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ORCID: 0000-0003-1083-8328
ResearcherID: I-3837-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 7006417317
Sidorkin, A.M., Embracing Chatbots in Higher Education: The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching, Administration, and Scholarship, Routledge, 2024.
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А.М. Сидоркин. Чат-боты пошли в институт: Использование искусственного интеллекта в высшем образовании. Русский перевод.
Sidorkin, A.M., Pedagogy of Relation: Education After Reform, Routledge, 2022.
Sidorkin, A.M. Labor of Learning: Market and the Next Generation of Educational Reform. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2009. PDF
Sidorkin, A.M. Learning Relations: Impure Education, Deschooled Schools, and Dialogue with Evil. New York: Peter Lang, 2002. PDF
Sidorkin, A.M. Beyond Discourse: Education, the Self and Dialogue. Buffalo: SUNY Press, 1999. PDF
Сидоркин, А.М. Парад предрассудков [Parade of Prejudices and Superstitions]. Moscow: Znanie, 1992. 65 000 copies sold.
Сидоркин, А.М. Пособие для начинающих Робеспьеров [A Beginning Robespierre's Guide]. Moscow: Znanie, 1990. 155600 copies sold.
Sidorkin, A.M. and Warford, M.K., Eds. Reforms and Innovation in Education. Springer, Cham, 2017.
Bingham, C. W., and Sidorkin, A.M., Eds.No Education Without Relation. New York: Peter Lang, 2004.
Школа воспитания: 825-й маршрут [School of character: The Route # 825] (Co-edited by V.A. Karakovsky, D.B.Grigoriev, and Ye.I. Sokolova). Moscow: The Pedagogical Society of Russia, 200
Sidorkin, A.M.An Ontological Understanding of Dialogue in Education. Ph.D. diss., University of Washington, 1996.
Сидоркин, А.М. Рaзвитие воспитательной системы школы как закономерный процесс [School as a developing system: Driving Forces and Contradictions], Dissertation. Moscow: Institute for Theory and History of Education, 1990.
Сидоркин, А.М. Методология системного подхода в педагогике [Methodology of the Systems Approach in Educational Theory], Monograph, Moscow: Research Institute for Theory and History of Education, 1989.
Сидоркин А.М. «Я-для-Тебя: Критика диалога», Фундаментальные проблемы воспитания в условиях современных социальных процессов, Немо Пресс (2020): 29-39.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Financial Literacy and the Curricularization of Knowledge." International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Springer, Cham, 2018. 1223-1234.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Human Capital and Innovations in Education." In Reforms and Innovation in Education, pp. 127-139. Springer, Cham, 2017.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Emancipation of Children," in Pauli Siljander, Kimmo Kontio and Eetu Pikkaraine (Eds.)Schools in Transition. Sense Publishers, 2017, 289-303
Sidorkin, A.M. "On the theoretical limits of education", in Gert Biesta, Julie Allan and Richard Edwards, Eds. Making a Difference in Theory, London and New York: Routledge , 2014, 121-134.
Sidorkin, A.M. "On the Essence of Education," in Making Sense of Education: Fifteen Contemporary Educational Theorists in their own Words, Gert J.J. Biesta, Editor, Springer, 2012.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Gift and Dialogue", in Dialogiske perspektiver: når vi er forskjellige, Karin Ellingsen Aune og Ellen Saur, Eds., Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2007.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Carnival and Dialogue: Opening New Conversations,” Dialogue as a Means of Collective Communication, Patrick M. Jenlink and Bela H. Banathy, Eds, Plenum US, 2004.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Doing and Talking: Two Sides of School,” Dialogue as a Means of Collective Communication, Patrick M. Jenlink and Bela H. Banathy, Editors, Plenum US, 2004.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Relations Are Rational: Toward An Economic Anthropology Of Schooling," No Education Without Relation, Charles Bingham and Alexander Sidorkin, Editors, New York: Peter Lang, 2004.
Sidorkin, A.M. "A Case for a Pedagogy of Relation," No Education Without Relation, Charles Bingham and Alexander Sidorkin, Editors, New York: Peter Lang, 2004.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The polyphonic relational epistemology," Educational Philosophy and Theory, 57/3 (2025).
Sidorkin, A.M. "Embracing liberatory alienation: AI will end us, but not in the way you may think,"
AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication (2024).Sidorkin, A.M. “Inoculative Education,” Studies in Philosophy and Education, (2023) 42:469–480.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Disruptive Innovation and the Relational Novelty.” Educational Theory 71/4 (2021): 519-533.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Pragmatic Perfectionism," Philosophy of Education 76/3 (2020): 56-60.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Recycling God, or Synonymity Celebrated.” Philosophy of Education 2019 (2020): 718-722.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Baumol’s Cost Disease and the Trinitarian Pedagogy." Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 no. 6 (2019): 591-600.
Moe, M., and A. M. Sidorkin. "The Polyphonic Embodied Self and Educational Organization: A Case of Theory Transplantation." Interchange (2018): 1-13.
Saur, E., and A. M. Sidorkin. "Disability, Dialogue, and the Posthuman." Studies in Philosophy and Education 37, no. 6 (2018): 567-578.
Sidorkin, A.M. "There’s more to education than equality of opportunity." Philosophy of Education (2016): 201-203.
Sidorkin, A.M. “The Paranoid Mind and Transcendence.” Philosophy of Education, (2018): 82-97
Sidorkin, A.M. "Cyborgs forever." Philosophy of Education (2017) : 101-106.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Education for Jobless Society." Studies in Philosophy and Education 36, no. 1 (2017): 7-20.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Campbell’s Law and the Ethics of Immensurability." Studies in Philosophy and Education 35, no. 4 (2016): 321-332.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Idolaters, Iconoclasts, and Iconophiles: The Productive Ideal and Philosophy of Education." Philosophy of Education (2014): 302-310.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Morning After: Resilience and a Little Anger." Philosophy of Education (2014): 294-296.
Сидоркин, А. М.. "Прагматический либерализм и модернизация воспитания." Вопросы образования 2 (2014).
Сидоркин А.М.,"Профессиональная подготовка учителей в США: уроки для России" [Teacher training in the US: Lessons for Russia], Вопросы Образования 1, 2013.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Russian Method." Other Education 1, no. 1 (2012): 61-78.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Mad hatters, jackbooted managers, and the massification of higher education." Educational Theory 62, no. 4 (2012): 487-500.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The institution and the virtue." Philosophy of Education (2012): 439-441.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Are schools improvable? A rumination on positionality." Philosophy of Education (2010): 278-285.
Sidorkin, A.M. “On the Essence of Education” Studies in Philosophy and Education 30/5 (2011): 521-527.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Doomed to Act: Why Postmodern Education May Be Impossible, Not Just (Im) possible." Philosophy of Education (2011): 280-282.
Sidorkin, A.M. "John Dewey: A case of Educational Utopianism." Philosophy of Education (2010): 191-199.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Compliance without Paternalism." Philosophy of Education (2008): 78-80.
Sidorkin, A.M. "What Do We Want Them to Want to Do?" Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Conference Education and Multicultural Education, 2008.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Is schooling a consumer good? A case against school choice, but not the one you had in mind." Philosophy of Education (2007): 75-83.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Human Capital and Labor of Learning: A Case of Mistaken Identity,” Educational Theory, 57/2, 2007, 159-170.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The New Slavery, or Chrysalization of Class." Philosophy of Education (2006): 417-425.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Student Error," Philosophy of Education (2005): 137-145.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Chayanov's Rule and School Reform." Philosophy of Education (2005): 67-76.
Sidorkin, A.M. "In the event of learning: Alienation and participative thinking in education." Educational Theory 54, no. 3 (2004): 251-262.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Panopticon of a Second Kind: Self-Reforming during the Era of Excellence." Journal of Thought 39, no. 2 (2004): 17-33.
Fischer, J. M., L. Hamer, J. Zimmerman, A.M. Sidorkin, A. Samel, L. Long, and J. McArthur. "The unlikely faces of professional development in urban schools: Preparing at-risk students and colleges for one another." Educational Horizons 82, no. 3 (2004): 203-212.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Student labor and evolution of education." World Futures 60, no. 3 (2004): 183-193.
Sidorkin, A.M. "'Martin Buber' Meets Martin Buber." Philosophy of Education (2004): 88-91.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Cold Calling and the Wonderful World of Relations." Philosophy of Education (2003): 204-207.
Sidorkin, Alexander. "Lyotard and Bakhtin: Engaged diversity in education." Interchange 33, no. 1 (2002): 85-97.
Bingham, C.W., and A.M. Sidorkin. "Aesthetics and the paradox of educational relation." Journal of Philosophy of Education 35, no. 1 (2000): 21-30.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Labor of Learning." Educational Theory 51, no. 1 (2001): 91-107.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Authoritarianism and Democracy in Soviet Schools: A Tale of John Dewey’s Ideas and the Woman Who Brought down the Berlin Wall.” East/West Education 19, 1998-2000, 121-130.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Toward a Pedagogy of Relation.” Philosophical Studies in Education 32, 2000, 9-14.
Sidorkin, Alexander. "Dialogue with Evil." Journal of Thought 34, no. 3 (1999): 9-19.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The fine art of sitting on two stools: Multicultural education between postmodernism and critical theory." Studies in Philosophy and Education 18, no. 3 (1999): 143-156.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Redefinition of Plurality: On the Value of Double Messages." Education and Society 16, no. 1 (1998): 99-104.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Alas, Poor Hamlet – or Identity Crisis for Dummies,” Philosophy of Education 1998: 269-71.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Authenticity-Dialogicality-Recognition: An Improbable Journey,” Philosophical Studies in Education (1997): 83-90.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Carnival and domination: Pedagogies of neither care nor justice." Educational Theory 47, no. 2 (1997): 229-23.
Sidorkin, A.M. "The Glass Bead Game." Philosophy of Education (1996): 315-317.
Sidorkin, A.M. “The Pedagogy of the Interhuman.” Philosophy of Education (1995): 412-419.
Sidorkin A.M. “The Communard Movement in Russia,” East-West Education, 16/2 (Fall 1995): 148-59.
Sidorkin, A.M. 2024. “Disability In Dialogue: Edited by Jessice M. F. Hughes and Mariaelena Bartesaghi, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2023,” Disability & Society, December, 1–3.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Review of Journey into Dialogic Pedagogy (Eugene Matusov),” Power and Education 2/1, 2010: 109-111.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Schools of Recognition: Identity Politics and Classroom Practices,” Review of Charles Bingham, Schools of Recognition. Educational Studies 34/1, Spring 2003: 102-105.
Sidorkin, A.M. "Democracy, education, and antipodes." Review of Creating and Managing the Democratic School by J.Chapman, I.Froumin, and D.Aspin, Eds., East-West Education, Volume 17, Spring and Fall 1996, Numbers 1 and 2: 135-38.
Sidorkin, A. M. (2024). Foreword. In A. Murray & R. Borunda (Eds.), Disrupting Racism in US Schools: Transcending the (un)Civil War (pp. v-viii). Palgrave Macmillan.
Sidorkin, A.M., "Artificial intelligence: Why is it our problem?" Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1–6.
Sidorkin, Alexander M., "The Pedagogy of Relation and Educational Communities," Keynote address, International Review of Educational Psychologies, 2/1 (2023).
Sidorkin, Alexander. "Educating for a jobless society”. UNESCO Futures of Education Ideas LAB. 16 November 2020.
Сидоркин, А.М. «Открытие нового мира [The Discovery of a New World]», Директор Школы, 8/2020, 61-67.
Sidorkin, A. M., and A. M. Kulakov. "The Problem of the Invisible in Education." (2015). Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2015 8) 2632-2637. См также русский вариант "Проблема невидимого в образовании.
Sidorkin, A.M. "University Ratings: Imperfect but Indispensable," Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, 04 2015: 8-10.
Сидоркин, А.М. «Зачем России «Орлёнок»?» Ориентир, 2015. № 1(11): 19-22.
Сидоркин, А.М. «Общественно-педагогическая практика в подготовке учителей», Психологическая наука и образование. 2014. Т. 19. № 3. С. 74-77
Сидоркин, А.М. "Революция данных," Учительская газета, №26 от 30 июня 2014 года.
Сидоркин, А.М. «Социальное воспитание в гонке образований», Сибирский педагогический журнал, 2013, Т.2, 16-20
Sidorkin, A.M. "Syllabus, the genre." Syllabus 1, no. 1 (2012).
"Response to Frank Margonis' Review of Labor of Learning: Market and the Next Generation of Educational Reform," Studies in Philosophy and Education 29/6, 2010: 577-578.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Феномен Листпеда с точки зрения дискретности воспитания.” Магия Листпеда: Педагогические принципы адаптационного сбора студентов, N.P. Anijnikeeva, Т.А. Romm eds., Novosibirsk, NSPU Publishing, 2010: 34 - 38.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Как перевести непереводимое: российская традиция воспитания и перспективы глобализации образования. Воспитание: традиции и перспективы . Proceedings of the Fifth Siberian Education Seminar, Novosibirsk, Russia, March 17 - 19 2010): Volume 1. Novosibirsk, NSPU Publishing, 2010: 24 - 26.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Mentorship program essential for new teachers,” Greeley Tribune, April 10, 2008, A8.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Будущее воспитания и воспитание будущего.” Воспитательная работа в школе, 2008, 3: 24-26.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Нерыночная экономика школы.” Narodnoye Obrazovaniye 10, 2008: 223-231.
Sidorkin, A.M. “Spinoza or Spanish?” Straw Poll Contribution, The Philosophers’ Magazine Volume 38, 2007, 10.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Факультет ненужных вещей: Смысл и основная проблема воспитания.” Новые Ценности Образования: Контексты и подтексты образования 5-6/29-30, 2006: 43-48.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Театральность школы.” На путях к новой школе 1, 2004, 3-6.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Российская теория воспитания в контексте мирового образования”, Живая педагогика: Открытость, культура, наука, образование, Moscow: Narodnoye Obrazovanie, 2004, 61-67.
Сидоркин, А.М. "Педагогическая наука и образовательная практика: Экономическая антропология школы." Живая Педагогика: Открытость. Культура. Наука. Образование, Moscow: Narodnoe Obrazovanie, 2004, 244-247
Сидоркин, А.М. "Эволюционная теория коллективного воспитания." На путях к новой школе 5, 2003, 41-43.
Спирин, А., Сидоркин, А.М. “Школа отношений.” Народное образование 3 (2003): 92-97.
Сидоркин, А. М. "Система В. А. Караковского: модель гуманистической воспитательной системы современной массовой школы." Гуманистические воспитательные системы вчера и сегодня (в описаниях их авторов и исследователей). Редактор-составитель Е. И. Соколова ; Под общ. ред. Н. Л. Селивановой. – М. : Педагогическое общество России, 1998. – С. 178–196.
Сидоркин, А.М. “К вопросу о развитии понятия воспитательная система школы” [On development of the concept of School-wide Educational System], Klassnyi Rukovoditel. 1997, Volume 2, 23-28.
Сидоркин, А.М. “К вопросу о развитии понятия воспитательная система школы." Методология, теория и практика воспитательных систем: поиск продолжается, Moscow: Research Institute for Theory of Education and Pedagogy, 1996, 28-33.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Диалог в воспитании.” Народное образование, 1995, 8-9, 110-114.
Сидоркин, А.М. "О начальном этапе моделирования воспитательной системы." Моделирование воспитательных систем: теория — практике: Сб. науч. ст./Под ред. Л.И.Новиковой, Н.Л.Селивановой. М.: РОУ, 1995. - С. 69-77.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Диалог в воспитании: к постановке проблемы.” Гуманизация образования 2/1995, 9-16.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Единство организованности и общинности как условие становления и развития гуманистической воспитательной системы школы.” Воспитательная система массовой школы: проблемы гуманизации. Moscow: Research Institute for Theory and History of Education, 1992, 22-28.
Сидоркин, А. М. "Методы воспитания." Российская педагогическая энциклопедия : В 2-х тт. ; Гл. ред. В. В. Давыдов. – М. : Большая Российская энциклопедия, 1993. – Т. 1. – С. 569–570.
Сидоркин A.M. "Процесс развития воспитательной системы школы. Его закономерности." Воспитательная система учебного заведения. (Материалы Всесоюзной научно-практической конференции г.Николаев). М., 1992. 14-29.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Рождение Николаевского научно-практического центра 'Воспитательная система школы.” Воспитательная система школы. Москва, Педагогическое общество РСФСР, 1991: 27-48.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Вопросы методологии изучения воспитательных систем” Педагогическая теория: идеи и проблемы: Сб. науч. тр. Ответств. ред. В.С.Шубинский. М.: ИТПиМИО, 1992. - С. 80-86.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Воспитательная Система – Школа Караковского.” Народное образование 10/1991: 42-48.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Процесс развития воспитательной системы школы.” Советская Педагогика 11/1991: 65-69.
Сидоркин,А.М. "Методологический синтез теории и истории педагогики в исследовании воспитательных систем." Воспитательные системы школ: история и современность: Тезисы семинара-совещания. — Владимир: ВГПИ, 1990. — С. 8-10.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Воспитательный процесс и воспитательная система” [Educational Process and the Holistic School] Методология и методы современных педагогических исследований [Methodology and Methods of Contemporary Educational Research]. Mos cow: Academy of Educational Sciences, 1989, 10-12.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Соотношение объяснения и понимания в период кризиса одной из специальных наук” [Explanation and Understanding in One Social Science’s Crisis] Объяснение и понимание в специальных общественных науках [The Explanation and Understanding in Social Sciences]. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy, 1989, 171-179.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Общее, особенное и единичное в развитии воспитательной системы школы” [The Universal, the Particular, and the Singular in the Development of a Holistic School]. Воспитательная система учебного заведения как объект педагогического управления [Pedagogical Management of School's Educational System]. Proceedings of the All-Union Conference, V.1. Riga: Latvian State University, 1989, 15-17.
Сидоркин, А.М. “Игровой аспект воспитания” [The Play-like Dimension of Education]. Игра в воспитательном процессе [Play in Educational Process]. Novosibirsk: NGPI, 1989, 62-80.
Сидоркин, А.М. “К вопросу о сущности воспитания: Игровой аспект воспитательного взаимодействия” [On the Essence of Education: Play-like Aspects of the Educational Interaction]. Теоретико-методологичечские проблемы образования в условиях становления системы непрерывного образования [Theoretical and Methodological Educational Issues in the Development of a Continuous Education System]. Moscow: Academy of Educational Sciences, 1988, 96-98.
Сидоркин, А.М. “О сущности педагогических явлений” [On the Essence of Educational Phenomena]. Педагогическая наука в условиях перестройки [Educational Theory and Perestroika]. Moscow: Russian Educational Society, 1988, 65-69.
2020 | $20,000. Evidence-based educator preparation and organizational culture, American Councils for International Education, U.S.-Kazakhstan University Partnerships Grants Program.
2016 | Р 18,000,000. Analytical support of identification and diffusion of the most promising innovations in Russian education, Federal Ministry of Education and Science.
2012 | $50,000. Common Core Standards and College Preparedness in Rhode Island, Rhode Island Office of Higher Education
2012 | $3,000. Linkage Grant, The Eurasia Foundation
2007 | $160,000. Reading in the Social Studies Project: Teaching Reading in Civics, Economics, Geography and History grant (Co-PI)
2005 | $36,000. Civics Mosaic, Regional coordinator for the State of Ohio and Toledo region.
2005 | $4,800. Improving Literacy through Service Learning, Partnerships for Community Actions Grant (Co-director, budget administrator)
2004 | $37,000. Civics Mosaic, Civic Education Exchange Program Regional Coordinator.
2002 | $25,000. Ohio Learning Network Implementation Grant, (co-PI)
2002 | $12,000. Ohio Learning Network Readiness Grant, (co-PI)
2002 | $7,000. Undoing the Digital Divide: Infusing Technology in a Social Foundations of Education Course, PICT Project Grant (co-PI)
2001 | $6,000. Manifesto of Relational Pedagogy, National Academy of Education Collaborative Project Grant (co-PI, budget administrator)
2001 | $14,190. Pedagogy of Relation: Mutuality, Authority, And Polyphony, Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant
2001 | $10,00. Using Web Technology to Overcome Fragmentation of a Multi-Sectioned Course, Bowling Green State University Tech Grant (co-PI)
1999 | $6,000. Progressive Prehistory of Soviet Education, National Academy of Education Collaborative Project Grant (co-PI)
1997 | $40,000. Monologism in Education, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship