About me


I'm a psychologist (license PSY 23975) practicing in Oakland, California. I've trained and worked in a variety of settings, including outpatient mental health clinics, primary care offices, a crisis center, college counseling centers, intensive day treatment, and addiction treatment. In addition to practicing psychotherapy, I'm a member of a research team that studies how to increase access to addiction and mental health treatment. 


We all develop strengths, styles of relating, and ideas about the world based on our experiences. As adults, we have new opportunities to become aware of beliefs and habits that were useful to us earlier in life but may no longer be serving us, or may not reflect our larger potential. I bring deep compassion to my work, because I know from experience that what we think of as "problems" usually developed as part of our efforts to cope and even to survive. The good news is: Throughout our lives, we can grow, learn, and surprise ourselves with new solutions and passions. Psychotherapy is a wonderful opportunity to discover new perspectives and become more fully one's self.


In addition to compassion, I bring to my work careful listening and genuine ways of connecting - skills and values that led me to seek formal training as a psychologist. That training, and years of experience, have equipped me with a variety of tools that I draw on in my work with clients. Sessions may include activities like exploring and clarifying thoughts and feelings, making sense of confusing or traumatic experiences, identifying skills and strengths that may previously have been hidden, and tapping in to motivation. If you like to express yourself in art or writing, I invite you to bring your creations to our sessions. When we meet, I will listen carefully, share my thoughts, and collaborate with you to help you reach your goals.