Altar Servers

This is a group of individuals that support and help our Priest throughout the Mass. Our altar servers reflect the face of our youth within our parish during the mass and especially during the Eucharistic ceremony. We expect them to conduct themselves with grace and reverence. Our servers should be active and full participants in the celebration with the assembly. As Altar Servers they are committed to giving their time and talents to the parish community and their willingness to serve God’s people in the ministry. They set forth the example for all our youth to grow in spirit and within their faith.

El grupo de monaguillos es un grupo de individuos que apoyan y ayudan a nuestro sacerdote en la Santa Misa. Los servidores del altar reflejan a nuestros jóvenes dentro de nuestra parroquia durante la misa y en especial durante la ceremonia Eucarística con comportamiento de gracia y reverencia. Los monaguillos deben ser participantes activos en la celebración de la Misa junto con los feligreses. Como monaguillos se han comprometido a dar su tiempo y talento para la comunidad parroquial y su deseo de servir al pueblo de Dios en este ministerio.

:::Poster Artist: Mr. Alex Flores:::

Please contact the rectory if you or your child would like to be an Altar Server or would like more information about Altar Serving.