Workshops conception & organizations

XVème Colloque AGECSO - 22th to 24th June 2002- Nice

Ecosystems, Knowledge, Innovation and Territories

The XVth AGECSO conference proposes to adopt a broad vision of ecosystems to study the problems and issues of knowledge management that are posed or imposed by new forms of networked organisations. Papers will focus on the different forms of ecosystems as discussed in the literature. Whether they take the form of entrepreneurial, innovation, knowledge or innovation collectives (consortia, partnerships, etc.) ecosystems (Oh et al. 2016); whether they are territorialized or a-territorialized, facilitated or embodied by digital technologies (Senyo et al. 2019), ecosystems will be placed in the debates of the XVth AGECSO colloquium as (evolving) organizational contexts within and through which knowledge management theories are challenged, questioned and mobilized.

Beyond this theme, several sessions will be proposed in the continuity of the last two colloquia that were cancelled (in 2020) or held in the Covid-19 period (2021). In addition, all contributions that fall within the field of knowledge management in general will be legitimate.

Extended abstract submissions should be sent to copy

Further information here or here.

Special Issue - "Technologies, Digital Innovations and Knowledge for Smart Cities"

The Special Issue for the Journal Systèmes d'Information et Management (SIM) proposes to take part in the recent debate regarding the challenges posed by smart cities through the prism of IT and IS; but also of innovation, with a particular look at the challenges of data creation, management and knowledge of smart cities. Papers may address one of the three tracks that revolve around the question of how technology, digital innovation and knowledge management are used for smart cities.

The Special Issue will be published by december 2021.

Read the call for paper here.

Special Session (Canceled due to the Pandemic Period), XIIIème Conference GECSO & RRI, 24 - 26 June, 2020, Strasbourg (France)

Technologies, digital innovations and knowledge at the service of smart cities

This special session proposed to take part to recent debates on smart cities issues through the prism of knowledge management theories (Ismagilova et al., 2019, Israilidis et al., 2019). Submitted papers will aim to show how knowledge management approach could enrich the literature on digital innovations that are developed, diffused in smart cities contexts and defined as a 'product, process or new business model incorporated or driven through ICTs ". More information here.

International workshop on Smart Innovations for Smart Cities (SISC), GREDEG (UMR 7321)

Organized with Thierry Burger-Helmchen in 6 March, 2015, in Nice, the 1st edition of the workshop SISC covered various aspects of business models and ecosystems issues related to smart cities. A special issue selecting best papers presented at the workshop was published by the Journal of Strategy and Management.

Organized with Nathalie Lazaric in 28 November, 2017, in Nice, the 2nd edition of the workshop SISC covered various aspects of governance, urbanization, and services challenges for smart cities. More details here.

Digital Economics Summer Programme (4th edition)

As an annual meeting of the French Association of Research in Digital Economics (AFREN), and since its first edition, the Digital Economics Summer Programme welcomes about 50 researchers, coming from different universities and research centers in France to present and discuss papers in the field of digital economics during two days meeting. This annual scientific meeting is also supported by the Innovation & Regulation in Digital Chair.

Dominique Torre and me organized the 3rd edition of this summer programme.

Knowledge Management and new innovation models, special track in the conference Gecso 2014

With Pierre Barbaroux, we organized a special track on Knowledge management and new innovation models at the 7th conference of the association GeCSO organized in june 2014, Aix-en- Provence.

Selected best papers have been published in the special issue "Knwoledge based innovation processes" of the Journal of Innovation in Economics and Management.

Écosystèmes et modèles d'affaires : regards croisés des sciences économiques et des sciences de gestion

Organized with Thierry Burger-Helmchen in november 2013, at Strasbourg (France), this workshop explored how two concepts, namely "business models" and "business ecosystems", can help in understanding how an economic system faces its competitive environment through innovation. See website.