Welcome to my site! 

I'm an Associate Professor in the Work and Organizations Group at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management. 

My research is in personnel economics, and I work with companies to analyze hiring, promotions, and incentives using interviews, applied theory, and econometric methods. My work has been published or is forthcoming in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Labor Economics, Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, American Sociological Review, Demography, the ILR Review, and Industrial Relations, and covered by the NY Times, WSJ, NPR, the Economist, Financial Times, and other outlets. 

I also serve as Academic Director for the Masters of Human Resources and Industrial Relations program, and am on the graduate faculty of the Department of Applied Economics and the Minnesota Population Center. As Senior Editor at Organization Science and an Associate Editor in the Organizations department of Management Science, I typically handle papers involving the experimental or econometric analyses of people and organizations. In September 2024, I'll be stepping down from Management Science and joining as Associate Editor handling economics submissions at the ILR Review

I received my PhD in 2013 from the MIT Sloan School of Management and my BS from Cornell's School of Industrial and Labor Relations. I teach Masters Compensation and Benefits, MBA Negotiations, and PhD Economics of HR. My digital self is tirelessly teaching Managing Employee Compensation on Coursera.



*** I am on sabbatical leave Aug 2023-July 2024. I'm visiting Stanford GSB (room E-207) until end of June 2024.