Student Response Systems


The way that teachers used to interact with students in the past was difficult and ineffective. Contrarily to these conventional methods of communication and thanks to the modern technological enhancements to our daily life, we now have several means of communication that are highly effective and comfortable. One of these methods that chapter 14 talked about is Doodle. I was amazed by what this tool can do and achieve with the minimum effort from all the parties included in the process. has revolutionized how scheduling for events has become and how people organize their time and choose times of meetings. This tool is free for the most part and provides a free account sign up or users may sign in using their Google or Facebook account.

Once you are logged in, you may create a Doodle directly. The first thing that you need to provide is the date(s) of the meeting. After that, you need to list the meeting times for every date you chose in the previous step.


Once the dates and times are filled in, then you may only need to alter the optional settings or you are basically done. I like the alternative settings because they give you more control over who sees the input of the others, if a time slot can be chosen only once, and whether a participant may only choose one option only, etc.