
Working Papers

Hector Chade, Victoria R. Marone, Amanda Starc, and Jeroen Swinkels, "Multidimensional Screening and Menu Design in Health Insurance Markets," October 2022, NBER Working Paper 30542

Amanda Starc and Thomas G. Wollmann, "Does Entry Remedy Collusion? Evidence from the Generic Prescription Drug Cartel," (conditionally accepted, American Economic Review), March 2022, NBER Working Paper 29886.

Published and Forthcoming

Mark Duggan, Hui Ding, and Amanda Starc, "Getting the Price Right? The Impact of Competitive Bidding in the Medicare Program," forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics.

Craig Garthwaite, Christopher Ody, and Amanda Starc, "Endogenous Quality Investments in the U.S. Hospital Market," Journal of Health Economics, July 2022, vol 84.

Jason Abaluck, Mauricio Caceres Bravo, Peter Hull, and Amanda Starc, "Mortality Effects and Choice Across Private Health Insurance Plans," Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2021. Animated here.

Amanda Starc and Ashley Swanson, "Preferred Pharmacy Networks and Drug Costs," American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2021. 

Stuart V. Craig, Keith Ericson, and Amanda Starc, "How Important Is Price Variation Between Health Insurers?" Journal of Health Economics, May 2021, vol 77.

Keith Ericson, Philipp Kircher, and Johannes Spinnewijn, and Amanda Starc, "Inferring Risk Perceptions and Preferences using Choice from Insurance Menus: Theory and Evidence," Economic Journal, February 2021, 131:713–744.

David Dranove, Christopher Ody, and Amanda Starc, "A Dose of Managed Care: Controlling Drug Spending in Medicaid," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2021, 13(1): 170-197. 

Amanda Starc and Robert J. Town, "Externalities and Benefit Design in Health Insurance," Review of Economic Studies, November 2020, 87(6): 2827-2858.

Michael Sinkinson and Amanda Starc, "Ask Your Doctor? Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceuticals," Review of Economic Studies, March 2019, 86(2): 836–881.

Keith Ericson and Amanda Starc, "How Product Standardization Affects Choice: Evidence from the Massachusetts Health Insurance Exchange," Journal of Health Economics, 2016, 50:71-85. (Winner of the 2017 NIHCM Research Award.)

Mark Duggan, Amanda Starc and Boris Vabson, "Who Benefits when the Government Pays More? Pass-Through the Medicare Advantage Program," Journal of Public Economics, 2016, 141:50-67.

Keith Ericson and Amanda Starc, "Pricing Regulation and Imperfect Competition on the Massachusetts Health Insurance Exchange," Review of Economics and Statistics, July 2015, 97(3): 667-682.

Amanda Starc, "Insurer Pricing and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from Medigap," RAND Journal of Economics, Spring 2014, 45(1): 198-220.

Other Writing

Emily Cuddy, Robert H. Porter, Amanda Starc, and Thomas G. Wollman, "The U.S. Generic Prescription Drug Cartel," in preparation for Cartels Diagnosed: New Insight on Collusion, Cambridge University Press, 2023 (Preprint)

Amanda Starc, "Manufacturer Spending on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising for Pharmaceutical Products," JAMA (Editorial), February 2023.

Keith Ericson and Amanda Starc, "Measuring Consumer Valuation of Limited Provider Networks," American Economic Review (Papers & Proceedings), May 2015, 105(5): 115-119.

Keith Ericson and Amanda Starc, "Designing and Regulating Health Insurance Exchanges: Lessons from Massachusetts," Inquiry, Winter 2012-2013.

Keith Ericson and Amanda Starc, "Heuristics and Heterogeneity in Health Insurance Exchanges: Evidence from the Massachusetts Connector," American Economic Review (Papers & Proceedings), May 2012, 102(3): 493-497.