Clang and LLVM Practise Stuff

Clang and LLVM Stuffs....

Things that may be helpful for me .... later if I come back to start from fresh....

Please Note: That I do not claim that this page contains information or terminology that are used correctly, as can be seen that this page is created only to help me maintain a scrap note book.

How to Install clang and llvm ....

1) Download from repository (let me say I have downloaded inside the folder /home/amit/eclipse-workspace)

2) Extract the zipped files clang and llvm-master and

3) Copy the entire clang folder inside the folder llvm-master/tools

I have rename the "llvm-master" folder to "LLVM"

4) Now be inside llvm/LLVM folder

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace> cd llvm

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM> mkdir build

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM> cd build

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM/build> cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" /home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM/build> make -j 8 //8 since I have 8 cores in my PC for invoking make in parallel

Note: my system hang and was not responsive so I had to abort this make process and re-typed the command

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM/build> make

/home/amit/eclipse-workspace/llvm/LLVM/build> sudo make install

That's it, if all the above command works well, we are done with LLVM and clang installation.

Some links that I remember from which I started reading....

Few commands that I tried

1) Created a simple C function and save it with a name thermostat.c


#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_TEMP (70.0)

#define MIN_TEMP (66.0)

#define CHATTER_LIMIT (2)

#define NO_HEAT 1

#define NORMAL_HEAT 2

#define FAST_HEAT 3

int controller(double room_temp){

static int on_ctr, off_ctr, chatter_detect_ctr;

static int previous_command, command, u;

if (room_temp >= MIN_TEMP && room_temp < MAX_TEMP)

command = NORMAL_HEAT;

else if (room_temp >= MAX_TEMP)

command = NO_HEAT;

else if (room_temp < MIN_TEMP)

command = FAST_HEAT;


command = previous_command;

if (off_ctr >= 5 || on_ctr >= 5)


if (command != previous_command)


if (chatter_detect_ctr > CHATTER_LIMIT)

command = previous_command;

if (command == NO_HEAT){



} else {




if (command==NO_HEAT)

u = 20;

if (command==FAST_HEAT)

u = 100;

if (command==NORMAL_HEAT)

u = 70;

return u;


2) Then tried the following command to compile using clang and generate the byte code thermo.bc


clang -c -emit-llvm thermostat.c -o thermo.bc

Then to view the IR or SSA representation of the LLVM compiler, using a nice CFG form, typed the command

opt -view-cfg thermo.bc

Note in my case I got the message

Writing '/tmp/'... done.

Then, I used the dot tool to generate a .pdf version to view it, using the commnad:

dot -Tpdf /tmp/cfgcontroller-*.dot -o out.pdf

That's it and I have the out.pdf that contains the IR in a CFG form.

3) Note: For setting up the project in Eclipse, this link helped me


Step 1) In the terminal change the directory to your working project_dir and issue the following commands:

cd <project_dir> cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ./

This will create make file system for our project and all autocomplete and intellisense will start working in Eclipse (by import->C/C++->Existing Code as Makefile Project). Now we don't need to do the stuffs like mkdir build , cd build , cmake .. , make , cd ..

Now we can directly issue the command to run our llvm pass. Example (the structure of my project being llvm-pass-ControllerProgram/src and llvm-pass-ControllerProgram/benchmarks, where src contains all source code and benchmarks contain all test cases):

clang -Xclang -load -Xclang src/libControllerProgramPass.* benchmarks/test.c0

Looked at few more videos: (A Brief Introduction to LLVM) (LLVM pass tutorial 8: To iterate over the predecessor basicblocks of a basicblock) (LLVM pass tutorial 5: How to count number of opcode of every type in a program) (LLVM pass tutorial 6: def-use)

I also have to see these links

Some links that was helpful for me in context to SSA (how to create an SSA) (how to call/load passes) (how to enable the mem2reg pass)


Thanks a lot Dr. Bernard Nongpoh