Study Manual for

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My Study Manuals for SOA Exam FAM(-S & -L) (Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics) are available for purchase from ACTEX Learning or the Actuarial Bookstore.


Usually coaches don't play, but as a study manual author, I took the initiative to write the October 2022 Exam FAM, the July 2023 Exam FAM-S, and the November 2023 Exam FAM-L to experience first-hand what the real exams were like, despite having been an FSA since 2013 (and technically free from SOA exams thereafter).  I made this decision in the belief that teaching an exam and taking an exam are rather different activities, and braving the exam myself is the best way to ensure that my manual is indeed useful for exam preparation.

If you use this study manual, you can rest assured that it is written from an exam taker's perspective by a professional instructor who has experienced the "pain" of FAM(-L and -S) candidates and truly understands their needs. Drawing upon his "real battle experience" and firm grasp of the exam topics, the author will go to great lengths to help you prepare for this challenging exam effectively and efficiently.