
Publications (JCR):

Royo, S., Yetano, A. and García-Lacalle, J. (Accepted) “Financial Transparency in the Web 2.0 Era. An Analysis of the use of Websites and Social Media by Spanish Municipalities.” Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review (IF. 2018: 1,250 64/103 Q3 Business, Finance)

Yetano, A. and Castillejos Suastegui, B. I. (2019). "Performance Audit In Latin America: Improving Trust In Governments? / Auditoria Operativa En America Latina: ¿Mejorando La Confianza En El Gobierno?". Gestión y Politica Pública. (IF 2017: 0,103; Q4 Suject Category "Public Administration"). OPEN ACCESS

Royo, S., Yetano, A. and García-Lacalle, J. (2019) “Accountability Styles in State-Owned enterprises: The good, the bad, the ugly ... And the pretty” Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 22 (2) 156-170. (IF. 2018: 1,250 64/103 Q3 Business, Finance). OPEN ACCESS

Torres, Lourdes, Yetano, Ana and Pina Vicente (2019) "Are Performance Audits Useful? A Comparison of EU Practices" Administration & Society. DOI: 10.1177/0095399716658500 53(3), p 431-462 (Category: Public Administration, Q3).

García-Lacalle, J., Royo, S. and Yetano, A. (2018). "Stewards in an “odd” kingdom. Performance and remuneration of the boards of directors of NHS Foundation Trusts". International Public Management Journal. DOI: 10.6018/rcsar.382231 (IF 2017: 2,739; Q1 Suject Category "Public Administration").

Yetano, Ana and Royo, Sonia (2017), “Keeping citizens engaged. A comparison between online and offline participants” Administration & Society DOI: 10.1177/0095399715581625. Vol. 49 (3), pp. 394–422. (IF 2017: 1,761; Q2 Subject Category "Public Administration").

Royo, Sonia and Yetano Ana (2015) "Crowdsourcing" as a tool for e-participation. Two experiences regarding CO2 emissions at municipal level, Electronic Commerce Research, Vol 15(3), pp 323-348. DOI 10.1007/s10660-015-9183-6, IF 2013: 1.632 (Categories: Business and Management, Q2).

Royo, Sonia, Yetano, Ana and Acerete, Basilio (2014) E-Participation and Environmental Protection: Are Local Governments Really Committed?, Public Administration Review, Vol 74 (1), pp 87-98

Yetano, A. (2014) The Diffusion of Value for Money Auditing at Regional Level: A Comparative Study of the UK, Germany and Spain, Gestión y Política Pública, Vol 23(2), pp 421-64

Yetano, A. (2013) What drives the institutionalization of performance measurement and management in local governments?, Public Performance & Management Review (PPMR), Volume 37, Number 1

Torres, L., Pina V. and Yetano, A. (2011) Performance Measurement in Spanish Local Governments. A Cross-Case Comparison Study. Public Administration, Vol 89 (3), pp. 1081–1109.

Yetano, A., Royo S. y Acerete, B. (2010) What is driving the increasing presence of citizen participation initiatives?” (2010). Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol. 28 (5), (2010), pp. 783-802.

Pina V., Torres, L. and Yetano, A. (2009) Accrual Accounting in EU Local Governments: One Method, Several Approaches. European Accounting Review, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 765-807.

Yetano, A. (2009) Managing Performance at Local Government Level: The Cases of the City of Brisbane and the City of Melbourne. Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 167-181.

Yetano, A. (2005) Value for Money Audits and e-government: Benchmarking best practices. Public Performance & Management Review (PPMR), Vol. 29, Nº2, pp 111-124

SCIMAGO Journal Rank:

Yetano, A. and Castillejos Suastegui, B. I. (2019). "Are Latin American performance audits leading to changes? ". International Journal of Auditing. (In press).

Yetano, Ana and Matsuo, Takami (2015) “Are Changes Effective in Performance Management? An Analysis of Japanese Agencies”, International Journal of Public Administration, 38 (8), pp 573-585.

Torres, L., Pina V. and Yetano, A. (2011) The Implementation of Strategic Management in Local Governments. An International Study, Public Administration Quarterly, 35 (4), pp 551-590.

Royo, S.,Acerete, B. and Yetano A. (2011) Citizen Participation in German and Spanish Local Governments. A Comparative Study. International Journal of Public Administration,Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 139-150.

Padovani E., Yetano, A. and Levi Orelli R. (2010) Municipal Performance Measurement and Management in Practice: Which Factors Matter?. Public Administration Quarterly, Vol. 34 Nº. 4, pp. 591-635.

Book Chapters:

Acerete, Basilio, Yetano, Ana and Royo, Sonia (2016) “Evaluating Public (e-)Information Provision”. In: Evaluating e-Participation. Frameworks, Practice, Evidence” Ed.: Aichholzer, Georg; Kubiceck, Herbert; Torres, Lourdes. . Springer (Public Administration and Information Technology book series). New York, NJ, USA.

Cimander, Ralf, Royo, Sonia and Yetano, Ana (2016) “Citizen Panels on Climate Targets: Ecological Impact at Collective Level”. In: Evaluating e-Participation. Frameworks, Practice, Evidence” Ed.: Aichholzer, Georg; Kubiceck, Herbert; Torres, Lourdes. . Springer (Public Administration and Information Technology book series). New York, NJ, USA.

Cimander, Ralf, Yetano, Ana and Royo, Sonia (2016) “Impact Measurement via Carbon Calculators”. In: Evaluating e-Participation. Frameworks, Practice, Evidence” Ed.: Aichholzer, Georg; Kubiceck, Herbert; Torres, Lourdes. . Springer (Public Administration and Information Technology book series). New York, NJ, USA.

Royo, Sonia; Yetano, Ana; Acerete, Basilio (2014). “Perceptions About the Effectiveness of E-participation. A Multistakeholder Perspective”. In: Measuring E-government efficiency. The opinions of Public Administrators and other Stakeholders. Ed.: Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar. Springer (Public Administration and Information Technology book series). New York, NJ, USA. (pp. 257-275).

International Projects:

Comparative Assessment of E-Participation in the Context of Sustainable Development and Climate Change. FUNDED BY: European Science Foundation. EUROCORES European Collaborative Research Projects (ECRP) 2008 COMPETITION 08-ECRP-003. Period: 2009 a 2012. PI: Professor Herbert Kubicek (University of Bremen). IP (Zaragoza): Lourdes Torres.

Performance Measurement and Management at Local Government Level: the Italian and Spanish experience. FUNDED BY: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Dirección General de Investigación. Programa de Acciones Integradas (España-Italia) HI2007-0069. Period: 2008 a 2009. PI: Lourdes Torres Pradas y Giuseppe Farneti.

National Projects:

Challenges of the new governance and public management in the framework of the financial crisis. Efectiveness and financial control of local administrations in the EU. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Dirección General de Investigación. PLAN NACIONAL DE I+D+I ECO2010-17463 (ECON-FEDER). PI. Lourdes Torres. Participants: 16