Almudí, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2025, forth). Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter. Elgar Encyclopedia of Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. Elsner, W. and Waller, W. (Editors). Edward Elgar
Almudí, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2025, forth). Coevolution in economics. Elgar Encyclopedia of Institutional and Evolutionary Economics. Elsner, W. and Waller, W. (Editors). Edward Elgar
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F., Fernández-Márquez, C. M., Potts, J., Vázquez, F. J. and Von Hippel, E. (2025, forth). Open user innovation, producer innovation and industrial dynamics. An ABM approach. Working Paper.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2025, forth). Evolutionary Economic Theory. Routledge.
Almudi, I. Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2025, forth). A compass for the maze: Coevolution and Complexity economics in the wake of Giovanni Dosi. Perspectives on Complex Evolving Economies: Essays in Honor of Giovanni Dosi. Louca, F. Malerba, F y Marengo L. (Editors). Cambridge University Press
Almudi, I., Andaluz, J., Fatas‐Villafranca, F. Jarne, G. (2024). On the Dynamics of the Savings Ratio and the Employment Rate. SSRN: or
Almudi, I., Fatas‐Villafranca, F. and Vázque, F.J. (2024). The evolutionary political economy of dichotomized societies. SSRN: or
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. Foster, J. y Potts, J. (2024). Special Issue on Coevolution and Dynamic Processes. (Editors). Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 3 (5).
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. Foster, J. y Potts, J. (2024). Coevolution and Dynamic Processes: An introduction to this issue and avenues for future research. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy, 5 (3): 399-423.
Almudi, I and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2023). The Foundational Evolutionary Traverse of Richard R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter. Handbook of Evolutionary Economics. Dopfer, K., Nelson, R., Pyka, A. and Potts, J. (Editors). Routledge.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2023). Democracy as an evolutionary process. Handbook of Evolutionary Economics. Dopfer, K., Nelson, R., Pyka, A. and Potts, J. (Editors). Routledge.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2023, forth). Coevolution and Choice in Science and Technology Policy. In Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Industrial Dynamics and Evolutionary Economics (Eds. S. Vannuccini, U. Cantner and M.Guerzoni). Edward Elgar.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2022). Coevolution (in innovative economic systems). The Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation. Antonelli, C. (Editor). Edward Elgar.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2022). Sarewitz-Nelson Rules (for innovative choice and technology policy). The Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation. Antonelli, C. (Editor). Edward Elgar.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2021). Coevolution in Economic Systems. Elements in Evolutionary Economics. Potts, J. and Foster, J. (Editors). Cambridge University Press.
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F., Jarne, G. and Sanchez-Choliz, J. (2020). An Evolutionary Growth Model with Banking Activity. Metroeconomica, 71: 392-430.
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F., Fernández, C.M., Potts, J and Vazquez, F. J. (2020). Absorptive capacity in a two-sector neo-Schumpeterian model: A new role for innovation policy. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29: 507-531
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F., Palacio, J. and Sanchez, J. (2020). Pricing Routines and Industrial Dynamics. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 30: 705-739
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2019). Innovation, Structural Change and Multisectoral Economic Growth. In Demand, Complexity and long-run economic evolution (A. Chai and C. M. Baum, Eds.). Springer
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2018). Promotion and co-evolutionary dynamics in Contemporary Capitalist Societies. Journal of Economic Issues, 52 (1): 80-102.
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. Potts, J. and Thomas, S. (2018). Absorptive Capacity of Demand in Sport Innovation. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 27(4): 328-342.
Almudí, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F., Izquierdo, L.R. and Potts, J. (2017). The Economics of Utopia: A co-evolutionary model of ideas, citizenship and socio-political change. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 27: 629-662.
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. and Potts, J. (2017). Utopia competition: A new Approach to the micro-foundations of sustainable transitions. Journal of Bioeconomics, 19 (1): 165-185
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F., Jarne, G. and Sánchez, J. (2017). Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy within a Simple Dynamic Model. Metroeconomica, 68 (3): 425-464.
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. and Sánchez, J. (2016). A formal discussion of the Sarewitz-Nelson rules. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25(7): 714-730
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. and Izquierdo, L. R. (2013). Industry Dynamics, Technological Regimes and the Role of Demand. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23 (5), 1073-1098.
Almudi, I. and Fatas-Villafranca, F. (2012). Coevolución y Dinámicas de Transformación en las Sociedades Capitalistas Contemporáneas. Revista Empresa y Humanismo, 15 (2): 27-58.
Almudi, I., Fatas-Villafranca, F. and Izquierdo, L. R. (2012). Innovation, Catch-up and Leadership in Science-Based Industries. Industrial and Corporate Change, 21 (2): 345-375.
Almudi, I. and Sánchez, J. (2011). Environmental Identity and Intergenerational Equity. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 23 (Special Issue) F11: 19-36.
Almudi, I. and Sánchez, J. (2011). Sustainable use of renewable resources: An identity approach. Journal of Bioeconomics, 13 (2): 97-123.
Almudi, I. (2011). Preference Change and its Role in Renewable Resource Use. Dynamic Optimization Models for Green Identities. Lambert Academic Publishing
Almudi, I. and Sánchez, J. (2009). Identity and the optimal exploitation of renewable resources. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 15: 47-67.
Almudi, I. and Sánchez, J. (2006). Influencia social y sostenibilidad en el uso de recursos renovables. Revista de Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 6 (11): 23-47.