
Amandeep Singh

Postdoctoral Fellow @ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Welcome to My Webpage 

Currently, I am a postdoc in the department of Applied Physics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Presently my research focus is on Quantum Information and Simulations around Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamonds. Earlier I was a postdoc at the Shenzhen Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering, and Physics Department, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China, and my research group can be found here. I did my Ph.D. at IISER Mohali (Department of Physical Science) in the field of NMR Quantum Computing and the research group at IISER is here. Broadly, my research field is Quantum Information and Quantum Computing.  I am working on characterizing quantum correlations e.g. non-classical, entanglement, and non-local. I am also interested in the characterization of quantum dynamics. Quantum teleportation in an indivisible quantum system is also one area I am interested in.
