Mexico City - T0, MEX
MILAGRO / MAX-Mex & MCMA - 2006 Mexico City, MX
Site Type
Sampling Height
Reported Time
Researchers                                    Â
Latitude: 19.48; Longitude: -99.15
28 meters
March 2006
Allison Aiken, Dara Salcedo, Alex Huffman, Peter DeCarlo & Jose-Luis Jimenez
NASA: fellowship NNG04GR06H (ACA), NGT5-30516 (JAH), NNG05GQ50H (IMU); NSF: grants ATM-0528634, ATM-0449815 (CAREER), DOE: grants DE-FG02-05ER63981 NOAA: grant NA08OAR4310565; and EPA STAR fellowship RD-83216101-0 (PFD).
Time series of aerosol species
Local time
2.5 minute averages
*Total = SO42-+ NO3-+ NH4++ Cl-+ Organics
Elemental Ratios
H/C & O/C
Local time
2.5 minute averages
PMF Factors
BBOA Spectra
HOA Spectra
LV-OOA Spectra
SV-OOA Spectra
Papers Published on this Dataset
J.A. Huffman, P.J. Ziemann, J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop, and J.L. Jimenez. Development and Characterization of a Fast-Stepping/Scanning Thermodenuder for Chemically-Resolved Aerosol Volatility Measurements. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2008, 42, 395-407. DOI: 10.1080/02786820802104981. PDF
A.C. Aiken, P.F. DeCarlo, J.H. Kroll, D.R. Worsnop, J.A. Huffman, K.S. Docherty, I.M. Ulbrich, C. Mohr, J.R. Kimmel, D. Sueper, Y. Sun, Q. Zhang, A. Trimborn, M. Northway, P.J. Ziemann, M.R. Canagaratna, T.B. Onasch, M.R. Alfarra, A.S.H. Prevot, J. Dommen, J. Duplissy, A. Metzger, U. Baltensperger, and J.L. Jimenez. O/C and OM/OC Ratios of Primary, Secondary, and Ambient Organic Aerosols with High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology. 2008, 42, 4478-4485. DOI: 10.1021/es703009q. PDF
C.L. Heald, A.H. Goldstein, J.D. Allan, A.C. Aiken, E. Apel, E.L. Atlas, A.K. Baker, T.S. Bates, A.J. Beyersdorf, D.R. Blake, T. Campos, H. Coe, J.D. Crounse, P.F. DeCarlo, J.A. de Gouw, E.J. Dunlea, F.M. Flocke, A. Fried, P. Goldan, R.J. Griffin, S.C. Herndon, J.S. Holloway, R. Holzinger, J.L. Jimenez, W. Junkermann, W.C. Kuster, A.C. Lewis, S. Meinardi, D.B. Millet, T. Onasch, A. Polidori, P.K. Quinn, D.D. Riemer, J.M. Roberts, D. Salcedo, B. Sive, A.L. Swanson, R. Talbot, C. Warneke, R.J. Weber, P. Weibring, P.O. Wennberg, D.R. Worsnop, A.E. Wittig, R. Zhang, J. Zheng, and W. Zheng. Total Observed Organic Carbon (TOOC) in the Atmosphere: a Synthesis of North American Observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008, 2, 2007-2025. PDF
J. Zheng, R. Zhang, E.C. Fortner, R.M. Volkamer, L. Molina, A.C. Aiken, J.L. Jimenez, K. Gaeggeler, J. Dommen, S. Dusanter, P.S. Stevens, and X. Tie. Measurements of HNO3 and N2O5 Using Ion Drift-Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry during the MILAGRO/MCMA-2006 Campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008, 8, 6823-6838. PDF
J.A. Huffman, K.S. Docherty, A.C. Aiken, M.J. Cubison, I.M. Ulbrich, P.F. DeCarlo, D. Sueper, J.T. Jayne, D.R. Worsnop, P.J. Ziemann, and J.L. Jimenez. Chemically-resolved Aerosol Volatility Measurements from two Megacity Field Studies. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics. 2009, 9, 7161-7182. PDF
G. Paredes-Miranda, W.P. Arnott, J.L. Jimenez, A.C. Aiken, J.S. Gaffney, and N.A. Marley. Primary and Secondary Contributions to Aerosol Light Scattering and Absorption in Mexico City during the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009, 9, 3721-3730. PDF
J.A. Huffman, K.S. Docherty, C. Mohr, M.J. Cubison, I.M. Ulbrich, P.J. Ziemann, T.B. Onasch, and J.L. Jimenez. Chemically-Resolved Volatility Measurements of Organic Aerosol from Different Sources. Environmental Science and Technology. 2009, 43, 5351-5357. DOI: 10.1021/es803539d. PDF
J. Fast, A.C. Aiken, J. Allan, L. Alexander, T. Campos, M.R. Canagaratna, E. Chapman, P.F. DeCarlo, B. de Foy, J. Gaffney, J. de Gouw, J.C. Doran, L. Emmons, A. Hodzic, S.C. Herndon, G. Huey, J.T. Jayne, J.L. Jimenez, L. Kleinman, W. Kuster, N. Marley, L. Russell, C. Ochoa, T.B. Onasch, M. Pekour, C. Song, I.M. Ulbrich, C. Warneke, D. Welsh-Bon, C. Wiedinmyer, D.R. Worsnop, X.-Y. Yu, and R. Zaveri. Evaluating Simulated Primary Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols during MILAGRO: Implications for Assessing Treatments of Secondary Organic Aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009, 9, 6191-6215. PDF
A. Hodzic, J.L. Jimenez, S. Madronich, A.C. Aiken, B. Bessagnet, G. Curci, J. Fast, J.-F. Lamarque, T.B. Onasch, G. Roux, J.J. Schauer, E.A. Stone, and I.M. Ulbrich. Modeling Organic Aerosols during MILAGRO: Importance of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009, 9, 6949-6981. PDF
B. Ervens, M.J. Cubison, E. Andrews, G. Feingold, J.A. Ogren, J.L. Jimenez, P.K. Quinn, T.S. Bates, J. Wang, Q. Zhang, H. Coe, M. Flynn, and J.D. Allan. CCN Predictions using Simplified Assumptions of Organic Aerosol Composition and Mixing State: a Synthesis from Six different Locations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 4795-4807. PDF
J.L. Jimenez, M.R. Canagaratna, N.M. Donahue, A.S.H. Prevot, Q. Zhang, J.H. Kroll, P.F. DeCarlo, J.D. Allan, H. Coe, N.L. Ng, A.C. Aiken, K.S. Docherty, I.M. Ulbrich, A.P. Grieshop, A.L. Robinson, J. Duplissy, J.D. Smith, K.R. Wilson, V.A. Lanz, C. Hueglin, Y.L. Sun, J. Tian, A. Laaksonen, T. Raatikainen, J. Rautiainen, P. Vaattovaara, M. Ehn, M. Kulmala, J.M. Tomlinson, D.R. Collins, M.J. Cubison, E.J. Dunlea, J.A. Huffman, T.B. Onasch, M.R. Alfarra, P.I. Williams, K. Bower, Y. Kondo, J. Schneider, F. Drewnick, S. Borrmann, S. Weimer, K. Demerjian, D. Salcedo, L. Cottrell, R. Griffin, A. Takami, T. Miyoshi, S. Hatakeyama, A. Shimono, J.Y. Sun, Y.M. Zhang, K. Dzepina, J.R. Kimmel, D. Sueper, J.T. Jayne, S.C. Herndon, A.M. Trimborn, L.R. Williams, E.C. Wood, A.M. Middlebrook, C.E. Kolb, U. Baltensperger, and D.R. Worsnop. Evolution of Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere. Science, 2009, 326, 1525. PDF
A. Hodzic, J.L. Jimenez, S. Madronich, M.R. Canagaratna, P.F. DeCarlo, L. Kleinman, and J. Fast. Modeling Organic Aerosols in a Megacity: Potential Contribution of Semi-volatile and Intermediate Volatility Primary Organic Compounds to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 5491-5514. PDF
C.D. Cappa and J.L. Jimenez. Quantitative Estimates of the Volatility of Ambient Organic Aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 5409-5424. PDF
D. Salcedo, T.B. Onasch, A.C. Aiken, L.R. Williams, B. de Foy, M.J. Cubison, D.R. Worsnop, L.T. Molina, and J.L. Jimenez. Determination of Particulate Lead using Aerosol Mass Spectrometry: MILAGRO/MCMA-2006 Observations. 2010, 10, 5371-5389. PDF
C.L. Heald, J.H. Kroll, J.L. Jimenez, K.S. Docherty, P.F. DeCarlo, A.C. Aiken, Q. Chen, S.T. Martin, D.K. Farmer, and P. Artaxo. A Simplified Description of the Evolution of Organic Aerosol Composition in the Atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letter. 2010, 37, L08803. DOI: 10.1029/2010GL042737. PDF
N.L. Ng, M.R. Canagaratna, Q. Zhang, J.L. Jimenez, J. Tian, I.M. Ulbrich, J.H. Kroll, K.S. Docherty, P.S. Chhabra, R. Bahreini, S.M. Murphy, J.H. Seinfeld, L. Hildebrandt, N.M. Donahue, P.F. DeCarlo, V.A. Lanz, A.S.H. Prevot, E. Dinar, Y. Rudich, and D.R. Worsnop. Organic Aerosol Components Observed in Northern Hemispheric Datasets from Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 4625-4641. PDF
L.T. Molina, S. Madronich, J.S. Gaffney, E. Apel, B. de Foy, J. Fast, R. Ferrare, S. Herndon, J.L. Jimenez, B. Lamb, A.R. Osornio-Vargas, P. Russell, J.J. Schauer, P.S. Stevens, R. Volkamer, and M. Zavala. An Overview of the MILAGRO 2006 Campaign: Mexico City Emissions and their Transport and Transformation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 8697-8760. PDF
J. Wang, M.J. Cubison, A.C. Aiken, J.L. Jimenez, and D.R. Collins. The Importance of Aerosol Mixing State and Size-resolved Composition on CCN Concentration and the Variation of the Importance with Atmospheric Aging of Aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 7267-7283. PDF
A. Hodzic, J.L. Jimenez, A.S.H. Prevot, S. Szidat, J.D. Fast, and S. Madronich. Can 3-D Models explain the Observed Fractions of Fossil and Non-fossil Carbon in and near Mexico City. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010, 10, 10997-11016. PDF
J.H. Kroll, N.M. Donahue, J.L. Jimenez, S.H. Kessler, M.R. Canagaratna, K.R. Wilson, K.E. Altieri, L.R. Mazzoleni, A.S. Wozniak, H. Bluhm, E.R. Mysak, J.D. Smith, C.E. Kolb, and D.R. Worsnop. Carbon Oxidation State as a Metric for Describing the Chemistry of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol. Nature - Chemistry. 2011, 3, 133-139. DOI: 10.1038/nchem.948. PDF
K. Dzepina, C.D. Cappa, R.M. Volkamer, S. Madronich, P.F. DeCarlo, R.A. Zaveri, and J.L. Jimenez. Modeling the Multiday Evolution and Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol During MILAGRO 2006. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011, 45, 3496-3503. DOI: 10.1021/es103186f. PDF
M. Shrivastava, J. Fast, R. Easter, W.I. Gustafson Jr., R.A. Zaveri, J.L. Jimenez, P. Saide, and A. Hodzic. Modeling Organic Aerosols in a Megacity: Comparison of Simple and Complex Representations of the Volatility Basis Set Approach. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics. 2011, 11, 6639-6662. PDF
N.L. Ng, M.R. Canagaratna, J.L. Jimenez, Q. Zhang, I.M. Ulbrich, and D.R. Worsnop. Real-time Methods for Estimating Organic Component Mass Concentrations from Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Data. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011, 45, 910-916. DOI: 10.1021/es102951k. PDF
N.L. Ng, M.R. Canagaratna, J.L. Jimenez, P.S. Chhabra, J.H. Seinfeld, and D.R. Worsnop. Changes in Organic Aerosol Composition with Aging Inferred from Aerosol Mass Spectra. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 11, 6465-6474. PDF
A. Hodzic and J.L. Jimenez. Modeling Anthropogenically Controlled Secondary Organic Aerosols in a Megacity: a Simplified Framework for Global and Climate Models. Geoscientific Model Development. 2011, 4, 901-917. PDF
I.M. Ulbrich, M.R. Canagaratna, M.J. Cubison, Q. Zhang, N.L. Ng, A.C. Aiken, and J.L. Jimenez. Three-dimensional Factorization of Size-resolved Organic Aerosol Mass Spectra from Mexico City. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2012, 5, 195-224. PDF
G. Li, M. Zavala, W. Lei, A.P. Tsimpidi, V.A. Karydis, S.N. Pandis, M.R. Canagaratna, and L.T. Molina. Simulations of Organic Aerosol Concentrations in Mexico City using the WRF-CHEM Model during the MCMA-2006/MILAGRO Campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 11, 3789-3809. PDF
A.P. Tsimpidi, V.A. Karydis, M. Zavala, W. Lei, N. Bei, L. Molina, and S.N. Pandis. Sources and Production of Organic Aerosol in Mexico City: Insights from the Combination of a Chemical Transport Model (PMCAMx-2008) and Measurements during MILAGRO. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 11, 5153-5168. PDF
V.A. Karydis, A.P. Tsimpidi, W. Lei, L.T. Molina, and S.N. Pandis. Formation of Semivolatile Inorganic Aerosols in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area during the MILAGRO Campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 11, 13305-13323. PDF
Hodzic et al., ES&T, rev. 2012
Salcedo et al., AS&T, sub. 2012