Presentations: Lectures, Tutorials and Others
Cybersecurity Lectures:
Internet Security Lectures (in the process of being updated for class of Fall'24)
Internet inter-domain routing (BGP) security (updated 11/18/24). This presentation focuses of misrouting attacks and defenses against them (RPKI, BGPsec, ...); it does not cover Source Address Validation (SAV), which I hope to add soon as a separate updated presentation. SAV is also covered as part of an older powerpoint presentation on BGP security.
Web security attacks and defenses. Quite a lot yet only the tip of the iceberg! [updated 9/24]
DNS security attacks (mostly poisoning) and defenses (incl. DNSSEC). [updated 10/24]
Firewalls - and a bit on IDS/IPS and Honeypots (aka, basic tools) [updated 10/24]
TCP/IP security (and few quick words QUIC too). Incl. fragmentation attacks (also applied to DNS), spoofing/SAV (incl. uRPF), TCP injections and more.
Denial of Service attacks and defenses. Quite comprehensive, I think; but it's such wide and dynamic area...
LAN security . A rather short presentation; mainly ARP and other LAN-poisoning attacks.
Applied Introduction to Cryptography (see also textbook. Presentations are outdated, should be improved.)
MoSS, the Modular Security Specifications framework: Presentation (Crypto'21)
Tutorial on PKI, presented in CANS'2020
Day 1: Introduction, X.509 and constraints [slides] [presentation]
Day 2: Revocations and Merkle Digests [slides] [presentation]
Day 3: CA failures and Certificate Transparency [slides] [presentation]
Additional content will be added when the stars align :)