Cybersecurity Engagement and Self-Efficacy Scale

The Cybersecurity Engagement and Self-efficacy Scale (CESES) was developed for measuring cybersecurity-related outcomes among young adults attending a week-long camp that was designed to spark interest in cybersecurity careers and academic pathways. The instrument was developed by colleagues at the University at Buffalo (Amo, L., Zhuo, Wilde, Murray, Cleary, Upadhyaya, and Rao) and in the information security industry (Amo, C.) and is intended to measure six constructs:

  1. problem solving and general computer self-efficacy (PSGCE)

  2. cybersecurity enjoyment and intended pursuit (CSEP)

  3. networking self-efficacy (NSE)

  4. systems administration self-efficacy (SASE)

  5. web management self-efficacy (WSE)

  6. cyber threat identification self-efficacy (CTISE)

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