
This is the list of my working papers and publications in refereed journals from the last several years.  Other publications are listed in my CV.

Working papers

"The Effects of a Disability Employment Quota when Compliance is Cheaper than Definance" (with Judit Krekó), IZA Discussion Paper No. 15726. 

Publications in refereed journals

"Subsidy-Driven Firm Growth: Does Loan History Matter? Evidence from a European Union Subsidy Program" (with Ádám Banai, Tirupam Goel, Előd Takáts), Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.

"The Effects of Enterprise Relief Grants during COVID-19," Economics Letters, 234, 111482, 2024.

"The Effects of EU-Funded Enterprise Grants on Firms and Workers” (with Balázs Muraközy), Journal of Comparative Economics 51(1), 216-234, 2023

Public Wage Spillovers: The Role of Individual Characteristics and Employer Wage Policies, Labour Economics 55, 116-129, 2018.

Foreign Ownership and Wages: Evidence from Hungary, 1986-2008 (with John S. Earle, Gábor Antal), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 71(2), 458-491, 2017. (Appendix)

Where Does Privatization Work?  Understanding the Heterogeneity in Estimated Firm Performance Effects (with J. David Brown, John S. Earle), Journal of Corporate Finance  41, 329-362, 2016.  (Appendix)

Political Incentives and State Subsidy Allocation: Evidence from Hungarian Municipalities (with Balázs Muraközy), European Economic Review  89, 327-344, 2016.

Employment Adjustment in the Global Crisis: Differences between Domestic, Foreign and State-Owned Enterprises, Economics of Transition 24(4), 683-703, 2016.