

The toolbox is freely available to ACADEMIC USERS. Please follow these steps:

Toolbox structure

The toolbox is organized in three main modules: the pre-processor, the numerical kernel, and the post-processor. Given a problem definition (inputs structure), AMIGO_Prep preprocesses user input data, generates necessary directories and code (MATLAB or C mexfiles). The different numerical modules are then called by the user to perform the desired task(s).

This general structure correlates to the following folder and code organization:


      2. Access AMIGO2 HTML Help under the MATLAB Help - Supplemental Software link.

          NOTE for MAC users: AMIGO2 incorporates some mex files to frotran optimizers. Please follow the

          instructions provided in the file AMIGO2/Examples/README_EXAMPLES.m to use these solvers in

         Macintosh Operating Systems.

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