Dr. Ahmad Alsharoa

Welcome to My Personal Website

Profile Summary


- 2 Book chapters, +35 Articles, and 5 Posters

Selected Awards:

- Preeminent Postdoctoral Program (P3) award, UCF.

- GPSS Research Award, ISU.

- Research Excellence Award (REA), ISU.

- Outstanding International Scholarship, ISU.


- Awarded, NSF Grant, CNS: ICE-T: Multi-Element Mobile Visible Light Communication for Smart Cities (amount: $100,000).

- Professional Advancement Grants (PAG), ISU (amount: $360).

- ECpE Department Support Grant, ISU (amount: $600).

- King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) grant (amount: $5,206)

Research Interest:

- Wireless networks, Internet-of-Things (IoT), UAV-communications, Machine learning, Energy harvesting, Optical communications (such as VLC and FSO), Optimization, mmWave communications, Resource managements, Self-healing,Cooperative communications, Computer security.

Teaching Experience:

- Experience of ABET accreditation at Virginia State University (VSU).

- Taught 13 graduate/undergraduate STEM courses.

- Taught 4 workshops.

Current Students:

- 2 PhD students and 1 Master student.