Errata (1st Edition)

    • Preface. We failed to acknowledge the considerable help of Bill Stevenson (Boston College) who wrote the original draft of the data collection chapter. We also failed to mention Lin Freeman, our mentor. Much of what is said in this book comes originally from Lin, either through classes or informal conversations.

    • Page 17 line 5. "...the group at the bottom left would be separated from the group at the top right." should be "...the group on the left would be separated from the group on the right."

    • Page 67 and 68. Examples of DL files show "n = 6" when the data actually consist of 5 nodes

    • Page 68. The word "business" is misspelled in Figure 5.8.

    • Page 80. Footnote 4 has "N2" where it should be N square (N2). Also, the footnote is hard to understand. It's saying that in a network where ties to self are not allowed, the maximum number of possible ties from members of a department to other members of the same department is N2 - N, where N is the size of the department

    • Page 82, section 5.4.7. The word "courser-grained" should have been "coarser-grained"

    • Page 125 Footnote 1 "N2" should be N squared.

    • Page 133, Figure 8.3. The output shown for the coefficients is wrong. The following is correct (click to enlarge):

    • Page 136 line 7. Negative sign missing: "r=0.0645" should be "r= -0.0645"

    • Page 143 Figure 8.10 caption should be in the order "AinS, A2P-T paths and AT-T"

    • Page 149, Figure 9.1. The figure is reversed left to right. What the text refers to as the graph on the right, is actually on the left in the figure, and vice-versa.

    • Page 159 first line under Table 9.2. Replace the word "only" with "any" .

    • Page 170 Eqn 10.4. The alpha symbol should be deleted.

    • Page 174, line 12. A better sentence would have been "Hence if a node is directly tied to 3 nodes, and two links away from 5 nodes and three links from 12 nodes, then we would construct a score of 3/ 1 + 5/ 2 + 12/ 3 rather than 3 + 5 + 12, as in the unweighted version."

    • Page 218 In section 12.5 the following reference should be added so that (Panning 1982) becomes (Panning 1982, Batagelj et al 1992a). the full reference is "Batagelj,V., Ferligoj, A. and Doreian P. (1992a) Direct and indirect methods for structural equivalence. Social Networks 14, 121-135".

    • Page 220 3 lines up from the bottom the following reference should be added so that " least one 1 in each row and column" becomes " least one 1 in each row and column (Batagelj et al 1992b) ". The full reference is "Batagelj,V.,Doreian P and Ferligoj, A. (1992b) An optimization approach to regular equivalence. Social Networks 14, 63-90.

    • Page 221 the following should be added to the last sentence on the page.

      • "One approach to stabilize the solution is to be more prescriptive on the nature of the blocks. We see in the solution in matrix 12.6 there is a structurally equivalent block ie a block of all 1s. We could therefore mix the block structures insisting some blocks are null some are regular and some are structural. This is the approach taken in generalized block modelling which uses a variety of specified block types to fit the data. UCINET has not implemented this type of block modelling and the interested reader would need to use Pajek, further details can be found in Doreian et al (2005). The full reference is "Doreian P.,Batagelj,V., and Ferligoj, A. (2005). Generalized Blockmodelling. New York: Cambridge University Press."

    • Page 233 penultimate paragraph before section 13.2 line 5 "model" should be "mode"

    • Page 250 the last two sentences of the first paragraph should read "If we had a network of 20 nodes and wanted to look for all assignments into three groups and our computer could do 1000 million calculations a second it would complete the calculation in just over 2 seconds making this a fairly easy task. If we increased this to 50 nodes it would take over 3 million years.

    • Page 276 The reference to Johnson and Griffith (2010) is not in the list of references. It should be:

    • J.C Johnson and D. Griffith. Linking Human and Natural Systems: Social Networks, Environment and Ecology. In “Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design” (eds. I. Vaccaro, E.A. Smith and S. Aswani). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (2010).

    • Page 286. The reference to Freeman 1978 is incorrect. It should be Freeman, LC (1978) "Segregation in Social Networks" Sociological Methods and Research, 6, 1978, 411-429.

  • Page 278. Figure 15.5 The v in the line 4 up from the bottom should be deleted. The heading "Other" should be inserted between Coworker and Relation in line 2.

  • Page 288 the reference Krackhardt (1992) appears twice and the second one should be deleted.

  • Page 289 the reference Padgett and Ansell (1993) appears twice and the second should be deleted.

  • References

    • the reference to Burckhardt and Brass (1990) is missing