President's Page

 Hello BEAUTIFUL Sisters,

As the current President of the Jacksonville First coast Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi, it is my pleasure to reach out to you, our cherished alumnae, to underscore the enduring significance of sisterhood and to extend a heartfelt invitation to engage with us.  

A little bit about me.....I was initiated into the Delta Rho Chapter, Ball State University in 1986.  I served as Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer and President.  My younger sister also pledged Alpha Phi at BSU my senior year and that was one of my happiest moments to see her walk into our suite with Alpha Phi across her chest and be accepted with open arms by my Alpha Phi sisters.  My Alpha Phi sisters are some of my closest and most cherished friends.  We have experienced many milestones together, both happy and sad, and are bonded for life.  Right after college I was involved in the Alpha Phi Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, and it helped support me as a recent college graduate to find a job and develop a social network.  As I have advanced in my career and moved around, Alpha Phi has helped me both socially and professionally to get my feet on the ground quickly in a new location.  When my family moved to Florida 10 years ago, we knew no one.  I felt lost with no network to rely on for business or social purposes.  I saw the Jacksonville First Coast Alumnae Chapter Facebook page and here I am today!

Alpha Phi is more than just a college experience.  The bonds we forged during our time on campus are lifelong, and the values of sisterhood, scholarship, and service continue to guide us throughout our lives.  As alumnae, we have the unique opportunity to enrich these connections, support one another, and contribute to the ongoing legacy of Alpha Phi. 

The Importance of Sisterhood

Sisterhood is at the heart of Alpha Phi.  It is the foundation upon which we build our relationships, support systems, and networks.  In the ever-changing landscape of our lives, the constant of sisterhood offers solace, strength, and a sense of belonging.  Whether you graduated last year or decades ago, the shared experiences and values of Alpha Phi unite us in a powerful and enduring bond. 

Join Us for Our Next Meeting or Activity

I warmly invite you to join us at our next Alpha Phi meeting.  It will be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect, meet new people, and plan for the future. 

Please join our Facebook Page, it is called “Jacksonville First Coast Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi, Our instagram presence is found at alphaphijaxfl, and also keep your eye on our website at:

Together, we can continue to foster the sisterhood that has shaped us into the women we are today and ensure that Alpha Phi remains a vibrant and supportive community for generations to come.  

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to Alpha Phi.  I look forward to seeing you soon and working together to strengthen our sisterhood.   If at any time you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

With Alpha Phi Love and Loyalty,

Stephanie Bender Harte, President 2024-26

Jacksonville First Coast Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi