Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures


  • Who am I?

  • Contact details

  • What my setting offers

  • Admission and Inclusion

  • Special educational needs and additional needs

  • Specific needs

  • Contract

  • Shared custody

  • Deposits and retainers

  • Time keeping

  • Dropping off and collecting

  • Fees and conditions

  • Childcare fees

  • Settling in

  • Behaviour management

  • House rules

  • Food and drink

  • Events and outings

  • Accidents and emergencies

  • Sickness and medicine

  • Planning, eyfs and learning journeys

  • Communications

  • Confidentiality & Privacy policy

  • Equal opportunities

  • Complaints

  • Missing child

  • Health and safety

  • Child protection and safeguarding

  • Prevent Duty Guidance

  • British values / Cultural capital

  • Fire safety

  • Early years foundation stage learning

  • Covid 19 Policies

Amanda's Playroom

Policies and Procedures

Who am I?

I am an Ofsted registered childminder with over 20 years of experience in childcare.

I studied full time for 2 years and gained the Diploma in child care and education at grade A, during this course I worked within Pelican place nursery and Witham house nursery in Witham, Essex.

I am also qualified in health and social care level 2 and have experience working with people with additional needs and work within residential homes.

As well as these qualifications I also have studied and passed food hygiene, home-based childcare and am regularly taking first aid courses and other courses to support my role as a childminder.

My husband Steve has worked with me as an assistant for over 7 years, he has been crb checked, he has had up to date 1st aid training and has a suitability certificate from Ofsted.

My childcare experience ranges from new born babies up to children aged 14 years old.

My contact details

Mrs Amanda Fordham

Registration number: EY367400

Mobile: 07792771241


Frinton Road, Kirby Cross, CO13 0PN

What does my setting offer?

I offer a calm and caring homely atmosphere based upon learning through play. I will care for your children with love, respect and patience. I aim to make all children feel happy, secure, cared for and self-confident. I do this by welcoming your children and helping them to feel at home. I want your children to have fun and enjoy their time in my setting. I do have boundaries and house rules and will use behaviour management to observe the rules. I also encourage learning by offering different types of play. We regularly attend play groups and frinton Library Toddler session. However I am flexible with what we do and will adapt things to the weather and particular needs of the children on the day. During school holidays we often have outings, including playing at the Beach, Arcades, the zoo, farms, museums and parks.

Admissions and Inclusion

As an Ofsted registered childminder I am limited to the number of children I can care for at one time, this limit when working with an assistant is up to 6 children under 5 years.

I am happy to care for any baby/child within my registered numbers as long as they are happy here and settle well with the other children.

Special educational needs and additional needs

I am happy to take on children with additional needs providing I feel I can give

them the care and attention they need. For example I am not able to provide

one to one care or look after a child in a wheelchair, as my home is not


If your child has additional needs please discuss them with me first as I want

to give all the children in my care (including your own) the best possible care

and it may not be to your child’s advantage for me to look after him/her.

I have put the following procedures in place!

If I think a child in my care has an additional need / area of concern I will:

• Keep observational notes and share them with the child’s parents

• Discuss what support is available

• Keep all matters confidential

If I am caring for a child with additional needs I will include them by:

• Valuing and acknowledging children’s individuality and help them feel good about themselves

• Seek all relevant information from the parents

• Adapting activities to enable children with additional needs to participate

• Consider any risk factors

• Encourage children’s confidence and independence

I will work in partnership with parents and discuss:

• Agencies that are also involved in the child’s support and care

• Equipment that the child may need

• Advice and support that will help me to provide the best care possible for their child.

Specific needs

If your child needs any specific toy or comforter please allow them to bring this with them to the setting. Also please make me aware of any needs the child has and if the child has a particular routine that you would like them to stick to. I am also more than happy for the children to bring their own toys in, but please be aware if there are any breakages this is at your own risk.


A contract is appropriate at the start of an arrangement even if the arrangement is only short term. This avoids any future misunderstandings. The contract can be adjusted to suit your requirements by mutual agreement.

Shared custody

If you have shared custody of your child then all information regarding both parents/carers must be on the contract, including addresses. This is a safeguard for myself as well as you and also means both parents are responsible for childminding fee. I must be made aware of who will drop and collect the child. If I am unsure of who is collecting I would be within my rights not to release the child until I am sure it is safe to do so.

Deposits and retainers

I do not usually take a deposit but I do require childcare fees in advance. I do charge for retainers when I am keeping a space open. A retainer is non refundable, this is paid to keep your child's space open when there will be a large gap from signing the contract to the child starting with me. I will take a 3rd of the usual weekly fee. For instance if the contracted fee is £99 per week I would charge a retainer of £33 per week to keep the space open. Once the contracted start date arrives the full fee would be payable even if for any reason the child doesnt attend.

Time keeping

I am very fair with time keeping and understand that traffic can cause delays and will not charge for the odd minutes here or there should you have a slight hold up. However should your lateness be more than 15 minutes or be continually late (such as 5 or 10 minutes each day) I would have to charge the over time rate stated in your contract. It would be added in to your following months or weeks invoice.

Dropping off or collecting children

Should a different person from usual collect your child I would need you to tell me this in advance, I would like a description of the person, their name, relationship to child and I would need a password which they would tell me when they arrive to collect your child. If I have any issues with the person collecting your child or they do not know the password I shall have to contact the usual parent/carer to confirm the collectors identity before I will release your child.

Fees and conditions

Fees cover not just my services but includes costs associated with the accommodation provided, such as toys, creative equipment, heating, electric, baking etc. Costs also cover trips to parks, toy libraries, toddler groups, childminding groups and libraries. There is no charge for snacks and drinks that I supply. However meals are charged at £2.00 each. You may also be asked to contribute to occasional additional expenditure such as outings.

Main rates tariff

Standard rate for 8.00am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday £5.00 per hour

School aged children/part-time care £5.50 per hour

Outside of contract Usual rate

Peak hours/babysitting £8ph / Tbc

Providing 1 meal £2.00

Bank holidays No fee

Late payment fee tbc on contract


⦁ Parents must supply nappies/toiletries/baby wipes/Spare clothes

⦁ Parents must supply food/drink for babies under 18 months unless agreed otherwise

⦁ Where there are two parents, both parents are responsible for childminding fees

⦁ Overtime will be charged if the child is not collected on time or if the child is cared for outside of contracted hours

Fees during absence

Due to sickness of child/parent/guardian

including child sent home due to illness Full Fee

Bank holidays (Except Christmas, boxing day, new years day) No Fee

Christmas day, boxing day and News years day Full Fee

Days taken off as a holiday or a days leave Full Fee

childminder off ill / on Holiday No Fee

Full fee is also payable if a child attends a group but may require the space at some point in that term where I am unable to fill that space with another child, therefore keeping their space available if required. For example a 6 year old going to a school club 3-4pm but when the club is not on I would be collecting them at 3pm.

Sibling discounts may be given at my discretion when both children attend full time hours or when there are more than 2 siblings.

Settling in

As with most childcare settings before your child comes to me by themselves, I recommend a visit where the parent stays and play with their child with me in the room. I would then suggest a couple of short sessions before your child starts full time. Obviously this would depend on the hours you needed, a child only coming to me for a few hours may settle just fine after just one visit whilst a child needing full time care may benefit from a few short visits prior to starting full time. The settling in time and arrangements would be discussed at first contact. Any time where the parent doesn't stay will be charged. From experience I find that children settle quicker when the parent leaves them, I think this is because whilst a parent is there they usually want to stay close to them and this stops them getting to know me and the other children. It is normal for a small cry when the parents first leave, after a few minutes the children usually settle and play well. However if they didn't settle I would contact the parent and discuss having more short settling in sessions that slowly build up to longer sessions

Behaviour Management

I believe in lots of praise for good behaviour. I may give rewards such as stickers, a special story, a longer play in the park or a particular activity. When behaviour is not as I would expect I will try to ignore the behaviour therefore not giving the child any attention in which the behaviour should stop. When it is not possible to ignore the child's behaviour it would be dealt with according to the child's age and stage of development. Firstly I would explain to the child what they have done wrong and why they shouldn't do it and let them know what I would like them to do instead. This way the child knows what is expected of them and should learn to express themselves in better ways. Depending on the child and the situation your child may be removed from the room for a few minutes (Time out) to give them time to think about what they did wrong, I would then re explain what they did wrong and ask for an apology. I may also remove toys if the behaviour was regarding a toy or not sharing. From experience this type of behaviour management works well, the children begin to learn rights and wrongs and understand what is expected of them. They also learn manners and responsibility for their actions. And with continuity of this behaviour management children tend to become more sharing and caring towards others, and tend to apologise before they are asked to and tend to show better behaviour in order to gain praise and recognition for their efforts. I will also encourage good manners. In order to help with continuous unwanted behaviour or to encourage particular behaviour i can use a sticker chart.

House Rules

These rules have been put in place for the safety and well being of anyone in my home and I expect them to be followed at all times.

⦁ Do not throw toys or items in the house

⦁ Do not stand or jump on the furniture

⦁ Always be polite and say please and thank you

⦁ Do not swear or use other bad language

⦁ Always share toys with others

⦁ Do not open stair gates unless I have given permission to do so

⦁ Do not name call, shout, push, bite, shake, hit, snatch, pinch or spit at anybody

⦁ Treat others with kindness and respect

⦁ Always wash hands before mealtimes, after using the toilet, after returning from the garden or touching the animals

⦁ please ask if you would like a new toy or an item in a cupboard

If rules are broken then behaviour management may be used

Food and drink

Drinks of water or squash will always be available. I do not offer fizzy drinks. Snacks will be offered mid morning and mid afternoon, this will usually be fruit, biscuits, crackers, Toast, yoghurt, breadsticks, popcorn or cereal bars. Sometimes special treats are offered such as cakes or chocolate. Snacks will vary and may differ at different time of the year. For instance chocolate near Easter, pancakes for pancake day.

Please do let me know if there are any dietary, cultural, religious or personal needs when it come to offering drinks and snacks to your child. Please also let me know if you would prefer I didn't offer any snacks or drinks. You are welcome to supply your own snacks if you prefer.

Events or Outings

I currently visit a couple of toddler groups during the week and I will ask you to sign some permission slips when entering into a contract to make sure that you are happy with the places I visit with the children. I currently go to a stay and play group in Weeley village hall and Frinton Library story and song time. I risk assess everywhere I attend and will risk assess any new places I visit to make sure I meet all necessary health and safety requirements. Please do let me know if there is anywhere that you would like me to visit with your child or that you would prefer I didn't go to. Also please remember that I have other children and families to consider so some flexibility may be required to fulfil everybodys needs.

Accidents and Emergencies

It is my absolute priority to keep children safe while they are in my care. My premises have been checked and they meet the national standards for childminding outlined by Ofsted. I also regularly review, update and practice safety routines, such as the fire drill.

As a registered childminder, I am legally required to have a valid first-aid certificate. I can administer basic first-aid treatment, and my first-aid box is clearly labelled, checked regularly and is kept on the shelf above my cooker in the Kitchen. Parent contact numbers are with the first-aid box and also stored in my phone.

If there is an accident:

• First, I will reassure the injured child while making sure that the other children in my care are safe.

• Then if I am able to deal with the accident myself I will otherwise I will ring 999 for help.

• If I have to accompany or take a child to hospital, I would either use my assistant or contact my emergency back-up cover to stay here whilst they waited for you to collect your child. I would do my best to contact parents as soon as possible to alert them of the situation however the injured childs family would obviously be my first priority. In certain situations it may be easier or neccesary to take all the children along with me, but as always I would alert parents to the situation as soon as possible.

I will ask you to sign a form to agree to use an emergency carer if ever needed.

If there is an accident or emergency, my emergency back-up cover may contact you and you may be expected to collect your child straight away.

If I manage to deal with the accident myself, then I will tell the parents immediately.

If I accompany or take a child to hospital, I will contact the parents and ask them to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

If I have the accident, I will get the nearest responsible adult to help, while my emergency back-up people are being contacted and they will then contact the parents.

Sickness and Medicines

To administer medicine I would need written permission from you to do so, whether it is a short term or long term course of treatment. Medicines must be clearly marked and labelled when given to me.

Please do not bring your child to my setting should they have sickness or diarrhoea. As with all schools and nurseries I can not care for a child with these conditions as they can cause quite nasty illnesses and spread quickly, so I ask that these symptoms must be clear for at least 48 hours before the child returns to the setting. Full fees will still be charged whilst your child is ill.

If your child has another illness that can be spread, again I would ask that you keep them home until the illness has passed, this includes finding head lice. I would ask that until the lice/nits have been treated to please not bring your child into my setting. In all cases please contact me and we can discuss whether its safe to bring your child in or best to care for them at home.

Planning, EYFS and Learning Journeys

After the initual settling in period I shall add parents/guardians to Teachermate which is an online learning journey for your child. where you will see Observations and notes about your childrens learning. I will also have written copies of individual planning sheets specifically based upon your child along with a learning wheel to show their progression. I will use my knowledge of the eyfs to support your childs learning and to make sure they are reaching all their potential developmental goals. I will plan activities to directly help with your childs specific learning areas (from their planning sheets), and during parts of the day I can encourage specific learning eg: using a spoon at mealtimes.

Should I be concerned about anything I shall discuss this with the parent/guardian and advise you on what you can do to help. Between the age 24-36 months I will write out a 2 year progress check so that you can be made aware of your childs development and you can use this when having your childs 2 year health check.

Communications policy

Teacher mate will be used as a daily diary with messages and information about the setting and your child. Please feel free to add your own comments, this is useful for me especially if there has been any changes at home which may influence your childs behaviour. I will also speak to you when dropping off or collecting should I need to discuss anything. Please talk to me regarding any matters that you think may be relevant to your child.

Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

All information on your children and family is kept in a private folder and treated in confidence. I will not discuss personal information regarding your child or family with anyone else and nobody except for Ofsted will see anything from your child's folder.

Information will only be shared in any other way when parents have given their permission or there appears to be a child protection issue. All details will be kept confidential and records are kept secure, in a locked room

If your child ever needed medical attention I would need to pass on your childs record form, Name, Age and parents details so that you could be contacted.

Other than my self or my assistant for observation or for the parent I do not allow the use of Phones to take photos or video calls whilst childminding children are here. If a call must be made I ask that it done in a room away form the children or outside.

I delete any photos I have taken for observations once I have loaded them to teachermate. Any containing my own family may be kept for my personal use but never used on any social media sites. If a parent asks me to send them a photo in the day to check their child is settling in ok, I text over a picture and then delete the photo.

All parents can read my policies and procedures at any time by looking at my web site.

I expect parents to inform me of any changes in the child’s home circumstances, care arrangements or any other change which may affect the child’s behaviour such as a new baby, parents’ separation, divorce or any bereavement.

All information shared will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed without the parents consent, except as required by law, for example, if there appears to be a child protection issue. Please see my Child Protection Policy.

Parents have the right to inspect all records about their child at any time.

Equal Opportunities

I will make sure that I actively promote equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory

practices for all children. I will make sure that I treat all children with equal concern and respect.

I value and respect different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping. I will also not discriminate against children on the grounds of disability, sexual orientation, age, class, family status.

I provide equal chances for each child to learn and develop to their full potential, taking into account each child’s age and stage of development, gender, ethnicity, home language, and ability.

I provide and make sure that all children have access to a range of books, puzzles and other toys which provide positive images and examples of the diversity of life in our society.

I challenge racist and discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviour from the children in my care and adults. I will always help children to feel good about themselves and others, by celebrating the differences which make us all unique individuals.

Complaints procedure

Please do talk to me should you have a complaint, whether it is a direct complaint against me or something else regarding my setting, other parents or a group that I attend. I would always try to rectify any problem areas as soon as I could. I may ask you to put your complaint into writing and I would then follow up your complaint as soon as possible. Some complaints may take time to investigate, in these cases I would ensure an outcome as soon as possible and not longer than 28 days. All complaints will be put into writing along with the actions taken and the outcome and sent to Ofsted. All complaints will be filed and kept for at least 3 years.

If you feel you can not discuss something with me and would like to make a direct complaint to Ofsted, then please call them on:

Ofsted 0300 123 4666 Website: www.ofsted.gov.uk/parents


National Business Unit, Piccadily Gate, Stone Street

Manchester, M1 2WD

Missing Child Policy

It is extremely unlikely that I would lose a child and thankfully has never happened in all my years of childcare however if the misfortune did happen I would search the area myself, and inform others of the missing child so that they could help too. For example if in a toddler group I would have a staff member announce to the hall that the child was missing and have everyone look for them. If I am unable to locate your child after looking myself I would first inform the police and then I would call the parents. I would keep looking, calling out and asking others for help until either I found the child or I felt I had done everything that I could do.

Health and Safety Policy

The Health and Safety of your child is very important to me and I have therefore documented the following procedures that I have in place to support this.

⦁ All toys will be checked and cleaned regularly to ensure they are safe for your child to use. Any broken or hazardous toys will be removed immediately. Children will only be offered toys and resources that are suitable for their age/stage of development

⦁ All plug sockets not in use have socket covers

⦁ All equipment will be checked and cleaned regularly. All equipment is fitted with the correct safety harnesses to prevent accidents, for example high chair and pushchairs.

⦁ Car seats are checked regularly to ensure they are correctly fitted.

⦁ My car has a regular MOT and service.

⦁ The child safety locks are used on the back doors.

⦁ My car insurance is for Business use.

⦁ I use safety equipment appropriate for the children in my care, stair gates, cupboard locks etc. and these are checked regularly.

⦁ My front door is locked with a key to prevent the children from letting themselves out.

⦁ I have procedures in place in the event of a fire (see separate policy)

⦁ I keep my kitchen clean, following hygiene guidelines on the storing of food, keeping the fridge at the correct temperature and food is always covered and stored correctly.

⦁ I ensure that used nappies are wrapped and placed in the outdoor rubbish bin.

⦁ I do not permit smoking in my home

⦁ I follow strict hygiene guidelines to prevent contamination

⦁ I have strict Child protection guidelines in place (see separate policy)

⦁ Children must stay with me when we are away from the home. Younger children will be strapped in a pushchair; older children will either be on a harness or wrist strap, or holding onto my hand/pushchair.

⦁ I have emergency contact details with me at all times should I need to contact the parents.

⦁ I will work with you to teach the children about safety issues like crossing the road and stranger danger.

⦁ I will work with you to teach the children about making healthy food choices and physical exercise.

⦁ Sleeping children will be regularly monitored

⦁ I will restrain a child if they are putting themselves or others in danger, for example running into a road.

⦁ I will supervise all children according to their age and stage of development.

If you have any concerns regarding the health and safety of your child please discuss them with me.

Child Protection and Safeguarding children

My first responsibility and priority is towards the children in my care as I am the lead safeguarding person in my setting. I will follow the steps contained in the 'Working together to safeguard children' April 2018 guidance.

If I was concerned in any way or felt there was immediate risk to a child as in all safeguarding issues I would contact

The childrens and families Hub(CFH) on 0345 603 7627.

Out of office hours number: 0345 606 1212,

Email: Emergency.DutyTeamOutOfHours@essex.gov.uk

Safeguarding action may be needed to protect children (and parents) from:

⦁ Neglect

⦁ Physical abuse

⦁ Sexual abuse

⦁ Emotional abuse

⦁ Bullying, including online bullying and prejudice based bullying

⦁ Racist, disability, homophobic or transphobic bullying

⦁ Gender based violence/violence against woman and girls

⦁ Radicalisation and / or extremist behaviour

⦁ Child sexual exploitation (CSE) and trafficking

CSE is illegal activity by people who have some form of power and control over children and use it to sexually abuse them. It involves forcing or enticing a child (under the age of 18) to take part in sexual activities whether or not the child is aware of what is happening, including exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where children (or a third person or persons) receive something (eg food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of performing and or others performing on them, sexual activities. CSE can be a form of organised or complex abuse, involving a number of abusers and or a number of children.

⦁ CSE can occur through use of technology without the childs immediate recognition, for example the persuasion to post sexual images on the internet/ mobile phone with no immediate payment or gain. In all cases those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources.

⦁ Honour Based Abuse (HBA), including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage (FM)

⦁ Honour Based Abuse (HBA) is violence and abuse in the name of honour, covering a variety of behaviours (including crimes), mainly but not exclusively against females, where the person is being punished by their family and/or community for a perceived transgression against the ‘honour’ of the family or community, or is required to undergo certain activities or procedures in ‘honour’ of the family.

⦁ Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a collective term for illegal procedures which include the removal of part/all external female genitalia for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons. The practice is not required by any religion. It is painful, medically unnecessary and has serious health consequences at the time it is carried out and in later life. The procedure is typically performed on girls of any age, but is also performed on new born girls and on young women before marriage/pregnancy. A number of girls die as a direct result of the procedure, from blood loss or infection. FGM may be practised illegally by doctors or traditional health workers in the UK, or girls may be taken abroad for the operation.

⦁ A Forced Marriage (FM) “is a marriage conducted without the valid consent of both parties, where duress is a factor” (’A Choice by Right’ HM Government 2000).

⦁ The impact of new technologies on sexual behaviour, for example, sexting

⦁ Teenage relationship abuse

⦁ Substance misuse

⦁ Issues that may be specific to a local area or population, for example gang activity and youth violence

⦁ Domestic violence

⦁ Fabricated or induced illness

⦁ Poor parenting, particularly in relation to babies and young children

⦁ Other issues not listed here but that pose a risk to children, young people and vulnerable adults.

I am aware that child abuse can be in the form of any of the above bullet points or a mixture of these.

I will notify Ofsted of any allegations of abuse, which are alleged to have taken place whilst a child is in my care.

I keep up to date with child protection issues, and relevant legislations by reguly meeting with other childminders, reading safeguarding, Ofsted and other updated documentations and by taking online courses with Pacey.

Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information.

I work together with parents to make sure the care of their child is consistent.

If an allegation is made against me, I will report it to Ofsted and social services following the Safeguarding Children Board procedures in England. I will also contact Pacey for advice and support.

It is not my responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation myself.

The children's safety is always paramount. When out walking babies and toddlers will always be strapped safety into pushchairs and young children will be on reins or holding my hand. Road safety is imperative from a young age and all children will be taught to stop at the kerb and learn their green cross code. If out in a car all children will have a seat appropriately fastened and appropriate for their age and their weight. As part of the Ofsted inspection this is looked at and noted. I have appropriate vehicle insurance to cover me to carry children. In the house I will do my best to keep children safe and secure. I have appropriate gates and safety devices to prevent accidents and I do not leave children in a room alone for longer than is necessary. I also keep information on me to show that I am a childminder should anything happen to me whilst out with your children. It would be good practise for you to also keep a note of my details with you in case anything happened to you whilst your child was with me, then I could be informed and call your emergency person to collect your child.

As a day care provider, it is my duty to speak to social services and the local safeguarding childrens board (LSCB) if I have any concerns regarding your child's welfare or safety. However if a child was in immediate danger I would call the police.

I will not allow anyone to go near or touch your child in anyway that is not appropriate or allow your child to leave my premises with anyone other than yourself or someone you have informed me will be collecting your child.

Whilst your children are in my care I will make sure that guests, visitors or childcare professionals never take photos of your child by any form unless your consent has been given. If phone calls are made during working hours by myself or someone else I will make sure that no information regarding the children is discussed.

I am also aware of the data protection act of 1998, and make sure I do not store any personal information on computers to keep in line with this act and the law.

Prevent Duty Guidance

As part of my role as a childminder, I have a duty to keep myself up to date with all legislation involved with safeguarding the children in my setting.

Most recent documentation includes the new Prevent Duty Guidance which childminder’s must comply with as of July 2015. The document can be found here:


The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on Early Years settings to ‘have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’ (The Prevent Duty).

If I was concerned in any way or felt there was immediate risk to a child as in all safeguarding issues I would contact The childrens and families Hub(CFH) on 0345 603 7627. Out of office hours number: 0345 606 1212, Email: Emergency.DutyTeamOutOfHours@essex.gov.uk

In all cases I may also call the Police.

There is a national programme called Channel who provide support at an early stage for people that may be vulnerable of being drawn into terrorism. If I had any concerns I would fill in a referral form and send it to prevent@essex.pnn.police.uk

British Values in the Early Years (Cultural capital)

The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are already implicitly embedded in the 2017 EYFS framework. I will ensure that I promote good manners and respect for other people’s cultures and beliefs; as well as teaching children right from wrong at an early age. I will celebrate relevant festivals throughout the year that celebrate our similarities and differences. Democracy can be demonstrated in action by children sharing views on what they want with a show of hands. I teach about decision making and about respecting each other’s views and values; talking about feelings and learning to share ideas and take turns during play.

Childminders also promote the importance of having rules and boundaries in place and the importance of these rules.

I teach the children to have a positive sense of themselves, and to believe in their own abilities and to challenge themselves. We celebrate diversity, embracing different cultures and introducing children wherever possible to different ways of life. We use resources and create activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping.

I will make sure children have access to the wider community and resources promoting this. I will encourage children to not stereotype and to be considerate and accepting of others, despite their differences and to respect each other. Any unwanted or behaviour showing otherwise will be monitored and with parental involvement, procedures will be put in place.

Fire Safety Policy

All children in my care will practise the fire drill on a regular basis.

In the event of a fire, I will loudly call ‘Fire’ and the location for the children to

gather. This would be the front door or back door.

All walking children should go straight to the specified area and I will pick up any children who can not yet walk or haven't responded.

My keys and mobile phone will always be to hand, with all the emergency

numbers and parents numbers programmed into the phone and also I have a written copy of numbers in my handbag.

Front door safety point

Once all children are by the front door i will either put them into my car and drive to a safe distance from the house or I would walk them a safe distance away, and call the emergency services.

Back door safety point

All children to gather at the back door where I will lead them Into the garden and away from the house where I will call the emergency services, and wait there until it is safe to re enter the house. Or we would leave the garden via my neighbours gardens if this was safer.

All visitors will be informed of the fire drill.

Parents will be informed and asked to collect their children should a fire break out.

If there was a fire we would all leave the house immediately which may mean not having coats and shoes on, but safety to get everybody out would be priority.

Early years Foundation stage learning!

To make sure that your children are learning and being offered plenty of learning opportunities it is now a requirement for Childminders to make sure that we follow the early years foundation stage learning for under 5 year olds. I make sure I attend a mixed range of groups and activities that help to teach your children a variety of different things whilst still allowing them to learn through play.

The following groups are those I attend on a weekly basis, outlined below each group is the eyfs learning gained from each group!

Stay and Play sessions


Each session focuses on a different creative activity, gluing, painting, mark making, colouring, puppet making etc

Knowledge and understanding of world:

Creative activities usually focus on a subject teaching the child about a subject. Songs and socialising teach the children about animals, people and the environment.

Personal, Social and Emotional:

The children socialise and play beside other children and adults. Children learn to come to their carer (me) for their needs and learn to express what they need.


Often slides and ride on toys are offered to play with also the creative play encourages smaller physical movements.

Problem solving and numeracy:

By playing with new toys the children learn to use them correctly and try new things. They also learn counting through songs and quantity and amounts by playing with toys and talking with other children.

Communication, Language and literacy:

The whole session revolves around talking, listening and play between the children. Sharing, turn taking and communication is used throughout the session.

Library sessions


We choose books together, sometimes based around our learning theme or time of year. Children use their imagination to decide what to choose and why.

Knowledge and understanding of the world:

The children learn about borrowing and choice. They learn about number, words, people, places and animals through songs and stories.

Personal, Social and Emotional:

The children socialise and play and sing beside other children and adults. Children learn to sit quietly and listen and respond when spoken to.


The children join in with many action songs.

Problem solving and numeracy:

We count how many books we borrow and how many we take back. We sing number songs and the children interact with the reader when using books with flaps or talking about what may happen next.

Communication, Language and literacy:

The children need to learn to listen and follow rules. They join in and learn new songs and hear lots of words from the songs and stories.

As well as these groups as I also set up and organise activities and outings that help build each individual childs development and learning. Structured play is based on the individual childs interests, needs and learning abilities.

I shall observe your childs development to see what stage of development they are at and to make sure they are showing further learning and development expected for their age and stage of ability. I can see what I need to do to encourage further learning and spot any problem areas or any developmental areas that I feel may need looking into or that I have concerns about.

On a regular basis I shall take photos of your child to show you what they do during their day and to help with my observations and planning.

On a daily basis I will write in an online homebook so that you are aware of what your child has been doing and this will help to record developments or concerns for your child. Families can also tell me anything that I may need to know regarding any changes or developments in your child, their routine, any problems at home, and any concerns for your childs development or ideas to help me promote their development. You may also write messages, reminders and anything you would like to communicate to me in the home book.

Covid 19 Policies

During the Covid 19 pandemic I will where possible be using the garden and open spaces to reduce chances of infection. When inside a window will be kept slightly open to keep air flowing as advised by the government. Hand washing and wiping will be done even more regularly. Children will have a slightly reduced amount of toys and more split toys (eg their own pencils, stickers and creative play items kept in their own containers for their personal use)

During this time I will not be excepting toys to be brought in from home. I would ask that only vital items to be brought in. One bag per child with a change of clothing and a lunch box.

To reduce chances of infection all drop off and collections will be done at the front door, I will not be letting parents into the house.

Creative items that have only been touched by your child or myself will be sent home, anything else will be kept for a few days before being sent home.

I will keep using Teacher mate and everything will be uploaded on to there for you to see. Any drawings and writing that I feel needs to be kept here will be put into a folder and once a period of time allowing germs to die off has past I will send these home.

I would ask that all children and yourself test your temperature every morning before coming to my setting. If it is high or if you have any other Covid-19 symptoms please do not come to my setting. If you have any cold like symptoms, feel hot to touch or feel under the weather it may be best to stay at home and have a test as the new strain seems to have more symptoms and is much more contagious. Please then follow the government guidance for Covid-19, and please do inform me of the outcome. Also if any of my family show any symptoms I will inform all families and follow the government guidance. Should your child start showing any signs of Covid -19 during the day I will isolate them from the other children and contact the parents to collect the child immediately, and to then follow government guidance. I would also ask other parents to collect their children and follow guidance. And I would also expect you to collect your child if you are informed or become aware of anyone having Covid-19/symptoms who may have been in close contact with your family within the past 48 hours. I am sure you are all keeping safe and following government advice, however if I am made aware that any family may have been involved with anything that could heighten their risk of having Covid -19 then I will be within my rights to not offer childcare for up to 14 days. It is vital that we are all honest with each other to keep us all safe during this pandemic.

Thank you - Stay safe!