Welcome to the Ames Township,
Athens County, Ohio Webpage
News and Announcements
***Special Meeting***
Monday May 16, 5:00pm
Township Garage
Summer is upon us, please watch for children playing,
and township workers on the roadways getting maintenance done.
Regular Monthly Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2022
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022
December Year End Meeting-Date and Time TBA
All regular meetings are at 7:00pm
15900 Henry Road
Amesville OH 45711
The Public is always welcome.
We are continuing to hope that you are healthy and that we're all doing our part to be careful about the spread of Covid 19 (and any) disease .
Remember to wash your hands often, and properly.
Avoid public areas if you're sick, stay home!
Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
Give space to one another-minimum 6 feet.
Wear a mask in confined public areas.
Be Well
Your Trustees
Lyle Fuller 740-856-2892, Brent Kasler 740-541-4208, Andrew Sayers 740-856-1889
Recycling is available in Ames Township!
No Sorting Required
Household recyclables-during daylight hours at
the Athens County Engineer's Depot
5 Main St, Amesville
No Dumping Allowed, Violators will be prosecuted.
Welcome to the Ames Township, Athens County, Ohio Webpage
15900 Henry Road, Amesville OH, 45711
Your Trustees
Lyle Fuller 740-856-2892,
Brent Kasler 740-541-4208,
Andrew Sayers 740-856-1889
We hope that you'll visit us very soon. Our township includes beautiful scenic roads, (minutes away from the famous Triple Nickel (SR 555), Rim of the World (SR 78) local historical sites, and we are minutes away from Ohio University and Hocking College in Southeastern Ohio.
Bring your family, including your "foodies" and beverage experts, your motorcycle, sports car, camping Gear, Boat, or whatever you like and join us in Beautiful Southeastern Ohio. We have something for all!
Ames Township is a mostly rural township located in eastern Athens County, Ohio. Our township covers 28.24 miles of roads, 13 cemetaries and the village of Amesville. According to the 2010 census, our township residents number 1183 people, with 154 residents located in the village of Amesville, at the crossroads of state routes 550 East and 329 north.
Lyle Fuller-Trustee
(Term Expires 12-31-2023)
Brent Kasler-
(term expires 12-31-20__)
Andrew Sayers 740-856-1889
(term expires 12-31-20__
Fiscal Officer
Anita Weed
(term expires 3-31-20__)
Township Garage
15900 Henry Rd.
Amesville, OH
Regular Monthly Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, 7 pm,
Ames Township Building, located at 15900 Henry Road, Amesville, OH 45711
The public is welcome.
Any questions or concerns...please email or call Ann Cunningham, web mgr, at amestownship45711@gmail.com or 740-591-3614