MemPool for realtime systems

MemPool for real-time systems version 1.02


Real-Time Memory Management

In Delphi and FreePascal, memory management is normally performed using getmem,allocmem, freemem, reallocmem, etc. The run-time system's heap offers great flexibility and efficiency, but it cannot fulfil real-time requirements. The run-time requirements are non-deterministic. In addition, they may require blocking task switches, which makes them unusable for interrupt handlers.

MemPool offers memory management with real-time capabilities through Memory Pools. A Memory Pool is an isolated heap with data buffers as objects of equal size. Any number of memory pools can exist simultaneously. A pool is initialized once and allocated a certain number of buffers as objects. Thereafter, buffers as objects can be allocated and deallocated from the pool under real-time conditions.

How to use it?

The parameters of the constructor are:

The first parameter is the number of items and the second parameter is a boolean parameter that will tell MemPool to grow or not, if it is set to true it will grow, set it to false for real-time systems, if you don't pass any parameter, the number of items will be set to 100 and the MemPool will not grow and thus it will be set for real-time systems.

The New() method returns a reference to the object.

The Return() method returns the reference to the object to the stack.

Please look at the test.pas example to learn how to use MemPool.

You can use it with Delphi 2 and up on the following RTOS:

Win32 API Compatible RTOS for 32/64-bit x86 Embedded Systems

On Time's royalty-free hard real-time embedded operating system for 32/64-bit x86 CPUs implements a Windows subset kernel in only 16k of memory. It provides about 400 Win32 API functions and can load Windows DLLs.

Read more here:

And please look at test.pas demo inside the zipfile - compile and execute it...

Language: FPC Pascal v2.2.0+ / Delphi 2+:

Please click on the small arrow on the right of the zip file bellow to download...