Andra J. (Reed) Garner

I am an Associate Professor at Rowan University in the Department of Environmental Science. 

In the past, my research has included studies investigating the changing flood risk in New York City from the past millennium through the year 2300 due to tropical cyclones, storm surge, and sea-level rise.  I have also worked on projects related to the evolution of  sea-level rise projections, which included the development of a comprehensive database of global sea-level rise projections for the year 2100.  

Currently, I am continuing research related to the impacts of a changing climate on natural hazards, including increasing flood risks associated with tsunamis and sea-level rise, evolving characteristics of tropical cyclones in a changing climate, and changing flood risks related to storm surge and rising sea levels.  I am also working to better understand how we use and communicate information about sea-level rise projections. 

In addition to working on innovative research projects related to climate change, I am committed to bringing this important science to the public.  I have spoken about my work at the NJ March for Science, as well as at events hosted by groups such as the New Jersey Sierra Club and Society of American Military Engineers.  I have started a project with my Global Climate Crisis course to have students create and share short videos communicating hope and inspiration for tackling the climate crisis. I also regularly discuss climate change and its coastal impacts with members of the media.

News and Announcements

New research assessing Changes to tropical cyclone trajectories in Southeast Asia under a warming climate, published in npj climate and atmospheric science

Recent news coverage from the BBC pertaining to Hurricane Beryl during the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season

Recent research detailing Observed increases in North Atlantic tropical cyclone peak intensification rates, published in Scientific Reports

My recent Op-Ed in the LA Times:  Hurricane Otis is a deadly warning of what warming oceans do to storms

Atlantic hurricanes are strengthening faster, more quickly, study finds--I discuss my recent research with the Washington Post

Recently funded NSF CAREER Grant:  Leveraging Past Projections of Sea-level Rise to Reduce Uncertainty of Future Sea-level Change