Install Debian onto ZyXEL NAS326

as of June 13, 2020

Download at Dropbox:


1. Format a new USB drive with a single Ext3 partition, and label it rootfs.  (assuming USB is /dev/sdd)

parted -s /dev/sdd rm 1

parted -s /dev/sdd mkpart primary ext3 "0% 100%"

mkfs.ext3  -L  rootfs  /dev/sdd1

2. Mount the drive on a Linux box. cd to top level directory and extract the rootfs. Assuming the USB drive is mounted at /media/sdd1

cd  /media/sdd1

tar  -xjf  /where/you/stored/Debian-5.2.9-mvebu-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2

3. Create uImage with DTB appended.

cd  /media/sdd1/boot

cp  -a  zImage-5.2.9-mvebu-tld-1  zImage.fdt 

cat  dts/armada-380-zyxel-nas326.dtb  >>  zImage.fdt

mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x8000 -e 0x8000 -n Linux-5.2.9-mvebu-tld-1 -d zImage.fdt uImage




umount  /media/sdd1

(from,88619 , B2 Installation)  

1. Use the Zyxel NAS326 instruction (came with the box) for logging as admin user through the web page of the box, set password, and Enable SSH.

Click "Control Panel"

"Terminal" (under Network section)

Click "Enable SSH Service"


2. Open a termimal and connect to the NAS326 with SSH, and login to the box as root user.

3. After logging in, get a listing of your current u-boot envs, and save it to a notepad in case you want to restore it later.


4. Enter the following commands (copy/paste each line to the stock OS command line).

fw_setenv curr_bootfrom 1

fw_setenv next_bootfrom 1

fw_setenv bootcmd_custom 'run usb_bootcmd; reset'

fw_setenv change_boot_part 1

fw_setenv usb_set_bootargs 'setenv bootargs "console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=2 $mtdparts earlyprintk=serial"'

fw_setenv usb_bootcmd 'echo Booting from USB ...; setenv fdt_skip_update yes; run usb_init; ext4load usb 0:1 $load_image_addr /boot/uImage ; ext4load usb 0:1 $load_dtb_addr /boot/dts/armada-380-zyxel-nas326.dtb ; ext4load usb 0:1 $load_initrd_addr /boot/uInitrd; run usb_set_bootargs; bootm $load_image_addr $load_initrd_addr'

And then list the u-boot envs again, and save it to a notepad in case there is problem with booting and it needs to be referenced.


5. Plug in the USB rootfs Debian-5.2.9-mvebu-tld-12-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2, and reboot




7. After a period of time, the NAS326 will start rebooting. Wait for about 30 seconds and login through SSH.

ssh root@debian

password is  "root" , change it!

passwd root

change hostname

echo "my-nas" > /etc/hostname


Update software

ssh root@my-nas

apt update

apt upgrade

apt install gdisk parted mdadm mutt exim4 acpid acpi-support


Format drives



The disk drives are attached to Sata hence "ata-"

for a in /dev/disk/*/*ata-? ; do echo ${a}  ; sgdisk -Z ${a} ; done

for a in /dev/disk/*/*ata-? ; do echo ${a}  ; sgdisk -Z ${a} ; done

for a in /dev/disk/*/*ata-? ; do echo ${a}  ; sgdisk -Z ${a} ; done

let dr=0 ; for a in /dev/disk/*/*ata-? ; do echo ${a}  ; parted -s ${a} mklabel gpt  mkpart NAS1boot_drive_${dr} ext4 "1 10G"  mkpart NAS1swap_drive_${dr} linux-swap "10G 11G"  mkpart NAS1data_drive_${dr} "11G -1" set 3 raid on ; let dr++ ; done

mdadm  --create  --verbose  /dev/md0  --auto=yes  --level=0  --raid-devices=2  /dev/disk/by-id/ata-*part3

mdadm -Es  >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

mkfs.ext4  -L  rootHD0  /dev/sda1

mkfs.ext4  -L  rootHD1  /dev/sdb1

mkfs.ext4  -L  NAS1data  /dev/md0

mkswap  -L  NAS1swap0  /dev/sda2

mkswap  -L  NAS1swap1  /dev/sdb2


Copy "root" ("/") from USB to disk drive(s)

mkdir  A1  B1

mount  /dev/sda1  A1

mount  /dev/sdb1  B1

rsync  -avPx  --exclude /lost+found  /  A1/

rsync  -avPx  --exclude /lost+found  /  A1/

rsync  -avPx  --exclude /lost+found  /  B1/

rsync  -avPx  --exclude /lost+found  /  B1/

umount  A1  B1

rmdir  A1  B1

fw_setenv usb_set_bootargs 'setenv bootargs "console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootHD0 rootdelay=2 $mtdparts earlyprintk=serial"'


The system should start boot from USB, then finish boot & run off of /dev/sda1 as "/" .

Edit  /etc/fstab  and set root and add RAID0 to system.  Add following line to /etc/fstab

LABEL=rootHD0      /               ext4    noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1

LABEL=NAS1data    /data            ext4 defaults 0 1

mkdir /data

mount -a

df -h

should show  /dev/md0  mounted at  /data  with many(?) TeraBytes available!


and verify everything is mounted.

Red LED to show System Available (optional)

edit  /etc/rc.local

#!/bin/sh -e## rc.local## This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other# value on error.## In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution# bits.## By default this script does nothing.
if [ -d /sys/class/leds/nsa326:red:sys ]; then   echo default-on  > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:red:sys/trigger   echo none        > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:white:sys/triggerfi
if [ -d /sys/class/leds/nsa326:white:sys ]; then#   echo default-on  > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:white:sys/trigger#   echo none        > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:red:sys/trigger   echo ide-disk1  > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:white:sata1/trigger   echo ide-disk2  > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:white:sata2/trigger   echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/nsa326:white:usb/triggerfi

Kernel update caveats

If the OS (kernel) is updated, it also needs to be updated on the USB stick BEFORE you reboot to disk again!

copy that somewhere

usb_set_bootargs  should be back to what it was at beginning of this section