

Acclaimed auteur Christopher Nolan directs this World War II thriller about the evacuation of Allied troops from the French city of Dunkirk before Nazi forces can take hold. Tom Hardy, Kenneth Branagh and Mark Rylance co-star, with longtime Nolan collaborator Hans Zimmer providing the score.

    • Rating:

    • Genre:

    • Directed By:

    • Written By:

    • In Theaters:

    • On Disc/Streaming:

    • Box Office:

    • Runtime:

    • Studio:

      • PG-13 (for intense war experience and some language)

      • Action & Adventure, Drama

      • Christopher Nolan

      • Christopher Nolan

      • Jul 21, 2017 Wide

      • Dec 19, 2017

      • $188,042,171

      • 107 minutes

      • Warner Bros. Pictures