, New Jersey.

2. Garner, A. J., R. E. Kopp, B. P. Horton, M. E. Mann, R. B. Alley, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, J. P. Donnelly, A. C. Kemp, R. DeConto, and D. Pollard (2017; Invited), New York City’s Evolving Flood Risk from Hurricanes and Sea-level Rise, Exchanges and Variations Newsletter. Editor: John Church.

In Prep

1. Sriver, R., T. E. Wong, A. J. Garner, et al., (In Prep for Springer textbook on Climate Change, C. Forest and L. Mearns, [eds.]). Sea-level Rise. Chapter XX.

Major Research Grants


1. Principle Investigator; NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics: CAREER: Leveraging Past Projections of Sea-level Rise to Reduce Uncertainty of Future Sea-level Change; $477,408

In Prep

1. Principle Investigator; Earth Observatory of Singapore: Long-term Variations in Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Extreme Rainfall for Southeast Asia in a Warming Climate; ~$95,000. (Anticipated Submission by 31 January 2022).

2. Co-Principle Investigator; NSF Climate and Large-scale Dynamics; The Influence of Large-Scale Climate Variability on U.S. East Coast Sea Levels; ~$250,000. (Anticipated Submission by March 2022).

3. Senior Personnel: NSF Advancing Revisionary Taxonomy and Systematics; Comprehensive Revision of North American Tiger Beetles: Defining Conservation Priorities via Species Delimitation and Discovery; ~$325,000 (Anticipated Submission by February 2022).

Past Awards

1. Senior Personnel; Science Foundation Ireland: Predicting Sea Levels and Sea-Level Extremes for Ireland; $237,136 (Funded, 2022-2024).

2. Principle Investigator; Rowan University Frances R. Lax Fund for Faculty Development: Obtaining a Tower Server to Advance Climate Change Research. $1000; (Funded, 2021)

3. Principal Investigator; NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship: Combining Proxy Records and Model Data to Investigate Changing Flood Risks for the U.S. Atlantic Coast during the Past Millennium; $174,000; (Funded, 2016-2018)

Scientific Advisory Roles

1. National Academes of Sciences Polar Research Board Meeting Expert Panel on Sea-level Rise (Originally Scheduled for May 2020; likely postponed due to COVID-19)

2. Asian Development Bank (ADB) Roundtable of Experts on Sea-level Rise in the Pacific (Originally Scheduled for April 2020; rescheduled for October – December 2020)

3. United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, North Atlantic Regional Workshop (January 2020)

4. Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel on Sea-level Rise and Coastal Storms for New Jersey (NJ STAP; Fall 2019)

5. New Jersey March for Science Climate Change Panelist (Spring 2018)

Teaching Experience

Courses Taught

· Confronting the Global Climate Crisis (B.S./B.A. Course, Rowan University)

· Principles of Atmospheric and Climate Science (B.S./B.A. Course, Rowan University)

Courses Developed

· Confronting the Global Climate Crisis (B.S./B.A. Course, Rowan University)

· Understanding and Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change (B.S. Course, Rowan University)

· Sea-level Change: Past, Present, and Future (B.S./B.A. Course, Rowan University)

· The Science of Climate Change (M.S. Course, Rowan University)

· Communicating Environmental Science (M.S. Course, Rowan University)

Guest Lectures

· Course: Are Climates and Sea-Levels Changing? (Rutgers University, 1 November 2016)

· Course: Climate Change and Potential Societal Impacts (The Pennsylvania State University, 17 November 2015)

· Course: Climate Dynamics (The Pennsylvania State University, 26 February 2015)

Teaching Assistant

· Course: Climate Dynamics (The Pennsylvania State University, January – May 2016)

· Course: Atmospheric Thermodynamics (The Pennsylvania State University, January – May 2015)

· Course: Introductory Meteorology (The Pennsylvania State University, August – December 2011)

· Course: Quantitative Analysis in Earth Sciences (The Pennsylvania State University, January – May 2011)

· Course: Atmospheric Measurement Principles (The Pennsylvania State University, August – December 2010)


· Mackenzie Weaver: Undergraduate Research Assistant (Rowan University, May 2021-present)

· Sarah Sosa: Undergraduate Research Assistant (Rowan University, March 2020-present)

· Santiago Gomez-Vargas: Bachelors of Fine Arts Thesis Committee (Rowan University, 2019-2020)

· Elijah Laue: Sustainable Climate Risk Management’s Summer Scholars Program (The Pennsylvania State University, Summer 2016)

· Claudia Mazur: Sustainable Climate Risk Management’s Summer Scholars Program (The Pennsylvania State University, Summer 2016)

· Todd Emmenegger: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Climate Science (The Pennsylvania State University, Summer 2016)

Conference Abstracts (First Author Only)

1. Garner, A. J., S. E. Sosa, T. Fangyi, C. T. W. Jie, G. G. Garner, B. P. Horton (2022), Evaluating Knowledge Gaps in Sea-level Rise Assessments from the United States, 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Virtual due to COVID-19, 4 Mar. (ORAL).

2. Garner, A. J., R. E. Kopp, and B. P. Horton (2021), Evolving Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the North Atlantic in a Warming Climate, 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual due to COVID-19, 13 Oct. (ORAL).

3. Garner, A. J., R. E. Kopp, and B. P. Horton (2021), Evolving Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the North Atlantic in a Warming Climate, GSA 2021 Connects, Virtual due to COVID-19, 13 Oct. (INVITED ORAL).

4. Garner, A. J., J.L. Weiss, A. Parris, R.E. Kopp, R.M. Horton, J.T. Overpeck, S.E. Sosa, F.Y. Tan, C.W.J. Tan, B.P. Horton (2020), Evolution of Global Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century and their Incorporation in Local and Regional Assessments, 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual due to COVID-19, 7 Dec. (ORAL).

5. Garner, A. J., J.L. Weiss, A. Parris, R.E. Kopp, R.M. Horton, J.T. Overpeck, S.E. Sosa, F.Y. Tan, C.W.J. Tan, B.P. Horton (2020), Evolution of Global Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century and their Incorporation in Local and Regional Assessments, GSA 2020 Connects Online, 28 Oct. (INVITED ORAL).

6. Garner, A. J., K. A. Emanuel, R. E. Kopp, and B. P. Horton (2019), Impacts of Evolving Tropical Cyclone Track Characteristics in a Changing Climate, 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 11 Dec. (ORAL).

7. Garner, A. J., J. Weiss, A. Parris, R. E. Kopp, R. Horton, J. Overpeck, and B. P. Horton (2018), Evolution of 21st Century Sea-level Rise Projections, 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10 Dec. (ORAL).

8. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2018), The Impact of Climate Change on New York City’s Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE, iSLR18 INQUA-PAGES Conference for Early-Career Researchers, Impacts of sea-level rise from past to present, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 26-29 Aug. (ORAL).

9. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2017), The Impact of Climate Change on New York City’s Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 12 Dec. (ORAL).

10. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2017), Climate Change Impact on New York City Coastal Flood Risk: Increases from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE, Meadowlands Conference, Super Storm Sandy: Five Years Later, Lyndhurst, NJ, 26 Oct. (ORAL).

11. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2017), New York City’s Future Flood Risk from Tropical Cyclones and Sea-level Rise, WCRP/IOC Conference on Regional Sea Level Changes and Coastal Impacts, New York City, NY, 12 July (POSTER).

12. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2017), The Changing Risk of Coastal Flooding in New York City from 850 CE to 2300 CE, 2017 EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 25 Apr. (ORAL).

13. Garner, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, R. Kopp, N. Lin, R. B. Alley, B. P. Horton, R. DeConto, J. P. Donnelly, and D. Pollard (2017), The Changing Threat of Coastal Flooding Associated with Tropical Cyclones in New York City, From the Past Millennium to 2300 C.E., 2017 AAG Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 5-9 Apr. (ORAL).

14. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, A. C. Kemp, R. B. Alley, R. E. Kopp, D. Pollard, J. P. Donnelly (2015), Past, Present, and Future Threat of Tropical Cyclones and Coastal Flooding in New York City, 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec. (INVITED ORAL).

15. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, and A. C. Kemp (2015), An Analysis of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey during the Last Millennium, 18th Annual Environmental Chemistry Student Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, Apr. (ORAL).

16. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, and A. C. Kemp (2015), An Analysis of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey during the Last Millennium, 2015 Graduate Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, March. (POSTER).

17. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, and A. C. Kemp (2014), An Analysis of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey during the Last Millennium, 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec. (ORAL).

18. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, and A. C. Kemp (2014), Impacts of Sea-level Rise, Tropical Cyclones, and Climate Change on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey, 2014 Graduate Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, Apr. (POSTER).

19. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, B. P. Horton, and A. C. Kemp (2014), Impacts of Sea-level Rise, Tropical Cyclones, and Climate Change on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey, 17th Annual Environmental Chemistry Student Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, Mar. (ORAL).

20. Reed, A. J., M. E. Mann, K. A. Emanuel, N. Lin, and A. C. Kemp (2014), Impacts of Sea-level Rise, Tropical Cyclones, and Climate Change on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey, 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 23-28 Feb. (ORAL).

21. Reed, A. J., Thompson, A. M., Kollonige, D. E., Martins, D. K., Tzortziou, M. A., Herman, J. R., Berkoff, T. A., Abuhassan, N. K., and Cede, A., (2013), Effects of Local Meteorology and Chemistry on Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide Retrievals: OMI and Pandora Spectrometers during DISCOVER-AQ 2011, 2013 Graduate Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA Mar. (POSTER).

Other Scholarly Presentations

1. Garner, A. J. (2022), Evolution of Sea-level Rise Projections for the 21st Century, and Knowledge Gaps in Regional Assessments, Villanova University’s Department of Geography and the Environment Colloquium Series (INVITED ORAL).

2. Garner, A. J. (2020), Evolution of 21st Century Sea-Level Rise Projections, Metcalfe Institute 23rd Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists, University of Rhode Island (INVITED ORAL).

3. Garner, A. J. (2020), Evolution of 21st Century Sea-Level Rise Projections, Metcalfe Institute 22nd Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists, University of Rhode Island (INVITED ORAL).

4. Garner, A. J. (2020), Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Hazards: Changing Sea-levels and Tropical Cyclone Characteristics, Montclair State University Sustainability Seminar Series, Montclair State University (INVITED ORAL).

Academic Service: Professional

· Member of Rowan University Campus and Aesthetic Concerns Senate Committee

· Rowan Catalysts for Sustainability Search Committee member, representing the School of the Earth and the Environment

· Director of Environmental Science Computational Laboratory in Discovery Hall, Rowan University

· Alternate Representative for the School of Earth and the Environment on the Advisory Committee for the Creation of an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Data Science

· Hosted Guest Speakers for the School of Earth and the Environment Colloquium Series

· Representative for the Department of Environmental Science at Rowan University Open House

· Search Committee: Rowan Department of Environmental Science (September 2019)

· Judge for the AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award contest

· Reviewer for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC AR6)

· Reviewer for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (IPCC SROCC)

· Member of the Management Team for the 2018 PALSEA-QUIGS Annual Meeting in Galloway, NJ

· Manuscript Reviewer: Science Advances; Nature Communications; Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres; Climatic Change; Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences; NSF Study of Environmental Arctic Change, Arctic Answers Briefs; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

· Proposal Reviewer: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics

· Member of: American Geophysical Union; 500 Women Scientists; National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity; Chi Epsilon Pi Meteorology Honorary; Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honorary; Chi Alpha Sigma Honorary

· Professional Development: National Association of Geoscience Teachers Early Career Faculty Workshop; Rowan University Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Magna Mini-series Webinars; Rowan University New Faculty Orientation; Rowan University Office of Sponsored Programs Grant Workshops; Export Training for International Travel; QPR Suicide Prevention Training

Academic Service: Outreach

· Frequent discussions of climate change and sea-level rise with members of the media, including BBC World News, New York Times, The Guardian, and USA Today (please see my website for additional examples)

· Guest appearance as scientific expert for (Hurricane Season 2020)

· Op-eds: The Mercersburg Journal; The Public Opinion (Chambersburg, PA)

· Guest Expert for ExpertEd, a program in the U.K. that connects K-12 students with experts to learn about their fields of study (2022).

· Guest Speaker for Mount Saint Joseph Academy Senior Environmental Science and AP Biology Classes (May 2020)

· Guest Speaker for the Voorhees Middle School Environmental Club (February 2020)

· Participant in Skype a Scientist (5 Classrooms, Fall 2019)

· Outreach at Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park Community Dig Day (September 2019)

· Guest Speaker for Sustainable Loudoun, in Loudoun, VA

· Guest Speaker for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) week at Solebury School, New Hope, PA

· Guest Speaker for Town Hall on the 5th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy hosted by the New Jersey Sierra Club, Toms River, NJ

· Guest Speaker for Teen Science Café Program at Rutgers University

· Guest Speaker for New Jersey Society of American Military Engineers at their Pathways to Coastal Resilience in the Face of Climate Change program

· Provided scientific input for PBS documentary “Sinking Cities”

· Twitter account dedicated to climate communication: @AndraJReed


Winter 2022