This is a supplemental page (Bells 4) which explores the bells early warning system (controlled by organist to sync with bell ringers upstairs); also, other bell related things tucked away in and around bell tower ground zero. . .

(Do open a new tab/s in your browser for Bells 1 Bells a-z and/or Glossary to keep up with any unfamiliar terms.)

click pics to ENLARGE


Six side ropes and one small bell attached to a thin cord.


A closer look...what do they do?


Clue: side ropes heading for ceiling cross a main bell rope. . .


. . .and again


To see what's going down we need to. . .


With the main ropes - into the belfry.


...look closer at organ area (notice six ropes up left alcove wall).


Also, hanging at organ comsole a thin cord. . .


. . .which disappears into the west alcove of the All Saints.


There it goes. . .


. . .and all is revealed (but not explained - see below)..


(Behind the brown door.)

Ground Control

SIX ROPES Behind the organ chamber a bell ringer can ring the bells by pulling ropes. Each of six ropes connects to an external bell striker for each bell housed in belfry. Bell ringer at ground level tightens striker ropes by moving a wooden grooved crossbar down. Having primed ropes they are then ready to be pulled alternately in pairs using two hands to grip first two ropes, then next two, then last two. Alternating sequence begins again at first two ropes position. Result is a continuous ringing of bells sequentially, one after the other (called a 'round').

ORGANIST BELL Handily placed next to organ console a connection snakes around organ chamber and on up north face of west alcove wall to a small bell in ringers room (as illustrated). This simple mechanism allows organist to cue ringers band in ringing room situated beneath belfry. The organist warning bell signals circle of bell ringers to begin pulling their bell ropes to coincide appropriately with unseen (by players above) proceedings below.

The next section of our vision quest (literally) takes us into the belfry (almost) and its not-been-photographed-before arcane mysteries. . .

Maiden Bradley Village website

Wikipedia - External Links

John Potts (owner) 31-07-13