Alyssa Ney, Professor of Philosophy, LMU Munich


Office              Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, M214


Hours              by appointment 

Research Areas

Metaphysics, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Mind, General Philosophy of Science


Since July 1, 2024, I am Professor and Chair of Metaphysics in the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, and Religious Studies at LMU Munich. I received my MA and PhD in Philosophy from Brown University, my MS in Physics from UC Davis, and my BS in Physics and Philosophy from Tulane University. Before coming to LMU, I was Professor of Philosophy at UC Davis and the University of Rochester.

My research focuses primarily on fundamentality, the unity of science, and the interpretation of quantum theories. I am working on two large projects at the moment. First, I am writing a book on the fundamentality of physics, arguing for an interpretation of the claim that physics is metaphysically fundamental. Second, I am editing a collection of papers on the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The volume more specifically addresses the issue of how adopting the many worlds interpretation may allow one to avoid non-locality or "spooky action at a distance."

The second edition of my metaphysics textbook with Routledge is now available, and contains new chapters on fundamentality and grounding, natural and social kinds (including a section on social construction), and the metaphysics of race and gender. The new edition also includes new sections on metaphysical (ontic) vagueness and, in the free will chapter, on free will and neuroscience and manipulation arguments. Links to my most recent articles can be found below. 

This Spring and Summer 2024, I will be in residence at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (LMU-Munich), finishing my book on the fundamentality of physics with financial support from a Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Publications (cv)(philpapers)


Selected Articles

Upcoming Talks

July 2024: University of Hannover

August 2024: Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel

September 2024: MAPS New York 

September 2024: University of Gothenburg

September 2024: University of Oslo

November 2024: PSA Biannual Meeting, Symposium on Many Worlds and Locality, New Orleans

February 2025: Grünbaum Lecture, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

New work in progress

"Is the Universe Fundamentally a Density Matrix?" with Saakshi Dulani.

"Wave Function Realism," to appear in Compêndio de Filosofia da Física Quântica, edited by R. Arroyo.