
Publications and Forthcoming

Experience Based Dynamic Choice: A Revealed Preference Approach, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016, Vol. 128, p. 1-13

Exogenous Endowment - Endogenous Reference Point, The Economic Journal, 2020, Vol. 130 (625), p. 160-182 [Online Appendix]

Attractive Flu Shot: A Behavioral Approach to Increasing Influenza Vaccination Rates (with Adi Sarid), Medical Decision Making, 2020, Vol. 40 (6), p. 774-784

A Model of Menu-Dependent Evaluations and Comparison-Aversion (with Shiran Rachmilevitch), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2021, Vol. 91, 101655

Turning-On Dimensional Prominence in Decision Making: Experiments and a Model (with Ayala Arad), Management Science, 2022, Vol. 68 (8), p. 6075-6099

On the Relevance of Irrelevant Strategies (with Ayala Arad and Benjamin Bachi), Experimental Economics, 2023, Vol. 26, 1142-1184

The Framing Effect of Digital Textual Messages on Uptake Rates of Medical Checkups: A Field Study (with Adi Sarid, Stella Rashkovich, Yafit Cohen, Tamar Landau, Elina Saifer, Neta Amorai-Belkin and Tamar Alcalay), JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2024, Vol. 10 (1), e45379

Work In Progress

Are Anti-vaxxers Anti Social? How Convictions Shape Prosocial Behavior and Vaccination Decisions (with Moti Michaeli and Sapir Gabriel)

Pro-Sociality During Times of Political Unrest (with Moti Michaeli)

Disentangling Incompleteness from Indifference in the Lab (with Moti Michaeli and Rotem Wolf)